Other Woman

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The door of the elevator flung open for the umpteenth time this evening.

A group of reputed people marched out of it to cross the entrance hall as it's The same hall which offers exit too.

"Oh, the party was great!" A lady girl said with enthusiasm.

"Party or that handsome man you were gazing the whole evening?" Another girl walking by her side whispered in her ear teasingly.

"Shu... You know me but I know you the same. Were not you praying to have his arm around your waist the way it was at that brunette?" She shit back in the same teasing whisper as their group crossed the reception before leaving the hotel.

"In your dreams young ladies." A woman leaning against the reception muttered with confidence before taking a sip from her wine.

"Ma'am, would you like us to serve you anything else at your room?" The waiter inquired with hesitation.

"Seclusion! Can I get it in this hotel for a few minutes?" She replied back harshly as if his words irritated her to a great extent. "I want to sit here and wait for the person I'm waiting for! Is it too much to ask for?" Her eyes narrowed with anger

"Madam all guests have been left." The receptionist informed the lady.

"What about the host? Has he left?" She fired back with a glare.

At the same moment the elevator doors opened again, a tall masculine figure stepped out but paused for a second, his face turned back to look into the elevator. He stretched one arm toward to encircle his arm around her waist but instead of coming in his embrace, she held his arm firmly close to herself.

"Disperse!" The woman ordered the hotel staff venomously, gazing at the couple approaching her. Lost in their own world.

The receptionist and waiter got the seriousness of the situation and left the place.

"You sure you don't need the coat?" The man inquired politely with a smile.

"No." The brunette replied with a shy smile with a nod.

"Why would she need your coat honey when she is gonna get your whole hot physique to warm her?" The woman at reception said more venomously then ever.

"Excuse me! Is that matter of your concern Madam?" The man stood still covering the woman by his side with his coat.

"Get it off from you. Now!" The woman said authoritatively.

The brunette looked up at the man with shocked eyes.

"It's ok, you wait out in the car. I will be there in a minute." He stepped closer to the brunette but before he could touch her the woman stepped between them.

"She is going. And she is going forever. As tonight we are going to be together. Together like always."

"Reeza! No!" He started to say something with anger but paused as to control his anger, "Stop all this Reeza, it's over. There's no 'We' like always." His arm stretched to reach the brunette behind Reeza and held her arm to drag her behind himself.

"Oh yeah! Is all this for this Nothing? For this girl, you are ready to forget our two years?" Her voice turns soft enclosing the small distance between her and the man.

Her hands went up and down at his strong arms before placing his hands at her own waist, "tell me, Willard, tell me if you can pull your hands back from my warm flesh?"

Her tone turned seductive as her lips glided over his stubbled jawline to finally meet his earlobe, "don't lie to yourself. Don't cheat yourself, Willard. You want me. You need to be with me."

Her eyes met his, she was so close that he could feel her hot breath on his own lips.

"Let's start a new, we don't need this. We don't need any out Sider." She said while her lips brushed his.

He stood still as if hypnotized by her closeness.

A mere whimper shock him enough to pull back his hands away from Reeza and he looked turned his gaze across her.

The brunette, still standing, gazing at him with doe eyes. Her eyes were crying while her lips were sewn.

"Adeena..." All he could speak with all his courage was her name before she stepped backward with tumbling feet and ran out wiping her tears.

His coat was lying there on the ground as she left.

A silent tear rolled down his cheek out of self-hatred and anguish.

"Relax Willard, don't worry about the girl. I will forget her. You will forget her and she will move ahead in life. Everything is fine. As long as we are together." Reeza hugged him from back caressing at his left arm.

"Stop this madness Reeza! Can't you see? There is no We, I am not with you. Or I should say You are not with me anymore!" Willard shouted getting a release from the cage of her arms, pushing her away.

"I know you are mad at me. You should be but for the sake of the old days. Two years Willard! Let's try for the last time." Reeza said as if apologizing.

"Two years Reeza! Two bloody damn long years! And you walked out like I wasn't even a thing! You were the one who decided it wasn't working!

You were not interested in our relationship anymore!

You told me to move on!

And after all these months you are back!

And claiming for that old WE!"

Willard held her hand as she tried to touch him,

"Can't you see? I have actually moved on!" He concluded with hatred looking straight into her eyes.

"No, you haven't. You are cheating yourself. You are cheating that other woman."

"Wife! She is my wife Reeza!" Willard rectified her words.

"Then why you still had to put efforts to hold your wife Love? If you have moved over me, then why my touch still works magic on you?" Her fingers trailed on his temple before going in his hair, "come on, accept it you can't resist me, for long." Her drunk eyes spoke volumes.

"I pity you Reeza. For a moment I really thought you are sorry about your break up decision. But the fact is." Willard removed her hand off himself.

"All this silly thing was your damn Ego! Which could not accept that I am moving on in my life. I'm not begging you any more to come back to me." Willard rubbed face and turned away heaving deep.

"Thank God! I was feeling guilty." He covered Reeza with the coat Adeena just left behind.

"You noticed correctly I was conscious of touching my wife as I respect her consent, because She knew about the so-called US! I want to love her only after healing from those wounds you left on my conscience." He wiped his eyes.

"I love you, Willard," Reeza whispered feeling the detachment in his voice.

"No, it does not love. It's your ego. It's your stubbornness, that I should be with you only. Not because you love me just because I look good to you." Willard wiped the tears from her cheek as well.

"Reeza, try and understand, it's never going to work. Because I'm not the one who cares about looks, status, and reputation."

"Neither do I Willard," Reeza said quickly.

"I would believe but may I know why there's no hotel staff here? Let me guess, because you didn't want them to witness Miss Reeza, the supermodel Reeza to seduce her Ex-boyfriend."

He laughed sarcastically, " it doesn't suit you Reeza. Good night and goodbye." Willard stepped backward to leave, "My wife is waiting for me Reeza. And to let you know before I can tell anyone else, for the sake of those two years, I love Adeena, I love that girl, I need her for my existence."


Adeena kept gazing out of the car window with tear-filled eyes while Willard kept driving the car silently in the hope to get questioned for whatever happened few minutes back at the hotel.

Yes, he had told her about his past, about Reeza but the way she got treated was certainly not exactly what She deserves.

And the way Willard lost his senses at the touch of Reeza was something he would repent for whole life.

Even now he was trying to push back all sour memories of Reeza and concentrate on healing Adeena for his deed.

Sour, as in those two years of their life in the story, was the mad one who always went on with everything.

He was the one who stretched it for two years, if it was in Reeza's hand they might have called it over after the initial three months of dating only.

With Adeena he never needed to do like that.

He stopped the car as they reached to their parking.

As the car stopped Adeena stepped down and walked in the huge house using her own keys.

Willard wanted her to talk, shout at him and fight for all she had to bear with him in the last three months of their wedding.

He chose to go to his study to give some space to Adeena.

This was the first time he was feeling anger for her. How can she behave so unaffected!

Did Reeza and her behavior failed to affect her?

Or She actually feels nothing for Willard that's why She had no resentment.

Just within half an hour the door of his study slightly opened as he sensed someone tiptoeing in.

His facial muscle turned hard as he had to clench jaws to control his frustration.

Without turning back he held her wrist as she was about to leave the room after placing the coffee mug at the side table of his rocking chair.

"Adeena! What is all this?"

"Coffee. Just as you prefer while working late nights." She replied without turning back to him.

"You know what I am asking about don't pretend like nothing has happened." Willard rose from the chair, still holding her hand and stepped in front of her.

"The staff was on weekly leave and I allowed the alternate cook to go home his mother wasn't well." Adeena gave her excuse for being there at the moment, denying to look at him.

"Look at me." His hand reached up to cup her face,"here, look at me and say whatever is there in your heart. You are mad at me, say it! You want to shout at me, please do it." He said much calmly as if his frustration, anger everything flushed away in her presence only.

"No, why should I? You had told me about Reeza and her obsession about you which switch on and off." She said bowing her head down.

"Adeena, I had told you all about me and Reeza. But you never told me why you agreed to marry me. What's your story?" He uttered last sentence almost in a whisper as his forehead rest at her's.

"My story is nothing but a hopeless love." Adeena spoke, raising her eyes to meet his, "you asked me at our wedding night if I said Yes to you because my father wants that. And I could not answer." A tear broke edge of her eye.

"You were the reason Willard." She said almost in the same whisper for his surprise, she never sounded so confident in last three months of their marriage.

"I admired you as a human since I saw you. I fell in love for you when I got to know you personally, when you started to work with my father as his business partner." Her tears started to flow on cheeks.

He stood still as if frozen. Willard could never dream that the silent girl living with him from last three months as his wife, silently listening to his talks about his ex-girlfriend, offering soothing words was in love with him herself.

"You were in love... with me?" He said astonished, "I am so sorry Adeena, for everything I said, did, it all must had hurt you." He pulled his own hair with one hand in repentance.

"Why didn't you tell that earlier?"

"Because that time you were in love with her. But today I have seen you overcoming your past." Adeena said holding his hand, kissing the back of his hand.

"I won't lie." He paused a bit before completing his sentence, "for a second I almost lost it. Than all of sudden I realized how much I love you. And it wasn't You." He said with repentance,"I'm sorry Adeena."

"I saw it. Ahm... That's why I'm confessing this to you." Adeena said with a smile and tears, " that I loved you when you were with her. So she was right. I'm the other woman only." She said putting a strong face ahead but next second broke into tears and sobs as Willard hugged her tight in his arms.

"No, you are my wife, my present and my future as well." Willard replied placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I saw the way she affects you. She still affects you. It mean I still need to work on that front." Adeena replied looking into his eyes.

"The day you will not feel anything for her, even for any other woman, will be the day I will get myself as your Love." She said but chortled with tears, "I know I'm asking for too much but I'm like that Greedy."

Willard looked at her smile and smiled back at her holding her close to himself,"Why didn't you tell me when I asked the reason for marrying me?"

"I don't want your love as charity. I want You as my right. I may not was your first choice but want to be your Last." She replied shyly.

"You are Adeena, you are my only choice and hope." Willard felt confident to hear his wife so authoritative. He bent a bit to exchange a sweet kiss with the only woman in his life.

His wife, his Adeena.

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