Nice Job!

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Nico POV:


I grasped my sword tightly, ready for anything. Any moment now...suddenly a loud whistle boomed across the forest, signaling the start of the game. I bolted forward, carrying myself to where I anticipated the flag would be.

  Two kids, around twice my size approached from my left side, both carrying daggers; Members of the blue team. I hastily raised my sword, preparing to strike. The first guy ran up to me, raising his dagger and pluning it down toward me, I was stealthy enough to roll away.

  The second one ran at me,  dagger in one hand, balled fist in the other.  I slashed my sword in his direction cutting a whole in his shirt. The first guy came up from behind me, running towards me in a rage.

  The tree! It was currently sunset so I would use this to my advantage. Before the two could even touch me, I slipped away to the safe shadows of the tree. Meanwhile the two boys ran into each other at full speed. On collision they both smacked against the grass.

  "Nice job!" A radiant voice admired from behind.

  "Thanks" I continued, "but aren't you on the other team, Solace?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw him shrug. A weak smile crept up on my lips. What was he doing to me?

  He dashed away moments later, his footsteps echoing the woods. I ran the other way, where he came from and saw the flag in the distance. My feet quickly picked up the pace, taking me as fast as I could.

  "You want this flag, Di Angelo?" Clarisse La Rue. A smirk danced on thier lips. "Come and get itttt" they taunted from a distance. I knew it was a trap so I had another plan. I slowed started walking toward them, casually slow.

  They seemed confused by my pace, assuming I'd be in a rush to get the flag. Instead of moving closer to them and rushing for the flag, I turned toward the tree beside me and started climbing. I secured myself on a branch, holding myself up on the tree.

  "Hey! What are you doing!" They called from below. As if perfectly timed, three red players ran out from the bushes, trying to get the flag. Clarisse faught them off with thier spear, forcing the three back.

  I used this opportunity to slowly climb down from the tree. One of the attackers swung her sword toward Clarrise, the two dueling for a brief moment. I made my way down from the tree, trying to be as silent as possible.

  The three advancers were all trying to grab the flag, Clarrise barley holding them at bay. I walked through the trees, looping around to behind Clarrise and the flag. I watched from a distance as they battled, one attacker retreating from injury. I slowly crept up to the blue flag that was hanging on a post.

Whistle! The game was over? The blue team had won? I looked in the direction of our flag, making my way thier. I heard chants as I approached. "WILL!" "GO WILL!" YEAHH". Will was grinning politely thought he seemed overwhelmed at the attention. I almost had it I thought... Almost..

"Hey Nico!" Will shouted! The chanting had dived down and everyone was doing their own thing. "Hi" I replied, looking in his direction. "Nice job" I imitated, mocking him from earlier. "Thanks!" He smiled. I really hated that I lost, so close to victory but if he was happy I guess I could live..

Everything seemed nice for a few days after ward, no sign of the shadow. I had wrote another anonymous note to Will and to my suprise, he replied. In the note he asked who I was and told me where the shirt was from, since I mentioned it in a previous note. Hopefully he didn't suspect it was me. If he did...

the whole point in writing the letters was because it was anonymous. He wouldn't know and nobody else would. I had a hard time even accepting I may have feelings for Will, anyone at camp finding out just felt somehow worse.


A/N! Sorry for not updating in like forever. I'm working on another book about my OCS and I've just been busy with family and mental health stuff. I will be updating more often but you don't gotta worry because this story won't be super long and I think it's maybe more than halfway done? Depends if I write any fillers chapters like this one or just chapters that move the plot! We will see :)

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