Chapter 8 - My Role Model

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Next Morning

Athena wakes up the next morning with a migraine. After thinking about everything that happened last night, she hadn't gotten that much sleep. She wraps ice cubes in a towel and places it on her head to reduce the pain, but it doesn't help.

"My head hurts like hell. Should I try taking a pill?" She lets out a long breath and pours some water into a glass. She opens the drawer and takes out a pill.

"It's just a headache pill. Don't think of anything, Athena. Just a headache pill."

She puts the pill in her mouth and sips some water. She tries to swallow the pill, but she can't. She starts to cough and rushes to the bathroom before throwing up everything in the sink.

"I can't even swallow a pill. Useless," she hisses while staring at herself in the mirror.

Athena clenches her fist and punches straight at the mirror. The smooth surface shatters and blood spills everywhere. The wound on her hand doesn't hurt as much as the wound in her heart. Blood starts pouring out, but she doesn't shed a single tear.

She treats her wound and takes a cold shower before getting ready for school. She decides to leave her phone in her room.

Athena walks down the stairs and sees no one in the living room. Every day, her mother waits for her and asks her to eat breakfast, which she never appreciates.

"Still crying over your dead son, huh?" She sighs.

She hears her father's voice as she gets into her car. She pauses and turns around to see her father, Robert Sinclair.

"Good morning, Father," she greets him but he doesn't even bother to greet.

"Morning. I canceled the important dinner meeting for your sake. Make sure to do as you promised," he says, then leaves.

Don't worry, Father. I'll do anything to win the title.

At School

Athena is heading towards the principal's office. However, she stops in her tracks when she sees Brielle's dad talking to the principal in front of the office. She ducks behind the water dispenser to listen in on their conversation.

"Can't you just confirm the rumor? It'll be between us," Brielle's dad, James, says.

"Sir, I can't open my mouth regarding this," says the principal, Harold, in a formal tone.

"I'll give you a blank check right this instant. What do you say?" James says, taking out his checkbook.

"Sir, please stop. I can't say anything about the prom. It's an order from the chairwoman," Harold explains. "But do what you have to, Mr. Nicole," he adds with a smile, patting James's shoulders.

Oh, they're talking about the prom. There was no official announcement regarding the prom this year, and most students don't know about the recommendation letters. So, Brielle's father is here to confirm the rumor.

James nods and leaves. After watching him walk away, Harold takes out his phone and makes a call.

"Good morning, ma'am. As you predicted, one of the students' parents came here today and asked about the prom." Harold chuckled.

Is he talking to the chairwoman? Athena thinks to herself and listens carefully to his phone call.

"I told him it's your order and he left, ma'am," Harold says.

"Yes, ma'am. I spread the news to the selected family as you instructed," Harold informs and cuts the call.

She had asked the principal to spread the news, but when the parents asked, he said he couldn't confirm anything. Why is she doing this? I'm sure our chairwoman is planning something. If it was for money, then our principal would have taken that blank check, or she might host an auction. She is capable of doing anything. No one can figure her out.

Andrea Jeremiah, the chairwoman of Acadia Group. There is a rumor that she killed every heir in the family, including her elder and younger brothers, to get her hands on Acadia Group. And she is my role model.

"Athena, is that you?" Harold asks suddenly.

Shit! He saw me.

"Yes, sir. I was told you asked for me," Athena says with a sweet smile.

"Yes, yes. Congratulations on getting first place in academics again. Our school is so proud of you," he says with excitement.

"Thank you, sir. It's all thanks to your staff and their hard work."

They talk about academics for a while, then Athena leaves to meet with her friends. She is still thinking about why the chairwoman, Andrea, is doing this.

In the school hallway...

The list of top students in academics and club activities has just been posted, and many students crowd around the notice board to see it. As usual, the top five students at Acadia are Athena Sinclair, Arik Bronson, Pearla Thatcher, Cody Michelle, and Rhiya Morgan. The school committee had put their photos with congratulations notes.

"Wow, I envy Athena," one of the students says to her friend. "She's the number one student in academics and first place in both rifle club and archery club. Can you imagine how proud her parents must be?"

"Yeah, of course. And don't you think Arik looks better with Athena than Brielle? Athena is an angel compared to Brielle," the other says, and they both laugh without knowing who is behind them.

"Jokes on you, bitches. Arik only loves me," Brielle scoffs.

"W-we're sorry," they apologize quickly and walk away.

"Bri, calm down," Remi says to the angry Brielle.

"They aren't entirely wrong, though," says Sam, one of the troublemakers.

"What do you mean?" Brielle fumes.

Sam shrugs. "I mean, she's way better than you."

Everyone knows Brielle and Arik are together, but they can't stop themselves from shipping Athena and Arik. They're the top two students and have been best friends for five years. That's one of the reasons why Brielle hates Athena.

Arik and Cody join the conversation.

"What's happening here? Why does Bri look like an angry potato?" Cody says, mocking.

"Cody, shut up. Read the room," Remi whispers.

"Babe, what happened?" Arik asks.

"Ask your friend. He's talking too much," Brielle snaps.

Before they know it, everyone in the hallway is staring at them. Athena sees the crowd and curiosity arises. She walks toward the commotion.

"Haa, here comes the main character." Sam points at Athena, who seems confused.

"Sam, what did you do to Brielle? Why is she angry?" Arik asks his friend Sam.

"I'm just stating the facts. Athena and you would make a better pair. Right, Athena?" Sam says and smirks at Athena.

"Stop spouting nonsense. I see her as a friend," Arik states, which makes Brielle happy.

"Then what about your friend?" Sam retorts. "Does she see you as a friend?"

"Okay, this is going somewhere else. We should stop; everyone is watching," Remi says, trying to ease the tension.

"Trying to help your friend, huh? Every time she sees him with Brielle, she burns with jealousy. That's why she rejects everyone for prom, because she loves Arik." Sam smirks. Everyone in the hallway starts to murmur, and Athena is so done with him.

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