Chapter 5 : Natsu Confronts Flare

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Natsu and his friends are still in Basketball ground shooting some hoops since lunch break.

Erza blowed her whistle and said, "Boys come on it's enough for today..."

Natsu & others came and sat down in bleachers talking about whatever came in their mind.Just then Gajeel heard something and called Nikki over.

"what's up Gaj..why did you call me??"asked Nikki

"Nothing I heard that you were talking about bunnygirl what it is?"Gajeel asked curiously.

(bunny girl aka Lucy)

Now this got Natsu's attention and he eavesdropped on them.Gajeel knows about it but he didn't say anything.

Nikki answered."ohh..about guys didn't hear."Now everyone's attention as on them "Lucy was humiliated by Flare in cafetaria she poured lunch on her.Lucy ran away and I didn't see her from that.."

Natsu got up and walked out of ground silently.

Natsu was fuming he's doesn't know the reason why.When he heard what Flare did to Lucy he's was angry.So he left the ground silently hoping to find that rich snob to give her his piece of mind.

Natsu walked through hallways and saw Flare was kissing someboy with brownhair.Natsu coughed to get their attention.When Flare heard cough she was angry because someone disturbed her when she saw it was Natsu she was surprised.

"umm...Natsu..."pushed that boy away and clinged to Natsu's arm"I didn't do anything I promise..he's the one who kissed me...Believe me Babyy."said innocently(not innocent totally opposite🚫)

Natsu rolled his eyes and took his arm from her"I don't wanna know who you kiss flare it's not my job.Hell I don't even like you so why should I care who you kiss.I want to ask you one thing Why did you do that to Lucy??"asked the last part angrily.

Flare was enraged when she heard Natsu.She was so mad that she wanted to find Lucy right now and kill her.She promised herself that she'll punish Lucy when she sees her next.

"why do you care Natsu what is she to you??"asked Flare irritatingly

Natsu shuttered"she's n-nothing to me.I care because she's my classmate"

"Then why didn't you stand for Lia...she was also humiliated by me??"Natsu didn't answer.

Flare thought"hmm interesting..."
"so tell me Natsu why are you standing up for her??

Natsu again angered"its nothing don't try to change the topic flare why did you humiliate her in front of all in cafetaria what did she even do to you.."

"That what she gets for messing with my boyfriend"Flare answered while smirking

"huh boyfriend..?"Natsu asked confused

"well Since you're my boyfriend and she touched you that's why I did that to her.It's my duty as your girlfriend duhh.."said Flare as if she was stating a fact.

This angered Natsu more "who do you think you are to decide who should touch me or talk to me..and don't you dare say you're my could never be my girlfriend...Get that into your thick skull understand??...if you ever try to harm Lucy again you'll face conquences"and walked away from there.

"okay Natsu..but tell me one thing why do you care so much for her though you're not her friend..what is she to you...she has to be something right for you to come and shout at me like this"Natsu stopped but never turned and answered her.He went to his class Students in the hallway witnessed what had happened.

Flare looked at them and shouted"Don't you guys have work...go to your class right now geesh can't couples have privacy..."

"but Natsu said you could never be his girlfriend"Someone asked her from the crowd.On hearing this everyone snickered.

Flare got angry and shouted"whose that who dare to disrespect me huh..??..who cares what he says he's my boyfriend he just didn't realise his undying love for me I'll make him realise soon.." and walked away from there.

"but doesn't Natsu get to select who is going to be his girlfriend??...ahh..whatever" thought students in the crowd and went to their own respective classes...

Natsu entered his classroom and layed down his head on his desk.He was very confused.He was thinking(yeahh i knoww shockerrr😂)why he stood up for Lucy and what was she to him.It's like he had mixed feelings he never felt like this.Suddenly his thoughts were cut off by Headmaster making some announcement

"Good afternoon my dear students...hope you guys had lunch..skipping lunch is not good children...okay you guys know Your mid terms are coming soon but i want you to inform you that your exams will be starting from tomorrow.."

All students gasp"WHATTT...!!"

"I know its sudden guys..but tomorrow you should be prepared for this exam...This exam will have 2 parts one pratical and another theory..your homeroom teacher will explain it in I wish you all good luck and prepare for your exams well..Students this exam is very important so I hope you all will do well...THANK YOU EVERYONE.."

Natsu banged his head on the table he taught " this too huh..."

The class door opens and their homeroom reacher Mirajane(who is also secretary of Makarov)comes in.Everyone wishes her and she ask them to settle down.

when Mirajane entered the class every one wished and sat down.She started explaining about the exam but she saw Natsu lying with his head down...what's his problem??."Natsu are you alright??..why are you lying down..?"Even though Natsu said it was nothing she could feel something is there..Even her matchmaking senses are tinkling too..(A/N : That's dangerous for everyone it means she's going to pair up someone).

" tomorrow you all will have practical exam which will be about your physical body strength,speed etc..and you will have theory which will be about your knowledge,memory power etc..ok students this exam is important for you guys to pass your high i hope you all will do you all can divide into groups and study...i have some work in the office I'll be going keep silent..and Erza can you look after them??"

Erza stood"yess...Mam you can trust me..I'll punish them even if they make a small movement"said with a smirk while taking a Sword in her hand.Everyone thought"How in the hell she has sword in her hand and where did she get it from??"
(A/N:Even I don't know)

Mira can see students shivering especially Natsu and Gray.She couldn't hold her laughter and started walking towards the door just then she noticed one thing.Lucy was not there in class.She asked the students"guys..where's Lucy..?"

On seeing no one answering and sad face of Natsu she felt that something is going on..."ok she doesn't know about tomorrow's exam so can anyone inform her about it..."She looked at Levy and asked her"Levy...Can you Inform Lucy about it I know your her friend??"Levy smiled and nodded her head.She smiled and walked out of classroom.



Chapter 5 done!!..

Thank you for reading...

Love you all...😍...
you all are amazing😎😁..Thank you for your support guys..

Let's all Meet again in Chapter 6 of SECRET REVEALED...😄...

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