Chapter 4

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🔥{Harry's POV}🔥

Right before we left, Peter insisted that we should have breakfast. He somehow got it out of me that I didn't have breakfast before coming to see him, meaning that he was going to force me to eat if I didn't allow him to feed me.

It's kind of funny how much Peter was like May, always doting and forcing people to let them care for them. It can get annoying sometimes, but in away only a mother can.

"Alright, we got microwave breakfast sandwiches. That sound good?" Peter asked looking away from the open freezer that was probably blowing cold air at him.

I nodded and he took out two. He set them in the microwave and set the timer.

"You know, the timer needs 1 more second." I joke, getting a glance that was all so familiar frame Peter.

"Harry, your constructive criticism is as useful as a paper Mâché boom shelter, it just doesn't work." He quips, getting me to chuckle. He's always been witty. I can't remember a time where he had nothing to say, whether it was a joke or something inspiring.

The microwave beeped and Peter opened it but let them sit until the plate cooled down. Not wanting there to be a silence, I decided to ask a cliché question.

"So... how's school been?" I asked and Peter rolled his eyes. Not a good sign.

"Oh, you know, just getting treated like a baby." He sighs.

"They're that worried?" I ask.

"Miles is fine, everyone else is getting on my nerves. I can't open a door because someone would walk in front of me and doing it for me! And people are just lining up to carry my books! I'm fine!" Peter was never the one to except people's help.

Even when he does need it. He only ask for it when he knows from the beginning that he'll need it or when he's been trying for days. I'm not going to bring it up though, too pointless to fight about it.

"You mean like that time in 5th grade when that foreign exchange student mistaken you for a girl and would follow you around every where and he didn't figure out you were a guy until mid year?" I smile when he laughs a little.

"I still have no idea how he didn't figure out until half the year had gone by." Peter sighs. He takes the plates out of the microwave and hands me one of them.

"Come on. If we want to get there before the ocean of children do, we have to eat fast."


The warm sun hit us as we walked out of the shade of the trees. Peter's neighborhood was way calmer then mine to say the least. When your dad is rich and famous there's no such thing as peace in your own home. I can't remember the a time were I didn't close the curtains because of the feeling of being watched.

But in Peter's neighborhood no one cares. There aren't people who whispered or snapped pictures here. Mostly because these women are married and way too old for me and their kids don't really care that much for science. The people who do notice me don't make a big deal about it.

Peter started to pick up speed a little when we neared the park.

"Woah there, son."

"But dad! We're so close!" Peter spun around, a bright smile spread across his face. I smiled and began to laugh a little.

"You're such a five year old, Pete." I snickered.

"Well this five year old can beat you to the swings." And then he was off.

I started running after him. He's gotten faster, I'll admit that, but he isn't going to beat me. When we met the wood chips I started pushing myself to run faster. I ended up right beside him. Then Peter tripped over the swing, landing face first into the wood chips.

"You okay?" I ask, stopping my sprint. I walked next to him and I heard him laughing. Peter looked up with his normally bright smile. Wood chips were to his face, not impaling, just sticking.

"That was graceful, wasn't?" He said and then went back to laughing at his mistake. I gave a relieved smile and stuck my hand out.

"Graceful as a giraffe on roller skates." Peter laughed harder at my comment. He took my hand and as he stood, I could see wood chips sticking to his shirt and the bandages on his arm.

He brushed them off and took a seat on the swing. I took the swing next to him.

We sat in silence for awhile. The only noise around us was birds and the sound of children laughing. I glanced at Peter for a second and could instantly tell he was thinking. Always in his mind.

"You know, it's kinda funny." I looked over at him. "Everything was normal for a while until Tony Stark was kidnapped. There was no super heroes. Then the world finally gets an answer that we weren't the only ones out in space with Thor arriving. Mutants started showing off their powers more. This was all just a few years ago."

"Where did that come from?" I asked.

Peter glances down at his arm then looked over at me.

"I've just been thinking about it recently." He looked backed down at the ground. "Can you just promise me something?"

"Yeah, anything." Now I was sitting on the edge of the swing. Peter doesn't ask for promises much.

"If I get hurt or something like that, don't pity me. Just be there for me or for May. That's all, okay?" His expression was serious.

"Of course." I answer with a light smile that also made him smile. His eyes seemed to glow a little brighter.

Those green eyes always full of hope and wonder, or as most people who've come into contact with a Parker call it, 'The Parker Shine.'

I'll do more then that promise. I'll make sure that he's safe no matter what. I swear on my life.


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