What's beauty about?~Stendy (South Park.)

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Beauty...... beautiful by that standard. Compliment towards looks? I always found that it was hard to understand. Because beauty can be so different per person yet when you look it up, the examples are the same, perfection. Is it roses? Is it flowers? Women? Men? Wine? Family? Can we be more specific?
Warnings: Cursing and might be uncomfortable for some.
Ages: 16.
Stan's POV.

"I don't understand what beauty is."

I look over to Wendy as she sits down, taking back her controller.

"C'mon, Smash's waiting," She says.

I shrug and we start playing, choosing everything before it of course. There is a moment of silence between us.

"I'm not exactly sure what beauty is either. It's pleasing to the eye, I guess," I say.

"But why do they say 'beauty is on the inside' then?"

"Don't know, whole definition is confusing. And Finnish is confusing? At least those words are easy to know the meanings of."

"What's beauty to you?"

I shrug and hit her off the stage with Link.

"Hm.... depends on which one we're talking. Outside or inside?"

"Tell me both."

"Okay then. I think people are beautiful. Like, in general. I used to hate facial features and how personal they are, always preferring softer faces.... but nowadays, I think there is something nice to the difference between all of them. I don't know, I'm probably not making sense but just.... I hate the idea that people wanna change. You don't have to change, you can stay the same. If you haven't made a misstep, you can stay on that road. Don't know.... people are naturally different and the whole pressure, hell, especially in non-binary people, to look different is terrifying. Men and women have it as well but non-binary..... 'you're too masculine/feminine'. If Kenny taught me something, since they're bigender, it's that people are never satisfied with how you look, you always show too many traits of femininity/masculinity, they will never be satisfied... why try to change for them?"

"You're ranting."

"I know I am but that question is concerning to me when I know you're insecure. So to be honest, you are one beautiful person."

"Hah. I'm just a girl with small tits that plays video games but everyone still thinks fakes being a nerd."

"I hope I don't sound like I have stared if I say but goddamn, you've got perfectly healthy sized tits. Also. I think you being yourself and not feeding into the whole 'girls do makeup and boys play video games' is beautiful. Mainly because you're fun to play with, that's the biggest reason I have got. So yeah, I think you're beautiful."

"Nah. Red is."

"Oh Lord, no, don't make me sick."

I get hit off the stage, leaving both of us on our last.

"Okay. That's not nice towards Red."

"Sorry but it's my opinion. Red? Not my thing, never was. There is probably a deep reason for it but I liked you way more, you're fun and know that I don't mean shit when I yell stupid words at screens."


She obviously lost.

"Me or God?"


I laugh and just put my controller down for a moment.

"But yeah, beauty is a confusing concept. Roses are pretty beautiful I guess.... I never thought about it. I've always preferred homely things, the kind of things that bring memories. They are beautiful to me because the past is in the past and we ain't gonna change it anymore. But we can feel a while of it, it's almost a drug when something brings you back. I remember finishing middle school and the roses we were given. That's why I like roses. They bring me back to the days where there wasn't such a hurry to go and do whatever we needed to do. There wasn't a run to make to the library for a last minute report so we didn't fail completely. There wasn't a last moment hurry to find out what we had to do to get someone back."

There is a long silence between us.

"What's beauty about?"

I shrug.

"If I knew, I would say. I just don't understand the concept. Maybe the only thing I understand is that you remind me of home and you're beautiful. Kyle, in his own way, is like that as well. Kenny, everyone is a bit beautiful. If you speak about it romantically, you're probably the best example of that kind of beauty that is to me."

"Wait... really?"

"Yeah. You-you might doubt yourself but you are awesome and I adore the fact you are like you are. But let's be real, I'm probably gonna fuck that up.... but currently, I don't care so much for the whole sexual shit. I don't care for revealing, I mean it looks nice but I don't prefer it. It's nice to just sit down and play something or walk without 'hey I'm hot' being shoved in my face."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I've tried dating some girls.... no naming but um...... some people are growing up wanting to be well some things I prefer not to shame but y'know. Nothing wrong with that, just not my type."

"And I am?"

"Yes, for sure! You want to be something and I like that.... now I'm just outing myself here. I just like people who might not be confident but are interested in their futures. Don't know. It's why I'm friends with Ky, I have no idea where to go. Kenny has an idea but says waves will break his boat. He isn't confident in it and that's fine. But yeah. I like to think that's what beauty is: being yourself. It's not always appealing to me but I have a hell of a lot of respect for those people."

Wendy smiles and puts a hand on mine.

"Hey. Would you wanna try again?"

I nod and she leans in to kiss me.

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