Chapter 1

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Alright, this chapter is a little more action packed then I meant it to be. I also forgot to mention that a few plot points in the show have been changed a little or didn't happen. I just really want to explain a few things, after all first chapters are almost always the explanation chapters. Like the Outsiders. Srry for the little tangent.

(Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer got me shook. Happy is now Uncle Ben.)

🕸{Peter's POV}🕸

Just a typical day in the life of Peter Parker, going to school then leaving to fight a villain that decided to attack near the end of the day as the Web slinger that almost everybody in New York hates. Nothing new, he just came in with a few drones and declared that everyone inside would die if I, Spider-Man, didn't show up.

I show up, of course, to face this man with some stolen gravity/ teleporting gun and super strength. (Probably got it from the radiation of the gun.) He starts saying nonsense while he throws things like trees and decorative rocks at me.

Apparently he has pent up anger towards me because 'I'm satan himself ' or something along those lines. I don't know what I did to this guy, but I affect lots of people I don't mean to.

It was just me and the guy because Miles was calming and keeping students from entering the battlefield. Already 20 students, including me, had been injured by this guy.

Most of things hit me luckily, and the people who were hit were being treated by teachers and students from Horizon's medical wing. They had nothing serious, but for me, probably not.

Nothing life threatening, but things that would be hard to explain as Peter Parker. How am I going to explain this? Sure, I've gone home pretty badly beaten before, but those injuries were hidden under my clothes. I'm pretty sure that I had a black eye or a busted lip. Hopefully they'll heal before I take off the mask.

"So little talk, so little effort. Are you even going to get a decent hit on me, you itty bitty spider boy?" He cackled as he threw me off of his back. I landed with a sickening crack in my left arm and then it felt warm and fuzzy. Definitely broken or something like that. (I'm not a doctor.)

"Well, you sure landed a hit on me, buster." I said as I stood up and averted one of his punches. "Heh, I like that. Buster, cause that's what I'm about to do to you!" He yelled as I flipped over him.

"You're going to Buster me? That makes sense." I mumbled just so he could hear. My comment got him even more fired up. At this point, a few students from other schools had shown up ( I could tell because of Flash and Harry appearing.) and news choppers had shown up.

"If you don't surrender right now, then I'll send you away like I did with that kid!" He growled, holding up my hoodie. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that he teleported me back to Queens when I was out of costume. I didn't do anything either! I was just sitting in the court yard, waiting for Gwen and Miles so we could do homework together.

That move I was somewhat grateful for because it makes people think that I'm not a high school student, therefore making my secret identity even more protected.

"Or maybe you should go look for that kid. He might be in pain, after all, I didn't make this thing to be careful with." He said, acting like he was smart enough to make it.

"I know you couldn't have made that thing because it has the Horizon High logo on the side of it, and last time I checked, there was no 40 year old men attending this school." That got him even more riled up. He started to throw anything that he could get his hands on at me.

It gets to the point where he starts throwing people. "WOAH! DON'T BRING PEOPLE INTO THIS!" I yelled, webbing the few people that he had thrown and safely putting them out of dangers way. With the arm that didn't hurt like hell, I might add so I don't get yelled at.

As I did that, I was able to hear Miles trying to calm down Harry. I was able to pick up "Why aren't you trying to find Peter?!" and Miles saying, "We'll look for him when the police show up and take the insane guy to the bird house."

"Okay, Buster. You've stepped over way to many lines! Time for you to trip over one of them!" I then webbed his feet, pulled, and he fell. He dropped the gravity/teleporting gun thing. Miles kept him on the ground by putting one foot on his back.

I started started swing away when the police showed up. "Where are you going?" Miles asked through my ear piece. "Last time I checked, we have a student named Peter to find." I got an 'ooooh yeah' in response.

He catches up with me after the police to that mad man away. "Hey, is your arm okay?"


"Then why are you using?" Miles scolded me, not uncommon. We do lecture each other a lot because we both get careless sometimes without realizing it.

"Because I'm an idiot." I answered. I knew that if my arm wasn't injured, Miles would have slapped me on the arm. "We're far enough from Horizon, we can check on your arm." Miles pointed out.

"Alright, you got the bag?" I asked, remembering that I didn't have clothes to change into. "Yeah, I thought you would have noticed me having a backpack."

We landed in a vacant area and for extra production, we hid in an alley way. "Here's you're clothes, change quick so I can look at your arm." He then guarded the entrance of the alley way so no one would see me.

I slipped off the spandex, realizing that my left arm sleeve was covered in blood. So that's what made my arm feel warm. How didn't I notice that I was bleeding until now? Jeeze, that's a lot of blood. I pulled up my pants and put on my shirt, smearing blood on the clean white sleeve. "You can turn around now."

Miles turned and his eyes immediately widened. "That's a nasty looking cut, Pete. We need to clean it." His voice became more squeaky than usual, probably from being worried.

The blood began to drip down my arm and the pain started to settle in. I'd never admit this, as Peter or Spider-Man, but I can't stand blood.

If it's like a paper cut or a cat bite, I'm fine. When it's big amounts and on the ground, on me, coming out of me, or outside a body at all, I just can't take it. I can't move or speak or listen. The worst part of being in that state is not being able to pass out. That spider bite was when these trances started. I'm guessing it's because as a human, blood is somewhat a sign of danger, so my spider senses are keeping me conscious in case I need to run.

I only ever told Miles this because we're partners. He's the only one that knows. He also knows that trying to snap me out of my shock isn't good. Apparently he tried to snap me out of it and I threw him into a wall when he shook my shoulder.

I've seen so much of it, you'd think I'd be numb to it by now, but I'm not. As much as I wish I could look away, I can't. The blood started to drip onto the floor and I think Miles is saying something.

I feel someone pick me up and suddenly I'm in the air. My attention was on the blood, but I could tell someone was telling me to breathe, which apparently I wasn't doing correctly.

I blinked and all of a sudden we landed and I was put softly on the concrete. I opened my eyes again to see scared faces and teachers directing students to do something. Screaming and yelling from a male and female echoed in my ears along with lights becoming to bright, I just wanted to curl in on myself.

Another effect from the spider bite, my senses become way to heightened. Thank goodness that this time it's just light and sound. Feeling every single pebble is something I don't every want to feel again.

I closed my eyes, the sun becoming to much. Someone picked me up and put me on something soft. "Peter, I need you to keep your eyes open, okay?" Another voice. I know that voice. Think. Dr. Morgen, the school's leading medical teacher.

"Peter, you still awake?" His voice sounded so worried. Oh no, I'm causing him to worry. Okay, just crack your eyes open so he knows you're alright.

Slowly I opened my eyes. The light of the school was to much for my eyes at the moment, but I still continued to open my eyes. Dr. Morgen gave out a sigh of relief, so did the seniors that were helping him.

"What's going on?" I asked, sounding confused. Even if I think that my injury isn't that bad, I can't let them know that. "We're going to patch you up. Do you remember anything?" He asked.

"I got blasted by something. Then I fell and hit something hard." The seniors started to whisper among themselves, only to be silenced by Dr. Morgen raising his hand. We went into a room that looked like an operating room.

"Tim, you stay here and wash his wounded arm. We'll be back with bandages and a proper doctor." The seniors and Dr. Morgen then left, leaving me with Tim. He took a deep breathe then walked over to a cabinet.

"Alright, this is going to sting, I just need you to stay calm." Tim mumble, I'm surprised I even heard him. He walked back to me holding disinfectant and two towels. He then put on a pair of rubber gloves and started to put the water on one of the towels while shaking.

"You seem tense." I commented.

"While this is the first time I'm cleaning a cut like this. One a real person I mean." Tim muttered, and looked up at me.

"I think you're doing great for your first time." I gave him a reassuring smile, which he returned with a small one.

"Thanks. Okay, here we go. You can close your eyes if you want to." Tim then raised the towel to my arm and ever so carefully dapped my arm with the cold water. I felt some of the water go into my cut and it took all my power not to shake from how cold it felt.

"You're probably going to get light headed. Just lay back while I work, okay?" Tim ordered calmly. I did as told and closed my eyes as he worked.

It didn't take long to wash the cut. "Okay, now here comes the disinfectant. It's going to sting, so breathe." He reminded me. I nodded and took a deep breathe.

My breathing hitched when I felt the sudden sting of the disinfectant. It wasn't painful, it was just surprising. Tim did this part rather quickly.

"Alright, you don't seem to be bleeding anymore, so I'm going to step outside and take a breather. Don't touch the it." Tim sighed. Once he left, Dr. Morgen came in immediately after, with no seiners following behind him. He held a medical box, which made sense.

"Sorry I took so long, I had to assign my seiners to patients. Turns out more students got injured than we thought." He mumbled. He came over to me and started examining my arm.

"You got your tetanus shot, right? You definitely would have to have fallen on metal to get cut like this. Knowing New York, it was probably a rusting rubbish bin." I nodded as he rummaged through the box.

He pulled out bandages that kind of looked like clasps and regular bandages. He put them on both sides of my injury and then slightly pulled on one side of them. They tightened the skin around the cut like stitches would have.

Dr. Morgen then wrapped the different bandages around my arm, hiding the the clasp bandages.

"That should do. Don't itch or bang around that arm too much or you'll be in here again or a hospital." He warned. "I'll let your aunt and friends in now."

"Wait, May is here?" I asked and he nodded. I'm glad she cares, but I hope that I didn't worry too much. She's been through so much already that I'd hate to see her distraught over my carelessness. Well, she doesn't know I was being careless.

"Sit tight, they'll be right in." He said and walked out. I feel like I know what is going to happen. Aunt May is going to hug me and say she's relieved. Harry will act like he kept his cool through the entire time. Anya will call him out, say something like 'You were pacing a hole in the floor, muttering about how worried you were.'. Gwen'll nudge her in the side. Miles would give a knowing look to me.

That's what happened after the whole V-252 incident. The only thing that will be different from that time would be that nobody will be crying. At least I hope not.

Knock knock

Time to face the music.

I'm going to leave it there for now, my dudes.

kick ass, eat grass, and sled fast, my dudes.


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