Won't stop~Style (South Park.)

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Now, I'm going to be an asshole but Hello_Im_Crazy279 we talked about Sharon last night (like South Park Sharon) and the idea I had.... would you feel like you'd do it? It's so out of character for me but I'm really gonna do it if you don't wanna.
Warnings: Cursing and a bit sad I'd think. (See Jaybird? Angst is all I'm good for). It's sad when you realise the person I based Kyle on is a mix of a huge homophobe who told me to never talk to them again and an LGBTQA supporter that almost killed themselves and told me to never talk to them again... both of those people aren't effecting anything but good, how homely it all felt. Now really there is one person that can make me feel as homely, although that's because she's a great friend of mine.
Ages: 15.
Stan's POV.

He's laughing again. About something I said or something Wendy said? I don't know. Did I make him laugh?

"Hey dude. Earth calls spaceman Stan," he says.

I know he'll never know I love him. I'll just play it cool and even though the feeling won't go away, I'll stay. I know I will, understandably, he's completely straight and my Demi ass wouldn't get a chance.

"STAN! Everything okay, dude?" He asks.

"I-I'm just fine," I say.

Don't puke, don't puke, focus on not letting today's dinner out of your system.

"No you're not, Stan, you clearly are not," Wendy says.

I look at her. She knows, he's very shit at reading emotions but Wendy is amazing at just that.

"Wendy. If you dare-," I say.

Wendy laughs and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, Ky, we should take him home," Wendy says.

Wendy I fucking swear!

"Oh okay," Kyle says.

You are not this stupid, Ky, you just are not!

"Oh shit. Ken needs me over," Wendy says.

Wendy, no, don't leave, I beg of you!

"Bye," she waves at us.

"Bye," Kyle answers.

She leaves and when Kenny comes over, she whispers something and they both leave hand in hand, laughing. Can I have that someday?

"I'm not sick," I say, before Kyle can say anything more.

"You sure?" He asks.

"I would know my own health," I mutter.

"Yeah yeah, I know... but are you sure you don't feel sick at all?" He asks.

I feel like puking but if I told you that, you'd figure it out. You're the opposite of dumb, even if I haven't met someone as obsessed with 'no homo'.

"I'm fine," I say.

He look down at his hands.

"You can tell me," he says.

He sounds so heartwarmingly worried.... about me.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," he says, smiling towards me.

No...... I don't mean it like that!

"Wanna come over today?" He ask.

I nod and he pulls me up.

~if you guessed that I'm romanticising what could have happened if my friend wasn't straight, you are really correct. Time skip.~

I sit on his bed, waiting with my eyes to the floor. I'm staying over today, overnight.... if being with his every day wasn't torturing enough.

"Hey Ky," I say.

He looks at me.

"I-I. Will we be friends even if I do something stupid?" I ask.

I can't exactly say I would do something about falling for him but I'm still damn stupid for catching feelings.

"That... yes. You'd have to do something really stupid for me to abandon you," Kyle says.

He puts hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes. Damn I wish I learned to read eyes...

"But you could never get rid of me, Stan, I'm stuck in your life now," Kyle says.

I roll my eyes.

"You can't exactly forget me anymore, not naturally. Amnesia and shit still exist but.. any other way, we've known each other for too long for you to forget me just....completely," Kyle says.

I roll my eyes again.

"And I will never forget you. I know I won't. Mainly because you're my best friend right now and I don't think it's possible to form the same kind of trust with anyone else," Kyle says.

I nod. He takes me in for a hug. I hug him, letting a few tears out.

"Ssh. Don't cry, it's okay," he mutters.

"How dare you be such a good person?" I ask.

"Wha-?" He asks.

"Seriously. How dare you?" I ask.

I sigh and take my phone. He looks at me as I type it out, sending it to him.

'How fucking dare you be so beautiful? How dare you make me fall in love with you?'

He stares at the message for a moment, as if thinking what to do. I get more anxious every second he reads it over. My heart almost jumps out of my chest when he start laughing, full heartedly laughing, putting the phone away.

"What are you so nervous for, dude?" He asks.

I look at him, really confused.

"I don't know how to say this to you but.... whatever you feel for me doesn't make you anything different. You're not suddenly someone I'd hate, you can't help it," he says.

Is he turning me down? Well at least he's making the blow a little softer than screeching faggot like some people would.

"I'm maybe not in love with you like you are," he says.

He takes my hand.

"But you're a nice boy and I'd be willing to see if I would catch feelings, at least stronger feelings," he says.

Don't puke.

"Because I know I feel something for you. You just.... you have it figured out, unlike me. So just wait for me, I'm not going to jump into a relationship," he says.

I nod and he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"But I promise that I am going to figure it out," Kyle says.

I nod and he hugs me.

"Thanks for telling me," he mutters.

I put my arms around him.

"Of course," I say.

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