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Back at the farm the sun was setting down and little Chuck's family has arrived to the farm and the little rascal known as Chuck was seen wandering off into the forest were luckily Rooster was there.

Rooster was taking Chuck back to the barnyard (no reference intended) but little did they know that a mysterious figure was following them. The figure was slowly following them. The bushes were starting to rattle that it caught the attention of both now anxious people of interest.

"Uh hello?, anyone there?" Rooster asked scared to death, Chuck was holding onto Rooster about to start shedding some tears, "Doggie what is that?" Cried Chuck. Rooster then starts to growl at the figure. "You better back off or I will... I will." Rooster trying his best to be wise and brave in front of Chuck to protect him from the mysterious figure. The bushes then start to rattle even harder as the figure revealing to be the same fox from the day Rooster has his injury. Rooster unfortunately couldn't hold off and then took Chuck on his back and started to run off the to the farm as they are being chased by the same Fox.

Back at the farm, Hamm was approaching Roxy with a batch of followers into his muzzle. "Oh Hamm.." Roxy said someone romantic to Hamm. "Oh hi there Roxy, listen I was really wondering if you are interested in going to the party that Old Rocky was holding tonight?" Hamm asking out Roxy to a party that is being held tonight. "I'm not sure Hamm. You seem my type of dog but you are a big jerk towards Rooster." Roxy replied. "But he's such a coward! No ones gonna ever date a clumsy dog like him!" Hamm angrily yelled. "Ok look I'll go out with you to the party tonight. Under the condition that you be nice to Rooster from now on... or better yet how about we take him with us to the party?" Roxy told Hamm.

"Ughh! Fine Roxy!" Hamm disappointingly replies. "Speaking of him. Where is he?" Hamm asked where Rooster was. Back to our endangered heroes, Chuck was grabbing to Roosters back crying, Rooster was running as hard as he can to get away from the Fox. "It's ok Chuck we are almost home, just hold on harder and then we'll be safe." The welsh sheepdog told the toddler. Rooster had a massive adrenaline rush to the farm and he was in sight of the farm. "Almost home!" Rooster yelled. However he would not get home in one piece as he accidentally tripped off a rock which sent him and Chuck rolling down the hill

The fall would last about a few seconds and would hurt Chuck badly.. "oh no!" Rooster yelled as Chuck began to cry "oh crap, oh crap what do I do?" The welsh sheepdog started to panic, he then started to bark crazy to get the attention of the dogs or the humans.

At the farm there was a dinner outside with the family and the dogs. Farmer Shep started to pass out the food to the guests and passed down some chicken bones to both Hamm and Roxy. While eating their food both Hamm and Roxy started to discuss their plans at the party at Old Rocky's house. "So exactly tell me how we are going to get out of the farm Hamm.." Roxy asked Hamm. "Well it's simple Roxy darling.. we-". "Don't you dare call me darling Hamm". Roxy growled at Hamm. "As I was saying.. Roxy once the family leaves and our master goes to bed we will sneak out of the farm. I already got someone who will give us directions to the party." Hamm explains to Roxy his plan on sneaking out. "Ok then..." Roxy replied somewhat finding the plan extremely ridiculous.

However the feast and the conversation between the two dogs would be interrupted by some barking in the distance. "Oh what the hell is going on?!" Farmer Shep yelled. Back at the incident Rooster was barking hard as he could hoping someone would hear him. Luckily he got his wish. "Rooster what is going on?" Shep asked Rooster. "Rooster! Did you bite Chuck?" "Wait no I didn't!" Farmer Shep is angry at Rooster for thinking he snapped at Chuck. "

"Uncle Shep... the evil doggy gave me a bite." Chuck said to Farmer Shep however he was talking about the fox but Shep was thinking about Rooster. "Rooster I'm very disappointed in you. I let you back to the work, and I made sure I treated you right.. and this is how you repay me?!" Shep is pissed at Rooster. "You know what you don't seem worthy of being the Alpha Dog at the farm! I'm going to need that bandana back." He then proceeds to remove the bandana from Rooster.

"What is going on here.. oh my goodness Rooster did you bite Chuck!? Roxy saw Rooster at the scene. "Wait Roxy I can exp-" "No I think this explains it all." Roxy said in bitter disappointment. "Hamm was right about you.. you are not worthy of being the alpha dog of the farm. I'm going out with Hamm!" Roxy yelled. Rooster right now is feeling very hurt and doesn't know what to do right now. His owner doesn't seem to love him right now and his crush is disappointed in him and is now dating his rival. All Rooster can even think of is sadness and depression. "Oh screw my life right now!" Rooster then proceeds to head back to his bed and starred to cry bad about what just happened. "Oh what I'm going to do. I wish I can tell everyone that it wasn't me that bit Chuck." Rooster exclaimed as he started to shut his eyes crying and thinking.

A/N: Oh my Rooster is in a lot of heat after now losing his position as the future alpha dog, his love of his of life now disappointed in him and dating his rival. Rooster will have to find a way to explain what really happened or hope for a miracle. Anyways that's it for this chapter, thank you guys so much for almost getting this story to 400 reads. I have been recently writing the next chapters in each of my stories and I have been planning on making a story that isn't Secret Life of Pets. It's Legends of Chima.

This is the Racing Fox coming down to the checkered flag 🏁


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