Part 11

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"mom is too much..."sanskar said shaking his head while entering inside his room.meanwhile his phone and kept it on ear after attending call.

"what am i saying to you...address is wrong,she was not there.i personally checked it.'sanskar shouted at poor detective and cut the call angrily.

"can't do a simple work..."sanskar muttered and looked at sujata who was standing at door with smile.

"whatever you are thinking.....its not right.i don't love her i am just....."sanskar stops for a second then shakes his head and said "worried about her."

"sanskar you are more disappointing than your matter how much money mind he is but at least he accepts his feelings toward me."sujata said in disappointed tone.

"don't compare me with him..."sanskar said in annoyed him.

"you are worse than him..."sujata said in more annoyed voice than him.sanskar keeps his mouth shut, this time.she walks forward and stands in front of him.

"i don't what is in your heart but i am telling you what is written on your face.....ask from your heart and accept what he tells you otherwise you will lost her forever."sujata said,pats his cheek with love and walks out from room.

"i didn't find her till now and she is saying i will lost her again.."sanskar muttered,takes suffering breath and takes out a cigarette but his hands stops in its position after hearing sujata shout.

"enough of your one can step inside your room because of its smoke,i didn't say anything to you because you seemed stressed but it doesn't mean you can cross all your limits.......your father also don't smoke this much,if your are so worried for her then instead of smoking,start finding her on your own."suajta shouted in one breath.she has turned on doorstep and saw him taking out cigarette.

"she is scary..."sanskar muttered under breath,throw cigarette in dustbin,picks up his coat and goes out.

"God please help him and give him some brain...."sujata prayed in worried voice and goes to her room


Sanskar was roaming around in city aimlessly,thinking about what sujata told him and swara.a smile automatically touched his lips while thinking about her.

For a blink of second his eyes went toward side mirror of car and he saw swara.he stops car with jerk and quickly comes out and looks in that direction for less than a minute then runs there and starts looking for her.

"swara!...."sanskar shouted,ran with full speed,held her arm and turned her toward him.all his worried vanished in a second after seeing her face.

"thank God!....."sanskar said and hugged her.swara gulps a little and forward her hand to hug him back but closes her fits and moves her hand down.Sanskar breaks hug after sometime.

"why the hell you left from you even have a single idea,i was getting mad with stupid thoughts in my brain.didn't i tell you not to step out from there."sanskar said in angry voice while holding her from both shoulder.Swara keeps silent and stares at his face,she was also seeing him in days.sanskar takes deep breath to control his anger.

"are you alright...nothing happened to you right?"sanskar asked after cupping her left cheek.

"you don't have to worried about me...i can take care of myself."swara said and removes his hand.

"take care my you even know anyone else in this big city.can't even select one dress on her own and want to live on her own."sanskar whsipered last sentence in inaudible voice and holds her wrist.

"let's go!...."

"i am not going with you...."swara said,pulling her hand from his grip.sanskar closed his fist in anger,she was testing his patience.

"swara enough of your stupidity.....i am not going to listen a word,your are coming with me and that's it.first we will go to your place,take your luggage and directly to go home and dare if you step out from there again."sanskar said in loud angry voice.swara stares at him without a blink,she had never seen him in anger.sanskar closed his eyes regretting for shouting.

"i am sorry for shouting but you are making me angry."sanskar in regretting tone.

"its good when you talk like least i don't fall for you when you talk like this."swara said in sad tone.

"swara...."sanskar tried to speak but swara cuts him.

"sanskar i am trying very hard to forget you but i can't control my feelings when you do things like this......stop looking for me."

"how do you know i was looking for you?..."sanskar asked while looking at her.

"please leave me alone...."swara said in requesting tone,turns and walks out from there,she wipes a lonely tear from her cheek while walking out.sanskar felt a tear escaped from corner of eye while seeing her walking out.


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