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Background Music:
"Only to be with you" by Judah & The Lion


It's been 15 years since the infamous feast where we saw Rooster welcomed back to the farm, Roxy being named the alpha dog, and Hamm being sent to the hospital after aiding in saving Chuck.

After being welcomed back to the farm for his alleged mistake. Rooster ended up taking Hamm's original job which is making sure the animals are in their respective pens and fields. The Welsh Sheepdog can get the job done in seconds. Though as the years passed Rooster grew old and wiser.

Hamm at first was considered to be a awful dog towards Rooster and Roxy. Amended himself by helping Rooster and Roxy saving Chuck from falling to his death. Although he would get injured in the process. Since the incident Hamm was paralyzed and had to get a wheelchair to travel. Today Hamm can be seen as a emotional service dog at the local retirement community.

As for Roxy. The now named Alpha Dog at the Shep Farm. She was absolutely loved by everyone. The media, the community in NY. But she didn't care for all the attention she got. She didn't care about the food, the toys. All she cared about is Rooster. The Lemon border collie was just happy to see the Welsh Sheepdog every day.

Both Rooster and Roxy ended up being a couple. How lovely. A lot of Roxy fans started to love Rooster, granting him a second chance after his incident. Making the Welsh Sheepdog a Co-Alpha dog at the farm. Everything was looking to be perfect...

..Then everything turned sour.

Roxy was diagnosed with Parvovirus. Which mean Roxy wasn't able to do her jobs, or any stunts. Causing her fame to fall apart, eventually Roxy ended up being too sick that Rooster had to take over as the Alpha Dog. Rooster was at first treated very sourly because of his alleged incident with Chuck. But everyone loved Rooster towards his years of being old and wise. But as long as Roxy was still by his side, Rooster will always have the motivation... eventually a couple of years later..

Roxy has passed away.

Hamm in the other hand was doing just ok at his new life at the community, the Australian Shepherd was soon starting to regret his decisions he made that infamous night, that almost caused the life of a kid, and his brother.

A few days ago Hamm had a stroke and had recently passed away, While Hamm had a negative reputation at the farm. He amended himself at the retirement community. A lot of folks really loved Hamm in his so called wheelchair. Maybe Hamm didn't get that position at the Farm he had always dreamed of, but the Australian Shepherd finally knew how it felt to be loved.

That leaves us to Rooster. After the death of his old two peers. He was all alone, Farmer Shep didn't even bother to replace any of the two dogs. All Rooster had were his animal friends but none of them had the same excitement as Hamm or Roxy. Rooster did every single job by himself. The farm had recently lost popularity, resulting in Rooster no longer being a Alpha Dog anymore

The Welsh Sheepdog tried his best to move on from the deaths but it was no use. Rooster kept on seeing Roxy's name on old newspapers, hearing Hamms name at the retirement center. All Rooster could do is lay down in the grass.. cry thinking about those old days.

Music Fades

About a week ago Farmer Shep got a call from his nephew Chuck; Telling him that he was visiting the farm after so many years. Shep was excited to hear the news, and made Rooster work on the animals being in their house, making sure any critter aren't sneaking in, and feeding the animals. Today Rooster is Old and Wise but still has that motivation. Rooster knew he was finally going to be at peace soon, but didn't want to waste it by doing nothing.

"Another Day in paradise" Rooster told himself before getting started with the cows.

The cattle were starting to run out into the field and Rooster was chasing them making sure that they were in the respective place. As usual before the cows and bulls get in they try to inmate Rooster. But Rooster gave them a death stare. Of course; the cattle would obey the Welsh Sheepdog and enter. "Learned that stare from an old friend." Rooster told the cattle..

A few hours later.

"I did a lot of things today, now I can finally relax." The Welsh Sheepdog told himself as he'd lay down on the abandoned car and made himself at home. "I'll probably see Chuck tomorrow..."

At last Rooster was finally at peace. And every time he sleeps he reflects on his old life...

The time he was chased by a fox

The time he was in a conflict with Hamm

The time he was in love with Roxy

The time he had to save Chuck

A few hours later

"NONONONO!!! AHHH!!! Duke what do I do?! What do I do??!!" A certain Jack Russell terrier yelled out to his certain Newfoundland Mix brother.

Rooster was then startled to hear the turkey gobbling at a white and lemon Jack Russel terrier. Annoyed to hear. The Welsh Sheepdog did his imitating howl that made the turkey gulp and the terrier stop running.

"Ok moment's over"

A/N: Well we made it! We have finally reached the end of this story. I just want to personally thank you guys for the support for this story. I never thought it would ever reach 2K reads. I just did this story for fun expecting to fail. But I was proven wrong.. again thank you so much! Not gonna lie this was kind of a dark chapter for me to make, I actually kinda did shed a tear reading this. Mainly because I based this chapter from my feelings I felt last August which you guys should know what happened to me and my family Anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and this story as well! For the last time thank you guys so much!!! <3

I'll be seeing you guys soon!!!

- TheRacingFox

In the deep end of the forest, something can be seen moving in the bushes. As we slowly approach it. A red and black fox jumps out with a.. time machine remote?! Wait! Is that Bentley?!!

"Ok Bentley you have seen the story of Rooster.  Now whose do you want to see next?!" Bentley asked himself before officially making his decision.

"You know what I wonder how Snowball's story is like, No! Tiberius! NO MAYBE ALL OF THE PETS HAHAHA!!" Bentley then pressed a red button on the remote. Then a orange and red vortex started to appear.

"Hahahaha, I just love manipulating timelines!!!" Bentley once again yelled out to himself before entering into the vortex, disappearing

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