Chapter 14

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The sun had risen,everyone had packed their belongings and had been seated in their respective seats in bus.Mira and Laxus showed their gratitude to the villagers by offering them some gifts.The bus took off to their school,everyone felt content and happy.Their two day trip was full of adventure and fun.They planned to take another trip like this soon but to a further place than this.

After what felt like eternity the bus halted,everyone got down and stood outside.But what they saw shocked them to their core.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE??" Laxus shouted on seeing the scene before him.

The girls fell on their knees sobbing,the boys fisted their hands till their knuckles showed.

Before them laided their home aka their school which was their heaven, crumbled to pieces of stones and bricks.There was no trace to show that there was a marvelous building before this pile of stones and cement.Along with this,their hopes and dreams had been destroyed too.

"I'll kill those people",Natsu shouted while beating his fight with his palm," who destroyed our home...They'll suffer just like this"

He ran inside and started searching for something in the piles of crumbled stones and bricks.No one dared to stop him because they were not able to think anything as their minds were blank.

"Where's Master??", Lucy asked while wipping away her tear from her eyes,"Where's Everyone??"

Just then everyone noticed that not one single soul is there not even security.They started searching for someone or some clue where they could find others.

Suddenly they heard a serech sound, they turned to see a yellow bus standing before them.From that Makarov came out and stood before them.

Everyone ran and stood before him and started questioning him what had happened.He stood in top of the bus(A/N : He's short remember) and raised his hand.Everyone became silent.

"My dear children I can feel your anger and sadness.I know how you all feel but just like I told you before nothing is in our hands, it's the organisation and now they have taken down our school,".He saw Gray trying to say something but he glared at him to let him finish first ,"Luckily no one is injured.So right now till you all settle in different schools we're staying in a safe place.Get inside this bus.And say Good bye to Fairytail" On hearing this everyone started shedding tears.They all bowed their heads and started getting inside the bus but suddenly they heard a voice,"No never" Everyone turned to see Natsu standing in top of pile of cement.He was searching something.He caught hold of something"Fairytail will never fall down.We are the fairies;we fly beyond the sky;We conquer everything;We won't let others to conquer us and our home" He took the school flag fron under the dust and started swaying.Though it's torn,seeing it bought new hope and strength for everyone.They got new energy and faith that they will get their home back.


The bus stopped in front of Lamiascale highschool.The building is small compared to their school building but it has the same home feeling in it.

None uttered a word after getting down from the bus,they just followed their Master (Makarov) blindly.They walked through hallways and saw others looking at them with pity which they hated.When they turned around in a corner,a blue haired girl dashed with Lucy and hugged her tightly.It was Wendy.

"Lucy-nee," Looked at Lucy with tears in her eyes,"I'm really sorry for your loss" Lucy hugged her back and mumbled out,"It's not your fault Wen...It's no one's fault"

They all went inside auditorium and was shocked to see students from other schools in Magnolia.All the school headmaster's went on stage and stood in line.Students gathered around the stage to hear what they're going to say.

Mr.Jain (Headmaster of Jainists highschool) cleared his throat,"Okay everyone now.Today we have Fairytail highschool with us too.This problem is getting out of hand so..." He trailed and Miss.Eve (Headmaster of Lilyton highschool) continued ," so we headmasters will be going to London to have a word with the organisation"

When the word London was heard,Lisanna saw Lucy flinch and Wendy hugged her more tightly but she shrugged it off thinking it's just her imagination.

Mr.Frank,a really tall man with a bald head looked at everyone,"Till that I want you all to behave understood??" Everyone nodded their heads.Makarov smiled at them sadly"Children stay safe..okay??Protect each other till we're back and there will be some teachers to monitor you all" Everyone got down from stage and walked out of the auditorium.

Wendy hugged Lucy to give her some comfort because she knows the conflict Lucy is going through in her mind.She knows Lucy hates if someone treat her differently and if her secret comes out then everyone will look at her differently.Luke has to do something about this and that too soon Wendy thought while hugging Lucy.


Two days had gone like a flash,today is the day the headmaster's are coming back.Everyone ate from cafetaria and slept in the auditorium.Since everyone had been through a lot,they understood eachother.They supported and cared for eachother.

Afternoon 2:30pm~

The sun is showing off its anger by giving off heatness and Natsu showed his by extreme working out.He would always do this,after eating he would go out and starts working out.Its the only way for him to relieve his stress.He would do sit-ups,push-ups,lift weights(like big stones) and many more.Sometimes other boys will join him and they all have a combat fight during evening time.

Right now he was doing his push up,sweat rolled off from his bare shoulder and fell on the ground.Suddenly,someone had tripped by his leg and fell down.He stood up to see who the hell was running and playing at this time that too in this scorching sun.

A brown haired boy wearing a green hoodie was rubbing his head in pain.He looked nearly Natsu's age maybe one year younger.But Natsu had never seen him in this school.True,there are 7 school students living under the same roof for the past 2 days but he had met each one of them and he had a amazing memory power so now looking at this brown haired boy he felt something wrong in his gut.

"Who are you??"Natsu questioned authoritatively.The boy looked up at Natsu,his black eyes clouded with fear
he looked everywhere except him.Natsu grew impatient,"I asked you a question..Answer me boy...who are you??I have never seen you here"

Natsu offered his hand so he could get up but the boy slapped it away and ran from there.Natsu rushed behind him shouting at him to stop.

Natsu's a athlete so he ran faster than than the boy and slammed him against the iron gate of the school before he could escape.The boy tried to wiggle out from Natsu's grip but he tightened his hold on his shoulder.The boy head-butted Natsu to make him lose his grip on him.

When he tried to run,Natsu tripped him by his leg making him to lose his balance and made him fall down.He got on top of him and started beating him,"Why are you here??Who are you??"

The boy tried his level best to block the attack but he couldn't.Finally Natsu pinned his arms at the top of his head with his one arm and raised his other fist ready to beat him.

"I'm giving you one last chance...Tell me what are you doing here??" The boy laughed loudly which irritated Natsu and he face punched him.He smirked,"You want to know why...I'm here...I'm here to kill you all" and laughed like a maniac.

Natsu grew angry and started face punching him continuously. The boy coughed out blood,"No use in punching me..I don't care about myself but what about your friends inside the school" Natsu stopped his fist in mid air,"What are you blaberring about??"

"I'm not...I will give up my life for my boss but what about others life?I kept a bomb which is going to..." noticed his watch,"Ha!!Going to blast in 15 minutes...Then only crying...aww I forgot there's no one to cry for them how pity!!"

Natsu's face was red in anger he knocked him out unconscious and ran towards the school.I should save everyone.Ohh Mavis please grant me the strength.

There are more than 500 students inside he doesn't know how he's going to save all.Suddenly he got an idea he remembered Warren invented a communicating device which everyone in Fairytail students have it.He invented it for such emergencies.He took it out and pressed the red button and waited for everyone to pick up.

--With Lucy & others--

Lucy felt something vibrating in her pocket she took it out to see Warren's device blinking red.Her eyes widened, red means danger.She looked up to see every Fairytail student looking shocked at this device on their hands.

They placed it in their ear and pressed green button and they heard booming voice of Natsu ,"GUYS!!" "Are you trying to burst our eardrums Flamebrain" Gray said annoyed while rubbing his ears and everyone laughed at this but their laughter was cut off by Natsu,"Gray we don't have time for jokes here.."

Natsu never called Gray by his name if he does it means business.Everyone listened attentively to what he was saying,"Don't shout after hearing this...Don't panic too...I saw a man outside the building running and looks like he kept bomb inside the school.."Everyone shot a panic look to others.Erza devised a plan in her mind,"Okay everyone listen here!First we'll take children to safety.They're important.Don't let them know,inform this to other adult students too.We have to clear this place immediately and Natsu how much time do we have?" " 10 minutes"

After hearing this all got up and rushed to get the children out.


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😊Thank you for reading😊

~Riya out😍

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