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(Y/n) POV

I couldn't believe my eyes I was looking at a Jedi who should have been dead since the old Republic. Revan. He chuckled at my expression and walked towards me until he was just a few feet away from me

(Y/n) : "This cannot be happening... h-how are you here."

Revan : "I am here because you are here, you see the spot you are sat on is a powerful area from which the force flows. While I have been watching throughout your life I noticed you had a special connection with that Padawan girl, what was her name... *Clicks his fingers* Ahsoka Tano that's her name."

(Y/n) : *sweating* "What do you know about me and Ahsoka?"

Revan : "Come you (Y/n), you know what I'm talking your hidden feelings for her."

(Y/n) : "Aaaahhhh... Fine yes I like her, and more than a friend. I've had these feelings for her, for a long time, and I was worried that if Mace Windu found out he would try to separate us, so I hid my feelings for her. There happy." *Crosses his arms*

Revan : "Yes very." *Sits down next to (Y/n)* "Its alright too feel these things for her in my opinion. I once had a love of my life, I miss her dearly. Use your feelings as an anchor to the lightside, but keep the balance in the force that you have. You have a connection to the force like no other Jedi, you let it flow through you and go with the flow, you let yourself open for it to flow through you."

(Y/n) : "Thanks for the compliments, so what are you here for anyway, not just to tell me to tell Ahsoka about my feelings, but for something else."

Revan : "I want to help you master electric judgement, and to tell you something that connects both of us."

(Y/n) : "And what is it that connects us?"

Revan : " We are family."

I looked at Revan with wide eyes. We're family... that means I'm his descendent and part of his blood line and Jedi heritage.

(Y/n) : "I'm your descendent!"

He nodded and got up, he then used the force to pick the Holocron that my master gave me and opened it with the force, he then gestured for me to stand up.

Revan : "Come on, if you want to master this ability fast, we need to start now."

(Y/n) : "Fair enough, let's get started, by the way can I ask one question, before we begin?"

Revan : " Ask away."

(Y/n) : "Do you know who the Sith Lord is, I know it isn't Count Dooku, so it has to be someone else?"

Revan : "I do not know who it is, let me guess the darkside keeps you from finding out who it is?"

(Y/n) : "Yeah, but I'll find out who it is soon enough, let's start."

Revan : " Agreed."

For the next few days we watched the lessons that my master had recorded on electric judgement and how to use it. And every time one lesson ended, I would try to use and I was getting better, really fast, because it seems my strong connection to the force gave me the ability to learn it at a fast pace. When we finished the teachings of the Holocron, I then got up and turned to face an ice wall, I then lifted my handed and closed my eyes focusing my emotions, I then hear the crackle of electricity on my hand, I then opened my eyes and blasted a massive burst of saffron yellow lightning from my hand at the wall, and when the bolts connected with the ice, it exploded in a bit cloud of white mist, I then looked at my hand in excitement and look to Revan, who was clapping at my achievement. He then walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Revan : " Well done (Y/n), you managed to master a powerful force ability in just a few hours."

(Y/n) : "Thank you, I never thought I would master this ability in just a short space of time."

Revan : "I know, but you did. And when are you going to confess your feelings to Ahsoka?"

(Y/n) : "Probably when I get back and she feels the same way, I can feel it."

Revan : "Well you best get going." *Begins walking away*

(Y/n) : "Wait! Will I ever see you again!"

Revan : "Most likely. Till we meet again."

He then starts walking away, into the darkness until he finally disappears. I then proceed to go back to meditating until I am called back to the temple.


After my Jedi knighting I make my to Ahsoka's room and knock on the door.

Ahsoka : "Hey (Y/n) congratulations on your Knighting."

(Y/n) : "Thanks Ahsoka, by the way there's something I need to talk to you about..."

To be continued

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