Writers block~Stylenny (South Park.)

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I don't even know what ship this is yet, just subscribe to Pewdiepie. He's the king! Nine years old and proud!
Warnings: Most definitely cursing and probably sexual humour (no plan RN.)
Ages: Fuck.... 19?
Kenny's POV.

Fuck writers block, there is nothing worse than IT. I do a book in a few months if this doesn't happen. FUCK!

"You okay?"

I turn around to Stan.

"Yeah... just.... can't tell what should happen next."

"Don't have a plan?"

"I do but it's sort of this weird feeling of me being unable to think of anything at all."

"But then go by the plan."

"I have to fill shit it."

"No you don't, that would be so stupid to think about. And if you really do, it only means that you should go with whatever you feel like. That's just it."

"I guess, I just feel like I can't get through anything right now."

"What have you got so far then?"

"Just a bit of an opening."

He takes a chair and sits next to me.

"You can make this sentence longer, you should probably describe if that is what you want to do."

He smiles.

"It's fine to have five word sentences.... it's just much more challenging... let's call it challenging.... to do longer and better sentences."

I nod and change it.

"Other than that, this is talking.... don't repeat and repeat which character is talking. It's a mistake everyone makes but this is first person. You don't have to constantly say names."

I nod.

"Also, here, I would cut the idea of this out. It doesn't seem to have any relevance and it's important to keep someone interested by moving fast and technically running through sentences. For example, this plot in your notes? Too long, way too long. That results in an unreadable story for those with problems and those that don't find it interesting. You can sharpen it."

I nod yet again.

"Then the better idea would be to, when describing someone, use more mainstream words unless it's placed in the past. The idea of you making it so stupidly complicated.... isn't very appealing. You can use different words, a lot of people do.... but please don't do this thing when it becomes extremely pretentious. The whole idea of writing is making it at least slightly enjoyable, don't make them confused. Your ideas are meant to be enjoyable enough to be readable but when you use words everyone on this planet needs to google to understand.... say something like beautiful instead of using these words that take half a page and even more time to read. You don't have to use these stupidly complicated things to fit in, this isn't your writing style, you do so much better, I've seen you do great things with a different style but you really can't do anything."

"Oh wow, that hurt."

"I'm just telling the truth. If you want to try the Stephen King approach, don't make this writing style come with you. You are used to making short sentences, sure... but you do so much better when you can fly through words without stopping to press a stop to it. That's clearly your style, use that. It's charming.... your writing style that is... it has a lot to it in a way. But in many other ways, you have a very shitty and annoying one, mainly when you change format. It's clear you can't handle certain ones."

"I can handle this!"

"You're having writers block, that means you can't."

"Watch me!"

He kisses my cheek.

"I gotta see it then. For now, it only looks very shitty."

"Oh shut up!"

He laughs and leaves the room.

"Come eat with us soon!"

"I have to get the chapter done first."


I change it up a bit. Shouldn't challenge me, ever. Because I got full speed to show that I am not bad at this. I'm really not bad at anything if that's what you think. I'm very good at writing, in my own way, and I wanna show that if he doesn't believe me. Can't handle a format? Fuck that! I can do any fucking format ever, you cannot fucking stop me when I'm on a roll. I just start not understanding that format.


I sigh.

"I'm kinda working."

He laughs.

"Stan mentioned. I just came over to see what you are getting done."

I laugh and show him. He reads it, fast as ever, smiling every ones and again at a certain use of a word.

"You need a dictionary."

"I know my words."

"Eloquent put," Kyle says.

He points at a very particular sentence which I'm not very proud of.

"Oh come on, it's one sentence."

"It shouldn't be. There are others, look a little closer. Plus, it shouldn't have any. You give off the impression that you don't know English."

I sigh and change it.

"But I mainly came to ask if your writers block is over yet."

I look at him.

"Yeah. How so?"

"That's good, that's the reason we came here in the first place. Stan could be more convincing with his criticism so I let him come and give you inspiration."

"You planned it?"

"Of course, I know what happens when you grow up with siblings. You're naturally competitive and that's why when you make your job prove something, you can do it better than ever."

Holy shit.

"I love you both, seriously, I never realised that," I say.

He laughs.

"I know you. So does Stan. That's why we will always know what to do. But most of our criticism is real, you aren't a perfect writer."

"I know that. But really. Could I get two better boyfriends?"

"Nope," Stan says, popping the p.

I kiss him, smiling.

"Thank you. I was scared I was going to fall behind the schedule."

Kyle rolls his eyes.

"I did something too, don't try to pretend Stan is the only one."

I laugh and kiss him as well.

"You two do your thing, I have a lot of things to do right now."

They both laugh and go to leave the room.

"Eat later then."

"I will."

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