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When Pippa enters the office this time, she's unsure as to what she will receive, and the anxiety bubbles within her. She knows her Secret Santa hasn't given her anything too lavish as of yet, so she's not as worried about her gift for today. But what could the gift be? The single question raises discomfort in the woman, but she shakes it off and goes to her desk as she normally would.

Pippa opens the bottom drawer of her desk, placing her purse inside. She hangs her coat on the back of her chair, and finally, she looks to her desk—which she's avoided glancing toward in order to calm her racing heart.

Laying innocently on the desk is a clear, plastic box with blue cake pops—11 of them, to be exact. Atop the box is a white envelope.

Pippa takes a cautious glance around. Mark, once again, is watching her from between the blinds in his office window. Pippa raises an eyebrow, and Mark gestures dramatically for her to look at her gifts.

Pippa turns to the items on her desk. Is Mark her Secret Santa? Pippa doesn't like that idea. She can't fathom the thought of Mark doing any of this. Perhaps he knows the identity of her Secret Santa? She shakes her head to clear her mind of the thought. Mark is just a really weird and enthusiastic man.

"Pippa! We have a meeting!"

Pippa turns around to Scarlett, who rolls her eyes at Pippa's confused expression.

"Come on!"

Pippa gets up then—promptly forgetting her gift—and follows the brunette cynic into the conference room. She closes the door behind her and seats herself next to Mary, who offers her a small smile.

"Okay, the first matter we need to attend to is the theme. We settled on treats and who would do what, but we need to come up with a theme for this year's Christmas party," Tina says, tapping her pencil on her clipboard. Scarlett instantly raises her hand.

"Oh I know! We should do a nativity theme! We could have a Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, some shepherds, three wisemen, and everyone else can be an animal!" Everyone looks around, sharing rolled eyes.

"Scarlett, we did that four years ago, and you got mad at Mark because he came as Santa instead of the donkey. We're not doing that again," Mary says, crossing her right leg over her left. Scarlett scoffs.

"But it's Christmas! We need to celebrate our Saviour's birth! It's just wrong not to!"

"Scarlett, not everyone shares your religious beliefs. You have to be mindful of that," Pippa cuts in, crossing her arms over her chest. While Pippa does believe in God, she's not nearly as anal about it as Scarlett. Pippa respects the fact that not everyone is a Christian, and not everyone believes what she does; Scarlett doesn't care—Scarlett would be the one voting for the Middle Ages to come back just so women would have to be submissive toward their husbands.

Scarlett wisely shuts her mouth.

Tina clears her throat. "Any other themes, ladies?"

April shrugs. Mary's eyes widen.

"Yes! We should do a Luau! We haven't done one in so long, and I think it could be fun to see Mark show up in a grass skirt and coconut bra over his Santa suit!" Mary interjects, excitement obvious in her wild gesticulations.

Scarlet scoffs again.

"Mary, that's whorish! Coconut bras and grass skirts—they don't leave much to the imagination!"

"Says the office whore!" Tina exclaims, "We're going to do a luau. Pippa, do you agree?"

Pippa nods with a small smile, attempting to hide her amusement. Tina smiles gratefully.

"That's that then! I'm going to tell Mark, he's going to give us a budget, then we'll get together on the 17th and discuss how much of everything we'll need."

The women file out of the conference room. Tina goes into Mark's office, and the other women go to their desk.

Pippa sees the gift still on her desk and sighs.

Let's get this over with, she thinks, reaching for the envelope.

"How was the meeting?" Jasper asks, swivelling in his chair to face Pippa. Pippa shrugs.

"We decided on a luau theme," she murmurs, peeling open the envelope and pulling out the card. Jasper hums. Pippa opens the card.

Her face morphs into one of disgust.

"What on Earth?" She exclaims, rising from her desk chair. Jasper furrows his brows in confusion. What does the card say that she's so disgusted by?

Pippa storms to reception and practically shoves the card into Mary's vision. Mary slightly recoils, and she takes the card from Pippa apprehensively. She reads it over, disgust clouding her features as well.

"Oh my God! Who thought it would be okay to say that?" She exclaims, passing the card back to Pippa.

"I'm not sure, but that was an unnecessary insinuation," Pippa responds. Mary grimaces.

"Go show Jasper! Maybe he can track down this douche," Mary suggests.

Pippa immediately remembers the colour of the cake pops.

"Oh my God, he gave me blue cake pops! Now I know why! Holy...that's...no. I'm going back to my desk. I need to sit down," Pippa says, pinching the bridge of her nose. She feels a sharp pain behind her temples and knows a migraine is coming on.

When she makes it to her desk, Pippa rolls her chair up to her desk and props her head on her arms. She groans. Today has only just begun, and it's only getting worse.


She hears the quiet call of her name, and she looks up. Pippa finds that Jasper has rolled his chair in front of her desk.

"What's wrong, Pip?" Jasper asks softly. Pippa sighs, holding out the card. Jasper takes the card cautiously, and he reads it.

"It says 'Day 2. Dear Pippa, It'll be a blue-balled Christmas without you. From Secret Santa.' That's mortifying."

Donahue perks up.

"Mortifying? How is it mortifying for you? Are you her Secret Santa, Jasper?"

Jasper, wide-eyed, shakes his head.

"No, I—it's just mortifying to Pippa," Jasper defends. Donahue hmphs.

Jasper sighs.

"That's really shitty of your Santa to say, Pip." Pippa nods slowly, watching Jasper.

Pippa has a good feeling Jasper might know who her Secret Santa is. She glances at him contemplatively, and Jasper offers her a wary smile.

"Help me find this guy."

Jasper raises his eyebrows. Did he hear her correctly? Pippa wants him to help her find her Secret Santa? But— Jasper swallows.

"Okay, but tomorrow."


"Yeah, tomorrow."

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