Shadow of Malevolence

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(Y/n) POV

While the Admiral was talking about the briefing on how we are going to stop The Malevolence, I was nearby working on my starfighter, it was a Mandalorian Fang-fighter given to me by my parents, they painted it in my clans color, orange and black. On the two wing parts the left side had my clan symbol and the right side had my squadron symbol on it. When I got it, it was just a standard fang-fighter, so I decided to upgrade it, by removing the functions for the wings to spin round in a circle and give the wings to move up and down, to allow me to make certain maneuver's while flying and I even installed an extra seat as well to allow someone else to fly with me as well and when I finished I walked over to my master, Anakin and Ahsoka.

3rd POV

Plo-koon : "Skywalker this an aggressive plan are you sure your squadron can complete this mission."

Anakin : "Lets ask the Matchstick, you think our boys can pull it off."

Matchstick : "Yes Sir! There hasn't been a mission Shadow Squadron couldn't complete."

Trooper : "That's right, little causalities, maximum damage, that's us."

Plo-koon : "I admire your confidence pilots, even so little causalities maybe enough to prevent you from breaking Grievous defense's." 

Ahsoka : "Master Plo is right with Grievous on that ship its bound to be well protected."

(Y/n) : "I agree with Ahsoka, we don't know what to expect."

Anakin : "Don't worry you two will destroy that bridge along with Grievous as well."

Plo-Koon : "Master Skywalker seems to inspire great confidence in his men."

Ahsoka : *chuckles* "Well he does lead by example."

Plo-Koon : "It also reminds me of you (Y/n)."

(Y/n) : "Thanks."

Ahsoka : "Hey (Y/n)?... Is it ok if you show me your starfighter."

(Y/n) : "Yeah sure come on, I'll show you the modifications I made to it."

(Y/n) and Ahsoka then made their way to his starfighter, while walking very close together while joking about all the fun times they had together when they were younglings, and as they were walking Plo-Koon kept looking at them smiling through his mask and happy that the two were close, he knew that this connection was forbidden in the Jedi Order, but knew that the connection between him and Ahsoka only made him stronger.

Plo-Koon : '(Y/n)... I believe you are ready to become and Jedi Knight... and continue your journey with Ahsoka.'

Plo-Koon then walks away to prep his fighter for the trip and battle.

Time-skip (Y/n) POV

As me, Anakin and Ahsoka were walking by the bombers.

Ahsoka : "Which ones mine."

Anakin : "Your with me, you'll be my gunner."

Ahsoka : *Gives Anakin and skeptical look*

Anakin : "Somebody's got to watch my back."

Ahsoka : "Broadside can do that, beside you have R2."

R2 : *Beeps*

Anakin : "But I sooo enjoy your company my Padawan."

Ahsoka : "Just admit it you don't like my flying."

Anakin : "No I... no it's not that it's just... uh"

Ahsoka keeps giving Anakin a look and he starts to sweat, I'm barely able to contain my giggle, but he then turns to me.

Anakin : "(Y/n) a little help here."

(Y/n) : *giggle starts to escape* "Nope your on your own here Skyguy, I'm enjoying this way to much."

Admiral : "The enemy ship has attacked our convoy ships of medical transports near Rendelya."

Ahsoka : "Medical transports, only Grievous would go after clones who can't fight back."

Anakin : "The Rendelya system, near Naboo, isn't that near where our medical base is, I bet that will be his next target."

(Y/n) : "If they destroy that medical station we will have nowhere to send our wounded."

Plo-Koon : "There are many star clusters in that area, with ship that big they'll be unable to chart a course less then 10 parsecs."

Anakin : "Looks like were gonna have to take a short-cut, Admiral alert that station what's coming."

Plo-Koon : "This journey maybe treacherous, if you lose any ships before you reach the target-"

Anakin : "We won't lose any body."

Plo-Koon : "Then me and my padawan will come along fly fighter escort."

(Y/n) : "Yup where he goes I go."

Anakin : "Any help is welcome you two, just try to keep up."

Ahsoka : "I had a feeling you two were coming, Master Plo your ship has already been prepped."


(Y/n) POV 

I got in my starfighter and fly behind the bombers.

Plo-Koon : "Fighter escorts ready."

(Y/n) : "Same here all systems go. This is gonna be great."

We then enter Hyperspace, and since I didn't have a droid, I put the coordinate's in manually.


(Y/n) POV

We then came out of hyperspace near a... large nebula, this was Anakin's short-cut seriously.

Anakin : "Ok if we can just manage to navigate through my short-cut well be alright."

(Y/n) : "Hey Anakin, you failed to mention your short-cut involved a giant nebula!"

Plo-Koon : "A nebula can be very unpredictable, I advise caution."

Trooper : "Don't worry commander we can hold our own, right shadow squadron."

Trooper : "Copy that Shadow 2."

Ahsoka : "Does anyone care what the padawan thinks?"

(Y/n) : "I do soka, I think everyone's opinions matter."

Ahsoka : *smiles and blushes a little due to (Y/n)'s nickname* "Thanks (Y/n)."

Anakin : "Of course we do snips, but were still going through that nebula."

(Y/n) : "Anakin, have I mentioned how much I dislike your ideas."

We then enter the Nebula.


Shadow 2 : "This stuff is thick, can you see anything?"

Anakin : "Just keep you eyes on my thruster Shadow 2."

Ahsoka : "You'll have too, the scanners aren't working."

(Y/n) : "This is old fashioned flying Ahsoka, you have to feel your way through to stay on course."

Plo-Koon : "(Y/n) is right Ahsoka, clear you mind young one and you will see the path."

Ahsoka : "Well right now I can't see anything."

(Y/n) : "You'll see it in time Ahsoka, just be patient."

Ahsoka : "So Skyguy how did you know about this short-cut."

Anakin : "It's an old smuggler route, pilots used to talk about back on Tatooine."

Ahsoka : "Smugglers route." *groans* "That makes me feel better."

(Y/n) : "Wait, hold what's was this route called again."

Anakin : "They call it Almora run."

(Y/n)/Plo-Koon : "Almora Run."

(Y/n) : "Anakin are you insane!!"

Ahsoka : "I'm picking up a contact."

Plo-Koon : "Skywalker listen to me we need to turn around."

(Y/n) : "Agreed my parents told me about this route and said it is very dangerous."

Anakin : "We can't, not if were gonna catch Grievous."

Ahsoka : "Another contact this one is much bigger."

Plo-Koon : "Skywalker the Almora is the nesting ground of the giant Nevling Mantis."

Ahsoka : "Another, another !!" *Gasps*

Just then something came out of the mist and I can see why my parents warned me about this.

Anakin : "Take evasive action!!"

I then go under the creature and once past it we enter and part of the nebula which looks like an eye of a storm.

Ahsoka : "Those gas gulpers are huge."

Plo-Koon : "Don't shoot or they'll panic."

Ahsoka : "They'll panic, I'm about to panic."

(Y/n) : "Ahsoka, I know your scared but you have to calm down, alright?"

Ahsoka : "Ok, I'll try."

Matchstick : "There are so many of them."

(Y/n) : "Matchstick!! Lookout!!"

Matchstick : "Huh ? Whoa!!"

Matchstick looks in front just in time for him to dodge a gas gluper without it hitting him.

Matchstick : "Phew, thanks commander, that was too close."

(Y/n) : "We have to get out of here quickly!!"

Anakin : "All wings line up behind me."

Troopers : "Roger that boss."

Everyone then proceeds to to line up behind Anakin with me at the back, and we then proceed to maneuver our way though the swarm.

Plo-Koon : "Hurry, they will not follow us beyond the nebula."

Ahsoka : "That one looks hungry."

Anakin : "Nah, its just smiling at you."

Ahsoka : "Were coming out of it."

We then exit the nebula.

Ahsoka : "Let's hope your short-cut paided off."

(Y/n) : "Yeah that was too close."

Anakin : "Were not far behind Grievous now."

(Y/n) : "I hope so."

(Y/n) : " Matchstick nearly got hit, did anyone lese get hit."

Trooper : "Negative."

Trooper : "No damage here."

(Y/n) : *Sighs in relief* "That's a good thing we need everyone if we want this mission to go well, and Anakin no more short-cuts, next time I choose the route."

Plo-Koon : "We must not take anymore unnecessary risks, if we lose even a single ship our mission is that much closer to failure."

Anakin : "I understand master Plo, but we didn't lose any ships and I didn't-"

Trooper : "Sir! Another contact."

Ahsoka : "I thought those things wouldn't follow us."

Trooper : "Not following, coming out of hyperspace, its a ship, its the Malevolence."

(Y/n) : "Everyone get ready."

I then see a familiar purple light appear and see an energy field fire towards the medical transports.

I then see enemy fighters.

Ahsoka : "We've got fighters coming in."

We then begin to fire back and dodge blaster bolts coming from the enemy fighters. I fire back and hit a few before I see the ion canon charging.

(Y/n) : "We have to avoid that ion canon."

Ahsoka : "Incoming."

(Y/n) : "Everyone pull up now."

we all then proceed to try and go over the energy field but it was going to be tight. 

Anakin : "Give it everything you've got."

(Y/n) : "Matchstick you good."

Matchstick : "Yes sir just trying to keep it together."

(Y/n) : "You can make, just a little further."

We made over the energy field and Matchstick did as well.

Anakin : "Shadow squadron check in."

(Y/n) : "Shadow 6,7, 8 and 10 were caught in blast. They are disabled."

Just then the Malevolence's blasters fire at us and it was a lot.

Plo-Koon : "Stay on course."

Trooper : "This fire is heavy."

Anakin : "All deflectors double front."

Ahsoka : "We need a new plan."

Anakin : "We can make it Ahsoka, just hang in there."

(Y/n) : "Anakin it's too much firepower the others can't take much more of this, Ahsoka's right we need a new plan."

Anakin : "Watch those towers boys."

Trooper : "Were too close loosen up- arrrggghhh."

I saw them crash and was immediately horrified by the loss of a squad mate.

(Y/n) : "No guys!! Dammit!!"

Ahsoka : "You can make it, but everyone else is getting shot down."

Ahsoka : "Master!!"

(Y/n) : "We can't take much more of a beating like this."

Plo-Koon : "If we do enough damage the weapon may overload when Grievous tries to fire."

Anakin : "Shadow squadron new target, will take down the starboard ion cannon."

(Y/n) : "Now that is a plan I can agree with."

We then make our way to the ion cannon so that we can take it out.

(Y/n) : "Just a little further guys come on!!"

Anakin : "Torpedo's away."

we then fire all the torpedo's we have at the weapon and it is a direct hit.

(Y/n) : "Alright lets get out of here."

I then turn back to see the weapon overload and explode.

(Y/n) : "Ha, we got it."

Anakin : "Nice work Shadow Squadron, nice work Ahsoka."

Just then Obi-Wan and his three Republic War ships came out of  hyperspace. After he and Anakin spoke I flew my fighter into the hanger bay of Obi-Wans ship and got of of the cockpit and streched and I then saw my Master come up to me.

Plo-Koon : "(Y/n) I am proud of you today not only did you help stop and enemy weapon today, but you also looked out for those around you like Matchstick and even Ahsoka." *looks at Ahsoka* "You reassured your friend when she was in stressful state and even saved one of your squad mates life from a gas gulper. So I want you to know that I think you are ready to take on the Jedi Knight trials."

(Y/n) : *eyes widen* "You really think so."

Plo-Koon : *puts a hand on your shoulder*  "I know so."

(Y/n) : *Hugs Plo-Koon and he is surprised* "Thank you master."

Plo-Kon : *Hugs back* "Your welcome my Padawan."

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