Chapter 1 : WHATT??

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Well first of all I want to thank you for giving time to read my story...This is my first story so I hope you guys will enjoy..And remember you guys are reading at you own risk!! Now moving onto story...




UGHHHH!!! Why is it so bright??.I open my eyes to see bright sun shining outside my window "It's morning already .Ohh gawd I wanna sleep but I have to get up and get ready for school".I got up and did my morning stretches.

I walked towards the bathroom to take a good slow shower.On my way to the bathroom,I looked at my wall clock "8:38"

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" I shouted panicking since school begins at 9.I ran inside bathroom to take a quick 5 minute shower.

I took a baggy pink shirt and a black long skirt which reaches my ankles.I made my hair into a messy bun and wore my big nerdy glasses.

Though I have good figure like long blonde silky hair which reaches my waist,a face with no pimples or dark circles,good eyesight,big breasts,curvy hips and long legs,I don't like showing off to others.So I hide myself within my shadows.

You are asking me, why I am wearing such baggy clothes right??Welllll.....That's an another story for another day*wink*

I looked at my wallclock it read"8:55.Oh my goodness.I'm late" locked my apartment and ran to my school which is 15 minutes away.Yep,I have an apartment.

Most of the students live in dorm since they're orphans.I almost reached my school and checked my watch it read"9:10 Arghh...I'm going to get detention" I increased my speed and ran faster than before.

Wait...I think I forgot to introduce myself haha how rude of me sorry guys..I'm Lucy Heartfilia and currently I'm running to my high school which is FAIRYTAIL HIGH SCHOOL.One of the most famous schools in Magnolia.FTHS is famous for it's academic and sports.

I reached the school to see security closing the gate.I started shouting at him to stop closing the gate.

He stopped just in time he saw me.

"Thank you sir," I said while bowing down"Good morning.Have a great day"

I know it's late for my class but I should thank him for his help.He smiled at me causing his wrinkles to show around his eyes,

"No problem dear and you should go to auditorium soon.."

Oh my 😨it's monday

On first day of the week, we have general assembly in the auditorium.So you know what it means,I won't get detention or any scolding yayy....😄..Infact no one will know I was late today And you guys don't tell anyone okay??😜

I thanked him and rushed to auditorium there I saw everyone had been already seated and our headmaster is going to talk.I took a seat which is at the last row and began listening to him.

"Good morning my dear children..How are you all..I hope you guys enjoyed your holidays..well oh look at that...what's this... the girls have grown more pretty whereas the boys are ugly as always..."

On hearing this we couldn't hold our laughter while the boys were glaring at him.Our master never changes he's an awesome man actually no scratch that he's the best;he's more like a friend to us and he's the only person who understands me.

When I looked at him he was having a serious expression,

"Okay children jokes apart!! I wanted to inform you all about something important and I want everyone to hear it clearly.You guys know that every school in Magnolia come under one organisation right? They couldn't handle many schools so they are going to close some schools and..."

what is he trying to say we all looked exceptedly at him.He took deep breath and continued,

"And I heard that our school is going to be closed you better start looking for others schools to enroll yourself..till that enjoy your days here...So any questions? I saw him forcing a smile on his face.

"Master.I want to know how's that possible?They didn't inform us beforehand too" I turned and saw Erza scarlet the school's president standing.Well she has a point though."You're right Erza but what can we do...our school is under them.I cannot question them"

"Old man I cannot accept this.This is our home.I will fight them if that can help me to keep my home."I saw Natsu standing.When he asked everyone shouted"yes"He has a point though it's our home if we have to defend it then I'll be there to fight along with them.

"I know you are hurt Natsu but what can we do its all fate.."I looked at master who looked down sadly.

"I agree with flamebrain in this.This school has given us everything now it's time for us to give something fate or not we will fight!!" Gray shouted at top of his lungs.

"Yeah!!!wait...what...what did you call me frosty.."

" I called you flamebrain is there any fault fireball?"

"yeah You're face is the only fault"

"what did you say about my handsome face.."

Everyone including me sweat dropped at this because this always happen but I don't know why though.This would happen untill Erza comes and stopes them.When they see her,their faces look like they have seen a monster.I wonder why

I heard some banging I turned saw Erza banging Natsu's and Gray's head together.They both became unconscious due to the impact.

Ok I think I got the answer

"Okay anymore questions (Silence) no..ok everyone go to your respective class.Classes will begin soon"

I saw Master walking out of the auditorium.Everyone started going to their class.I also have class but before that I have important work to do and that is talking to Master.


Natsu & Gray

Erza scarlet



ok..that's the first chapter.....I guess that you guys enjoyed...please drop your comments and votes ..

luv u all~~❤

Thank you....


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