Chapter 8

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🕸{Peter's POV}🕸

As soon as I opened my eyes I was blinded by sunshine. A light breeze came through the open window. Did I open it last night?

I got up and closed the window, the morning breeze being really chilly. The clock on my night stand flashed 9:00 am. I go out on patrol at 12-3. No point in getting ready right now.

The floor boards creaked under my feet as I made my way to the kitchen. The floor boards made it impossible to sneak around at night without waking May, but she's not here so I don't have to worry about waking her up this early.

I took a mug out of the cupboard along with a tea bag and then turn on the burner where the tea kettle was. Why not coffee? Because it makes me jittery and tea is clearly superior.

Opening the freezer I was greater with a blast of cold air. Quickly I took out a breakfast sandwich, shutting the door to the freezer in the process.

I put the sandwich in the microwave and  turned off the tea kettle as it began to whistle angrily. After pour the hot water into the mug with the tea bag, I decided to get the mail.

Those breakfast sandwiches took about the time it would take me to get the mail, so why not. Plus it would give it time to cool. I made my way through the living room to the front door, kicking on some sandals.

The outside had the normal morning breeze. The grass had dew on it that is slip on if I walked over it to fast. Just a normal morning in my neighborhood.

The mailbox was open, being to old to stay closed if the door isn't pushed in hard enough. I could see the mail from the porch. Mostly envelopes, probably junk mail.

Still I'd have to take it inside just incase May was expecting something. So I made my way over to the mailbox, got the mail, and went back inside. I put it on the table like I usually do and went to get my food from the microwave.

It was slightly hot, but not burning. I brought my breakfast to the table and sat. Looking over the mail, my guess of it mostly being junk mail was correct except for one. An envelope, clean white with my name on it in cursive. There was no stamps. That meant I'd had to be hand delivered.

Although a little creeped out, I opened the letter from my secret admirer.

Dearest Peter,

I heard what the creepy old hag had said to you. I could only imagine what could have happened if he'd gotten you a lone. How frightening that would be! That man will NOT be able to do anything to you while I'm around you. I'm glad your friend stepped in before I snapped. But they way he did so was a little rude, don't you think? He made it seem like you were a damsel in distress! If it were me, I would of  done it more subtlety. Unless if you want to be saved from frightful situations. Which I'll gladly do! You see, I'm well built myself and would have a problem with beating up a creep. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable in your skin with all those things those hags could say. Who cares if you're curvier than other guys, that doesn't make you less attractive or masculine then them. Hell, you don't have to follow the standards of the world, maybe gain a few muscles, but not to much, because you're perfect. There's nothing for you to worry about though. I'll take care of you and you'll feel safe in my arms, my sweets.

Love your secret admirer.

I had to read it twice over. This must be the same guy who wrote me last time. It was the same hand writing and there's no way I could have more than one secret admirer.

But that last letter was sweet and caring. This one gives off a more protective energy. Sure it may be very over protective, but everyone shows protection differently.

Though what hits me is that they must of saw me yesterday and have my address. It would have to be someone I know sending me these, but the only one with me was Harry and Harry doesn't write like this. I would know, I've seen him right essays by hand more than once.

Well, whoever this is, I'm not worried. I'm Spider-Man for crying out loud. I can fight them off if I ever need to.

After finishing breakfast, I took the letter upstairs. I don't need May worrying about it. Maybe I should get a shoe box to keep the letters in. Just incase something does happen. I mean it's not like the police would help now.

Going for the shoe box, I also noticed the lack of a return address. Probably so that secret admirer stays secret. Half of me hopes that it stays secret.

AN UPDATE??? WAAAAAA? Yeah so sorry and hope this makes up for it. Expect more but not too soon.

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