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A week later, Marinette hadn't made up her mind yet. Adrien was leading her down the street with a blindfold over her eyes, his hands on hers as he guided her. "Okay," he stopped her and she giggled. "Open."

Marinette took the blindfold off and looked at her newly constructed greenhouse. She looked at Adrien and he nervously laughed. "You fixed it."

"Yeah," he pulled out a yellow rose from behind his back, tucking it behind her ear."I thought you might like it."

"Thank you, Adrien," she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his, blush spreading across their cheeks. Marinette pulled away and blushed more. "So much."

"N-No problem," he laughed. "So are we..."

"Yeah," Marinette shook her head, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "I made up my mind." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"It's about time." He laughed lightly, kissing her forehead.

• • •

"What the hell Adrien!" Marinette shouted at the top of her lungs, Adrien with a hand over his mouth, tears in his eyes and flowers clutched in his hand. It was just a simple mistake, but it was such a big one not to make a big deal about. "Are you only with me because I look like Bridgette?" Tears started to stream down her face as Adrien darted his wide eyes to hers. He accidentally called her Bridgette after two weeks of dating.

"No," his voice was as unsure as a fork in the road. "Maybe, I don't know. I-I'm sorry." His voice was soft, shaking and about to break.

The cold fall breeze blew through Marinettes room as he stood at her chaise, Marinette by her desk as the wind blew through her open round window, blowing her hair to the side, getting caught on her face and neck. "What do you mean maybe?"

"I-I," he couldn't find words to describe what he was going through. "You look like her and she's just stuck in my head. You don't sound like her, at all, and your skin is better then hers and everything about you is better then her but I can't get it out of my mind that you look like her. I-I-I'm sorry." He dropped the flowers and rushed out of her room, out of the house and down the street. Soon meeting the front gates of his house and them opening up, Adrien running inside collapsing on the ground of his room as soon as he bursted through his room doors.

• • •

Adrien bit his lip as he waited for Marinette at the front of hr school the next day. He waited under a tree, a hoodie over his head with his head down. He wore his usual hoodie that Marinette always knew was him. Marinette walked out of the school with Alya and Nino, him bringing his head up and Marinette walking faster while Nino and Alya walked in another direction. "Marinette wait."

"Just go away. You've said enough." Everyone at school still believed she was blind.

"No I haven't," he created a speech for her. "Come back here."

"No." She kept walking. Adrien growled and tore his hood off of his head and ran to her, grabbing her shoulders and looking her in the eyes as people on the street and around the school looked at the two, Alya and Nino coming out of their hiding spot to watch with the others.

"I love you Marinette. No one else. I messed up when I called you Bridgette and I know I messed up when I said I was with you because if her but you're nothing like her and I can't make you her. You're smart and clever and amazing and beautiful and I can't help but love you more because of that. Bridgette was limited and she said she couldn't do a lot of things because of her eyes but you, you went beyond what she did. You did things she wouldn't even think of doing and I can't help but love you for that, Marinette."

"You hurt me."

"I know, and I messed up. I'm so so sorry I did that and I know that can't fix anything but I only love you." Marinette just looked at her feet, finding them more interesting then Adriens watery eyes.

"I-I don't think I can forgive you that easily."

He dropped his hands from her shoulders, Marinette almost immediately missing the contact. "I don't expect you too. But please, just think about it." He pulled his hood up and walked away, soon running as the swarm of girls chased him. Marinettes heart beat faster as she walked home with cameras flashing around her and people shouting questions for her to answer.

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