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Sujata was sitting in sanskar's room,crying silently.ram came and sat beside her.

"i am sorry..."ram said,keeping hand on her hand.

"if you are sorry please bring him back..."sujata said while wiping her tears.

"did i ask him to leave?...and he is very happy with his wife,don't worry"ram asked calmly.

"did you meet him? is he?..why didn't you bring him home?..."sujata said in wet voice.

"he seemed busy with his wife therefore i didn't disturbed him."ram said in same calm tone.suajta stares at him for a second.

"don't you miss him?..."sujata asked,staring at him deeply.ram kept silent at that.

"please bring him back...he is our only son,can't you forgive him."

"do you think if i will ask him he will return....don't you know how much stubborn he is?"ram said in irritated tone.

"what's wrong if you try for once....please for me."suajta said in pleading tone and holds his both hands.ram released a deep sigh and nodded for once.sujata smiled at that.



Swara was lying on bed as her back was attached with head of bed.she was not feeling good therefore she was home.meanwhile door bell started ringing.swara opens her eyes,looked at that time then stepped down from bed and walked outside.

"sanskar didn't i tell you not to come early...i am fine but you......."swara started scolding after opening the door,without seeing but she stopped at once seeing ram standing at door.

"i...i am sorry i...i thought sanskar came."swara stuttered nervously.

"you should go to doctor if you are not feeling fine..."ram said with amusing look on his face.

" i am fine...come inside"swara quickly said and stepped aside.ram entered inside while looking around and sat on couch.swara sat opposite to him across the table and looked at him worriedly

"sanskar will never listen to me therefore i came to you...."ram said after clearing his throat.

"what do want to say..."swara asked confusingly.

"sanskar's mother is very sad,she misses him a lot.... i can't see her like that therefore i came here.tell him,his mother want him to return home."

"you don't miss him...only her mother misses him?"swara asked him in curious tone.

"no i don't...why should i miss a stubborn person like him."ram said in annoyed angry tone.swara stares at him then smiled.

"why are you smiling?...did i say something funny."

"you made me remember someone...i will just come."swara said and stood up and walks upstairs and comes back and puts a packed box in front of ram.

"what is this?..."ram asked with raised eye brow.

"happy birthday sir..."

"my birthday was..."

"i know it was last month...sanskar brought it last month and when i told him to give you this but he said 'why should he go to a stubborn person'...."swara said with smile.ram looks at it then back at her and gets worried seeing her sweating.

"are you fine? are sweating."ram asked in worried voice.

"don't know why am i feeling dizzy all of sudden..."swara muttered in weak voice,holding her head.ram fills glass of water and gives her,swara was about to take it but her mind went blank all of sudden and she fell down to her side on couch.



"how is she? there something serious?"ram asked from doctor with genuine concern.

"what is your relationship with patient?.."doctor asked in professional tone.

"she...she is my daughter in law."ram said after stuttering for a second.

"oh! okay....she is fine...nothing is serious,in fact there is good news,she is pregnant."doctor said with smile.

"what?..."ram asked in disbelief voice,doctor smiled and nodded.

"you have to take care of her...its seems like she is stressing her body a lot which is not good for both mother and child health...."doctor said and left.

Ram gulps a little and goes inside the room.swara looks at him as he walks and stands beside her.

"is everything fine?..."swara asked while looking at his face.

"you should have been more careful in this condition..."

"what do you mean?..."

"didn't you know? are going to be mother."ram said and swara blinks at him several times.she looks at her stomach and places hand on while one tear of happiness slips down from her cheek.

"congratulation...."ram said and kept hand on her that time sanskar came there hurriedly.ram steps back a little.

"what happened to you?..."sanskar asked after sitting beside her on bed and holds her hand in both hands.

"i am fine...just fainted because of tiredness.thank God your father was there and he took me hospital...otherwise don't know how long i would have been lying there unconscious."swara said with smile and sign ram to not say anything.

"say thanks..."swara muttered in low voice,sanskar looks at swara with raised eye brows.swara shows him eyes.he gulps a little and looks at ram.

'thank you for bringing her hospital..."sanskar said quickly and again looks at swara.

"i will get going now..'ram said and walked out from the room.

"why he was home...he didn't say anything to you did he?"sanskar asked in worried voice.

"he came to took his birthday present...."swara said in normal tone.sanskar's eyes widened after hearing that.

"you didn't.....why did you give that to him? are you crazy? ugh! i shouldn't have told you about that"sanskar said in irritated tone.swara squint her eyes at him.

"why are you scolding a sick person?..."ram asked in annoyed tone.swasan turned their heads,ram was standing at door.

"i..i...wasn't scolding her."sanskar said,to clear his position.

"arrange a maid for said she is overworking herself..."ram said in serious tone.sanskar nodded and he left.

"what's wrong with him?...was he being worried for you? why?"sanskar asked in disbelief.

"maybe someone is lucky for me..."swara said with smile while keeping hand on stomach.

"who?..."sanskar asked in curious and somewhere jealous tone.

"at least not you..."swara said and gives him a glare.sanskar narrowed his eyes at her.



"Sanskar can you be a little fast...please"swara said while dragging him by holding his hand.

"why did you like eiffel tower so many times you want to see it."sanskar said in irritated tone.

"i really like you have any problem?"

"that's why i am asking why do you like it that much?..."

"because this is the place where i finally released i love you and this is place where i prayed to God...'please God write this man in my fate'....therefore i want to tell you this important thing here only so that this bridge and this tower can witness that God listened to my prayers."swara said after standing in front of sanskar as they reached bridge and were standing in front of eiffle tower.

"i am thankful to God that he listened you..."sanskar said with smile and kissed on her forehead.

"what is important thing you wanted to tell me..."sanskar asked while brushing her hair strand behind her ear.swara moves her arms around his neck.sanskar holds her from waist.

"i am pregnant sanskar...."

"what did you say?..."sanskar asked,not able to trust his ears.swara moves forward and gives him a small peck on lips.

"you are going to be a father..."swara said,removed his hand from waist and kept it on her belly.sanskar sits down on knees and kissed on her stomach as one tear fell down from his eyes.

"am i going to be a father?..."sanskar asked while looking up swara.she nodded her vigorously.

"i can't tell you how much happy i am...i love you!"sanskar said while picking her up in arms and revolving her.swara hugged him quickly"

"thank you so much swara...i love you so much!!!!!!"sanskar shouted while revolving her.his shout was followed by swara joyful laughter.



"sanskar i can tell you he is very lucky for us..."swara said as she turned her head to look at sanskar.they were sitting on bench on the same bridge.swara's head were rested on sanskar's shoulder.

"why?..."sanskar asked while inter-winding their finger.

"the day i was going to hear news of his existence your father came home and told me that he wants you return home."

"did he say he wants me to return?..i don't think so,he is very stubborn"sanskar asked in serious tone.

"i am worried for my child...what if he inherited this disease?'swara said worriedly.

"what disease?...are you fine? did doctor said anything?"sanskar turned toward her worriedly.

"doctor didn't say anything but i can see this disease of stubbornness is travelling from grandfather to father and my child will also get did you mother handled you two till now,i am worried for myself,i should take tips from her."swara said in worried voice.

"you scared me..."sanskar said,giving her death glare.

"i am also hell scared for myself....your father at least listened to his wife and came home but you never listens to me...what will i do?"swara said and held her head with one hand.

"when didn't i listen to you?.."

"i am telling you to go and talk with your father...will you do that?"

"do you think if i will talk to him..he will accept us,you don't know how much stubborn he is."sanskar said while shaking his head.

"what's wrong in trying for once,he is your father....."swara said but sanskar keeps silent.

"sanskar think about our child,will it not be unfair for him for not getting his grandparent's blessing,just because of our mistakes......he has problem with me right then i will do my best to resolve every grudge..."swara said while holding his hand.

"what wrong did you do?...why will you?"sanskar sentence was not completed when swara kiss him on lips.

"Shh!...its decided after returning home,the first thing we will do is,going to talk with your parents."swara said in firm tone then keeps head on his shoulder and looks forward at the symbol of love.



"i missed you so much sanskar..."sujata said while hugging sanskar.

"i missed you too mom...everytime when she fought with me."sanskar said while hugging her back.

"is he here to do complain about me?..."swara thought while digging holes in the back of his head.sujata laughed lightly,breaks hugs and looked at swara.she was going to bend and take blessing when sujata holds her from shoulders.

"you shouldn't bend in this condition."sujata said with smile.swara nodded and hugged her.

"come sit...dinner is ready"sujata took them inside and they settled in dining hall.

During dinner,only swara and sujata were talking while sanskar and ram were silently eating.

'speak something...why are you silent?"sujata asked to ram.he looks at sanskar then shift his gaze to swara.

"did he arrange any helper for you or not..."ram asked from swara.her eyes widened as she was not expecting him to talk with her.sanskar cursed himself after hearing that.

"actually we went paris therefore he..."

"no need to take his side..i know how much careless he is."ram cut swara in between.swara shut her mouth and looks at sanskar from corner of her eyes.

"what's the need of another helper...we have so many here.just come here as soon as this condition you shouldn't live alone..."sujata said quickly.swara gives her small smile.

"mom we are not shifting here..."sanskar said calmly.

"if you don't want to come then don't but swara will live here..."ram said in strict voice.

"swara come i will show you around..."sujata said.swara nodded and both left leaving father and son alone.

"why do suddenly want swara to come here? were the one who insulted her after knowing about our marriage."

"i want her to come here because i don't trust are still very careless toward your responsibilities and....."ram paused for half minute.

"when i asked her to leave i didn't know that she is your wife....and how is that my mistake if you had once dated a decent,sincere girl in your life then i would have never made them leave you but you always dated insincere greedy girl....i didn't get dream about swara that she is not like them."ram said in sudden out burst.

"are you trying to say you are guilty...."sanskar asked with teasing smile.ram stares at his teasing smile.

"you are also going to be will soon come to know how am i feeling."ram said through greeted teeth and was going to get up when sanskar stops him.

"i am going to be a father dad....."sanskar said making ram look at him.

"and i am kind of scared....please help me to be a good father."sanskar said in sincere tone.

"come back home son..."



Maheswari Mention was filled with guest as there was celebrations the arrival of little maheswari in the house.

"sanskar please zip me up..."swara said in pleading tone as she was standing in front of mirror with all her hair were on her face.

"swara when you will learn to zip up your dress..."sanskar asked when standing behind her and zip up her dress.

"why?...your fingers gets broken while doing such a small thing for me."swara turned toward him and pushes her hair off from her face.

"no...but my hands aches to do something else when you tell me to do something like that."sanskar said mischievous smile,grabs her from waist and bends her to kiss her.swara quickly keeps hand on his mouth.

"behave yourself...he is seeing."swara said while glaring at him.she pushes him back,goes and picks up little maheswari in both arms carefully.sanskar sighed heavily,seeing her leaving.sanskar picks up his coat and goes after her while wearing it.

"give him to me..."sujata said and swara gives him to her.

"why is your face swollen?.."ram asked from sanskar while caressing soft cheeks of sunny.

"i will just come..."sujata said and leaves from there with swara.

"dad how did you romanced with mom after my birth?.."sanskar asked in curious tone.ram looked at him and laughed lightly.

"did i crack a joke?..."sanskar asked in annoyed tone.

"swara come here..."ram called her.

"yes dad?..."swara asked after coming there.

"give some time to your husband also...i am seeing you were very busy whole this week."ram said,patting her head leaves.

"what did you say to dad?..."swara asked with red cheeks and punched in his stomach.sanskar holds her arm and drags to some silent corner.

"what are you doing?.."

"i told him i am very stressed wife had promised me that she will help me to release my stress always but she forgot her promise...what should i do?"sanskar said,making very sad face.

"your are very stressed?..."swara asked while pressing her lips.

"if you will look at my face closely then you will come to know..."sanskar said while holding her hand and pulling her close.

" are looking very stressed."she said,nodding her head while controlling her laugh.

"then give me a kiss..."sanskar said in requesting tone.swara keeps hands on his chest,closes her eyes and kissed him.sanskar slides his hands around her waist and kissed her back with full passion and love.they pulled back when it get hard for them to breath.

"if your stressed is released then can i go...its time to cut cake"swara asked in soft tone.

"for now only..."sanskar said while caressing her cheek.swara gives him small peck on lips and both goes to the middle of hall.where everyone were gathered.

Swara holds sunny in arms while sanskar stood beside her with ram and sujata and swasan cut the cake and made each other eat it then made sujata and ram eat it while their photographed were clicked all this time.

THE END.....

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