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"You know, I'm surprised the Secret Santa gift exchange hasn't blown up yet," Scarlett announces, prompting Mary, Pippa, Roxanne, and Tina to nod in agreement. April from Quality Inspection scoffs.

"Considering last year's Secret Santa sent Donahue to the hospital with third-degree burns, I'd say you'd better keep your mouth shut," April reprimands, practically stabbing her pencil into the notepad on the table before her.

Roxanne rolls her eyes.

"April, you don't even care about Donahue. Not after he rejected you because he's married to me."

A pregnant pause fills the room.

Pippa clears her throat.

"Okay, ladies. That's enough. We have to plan a Christmas party or at least act like we're doing so before Mark comes in."

The ladies unanimously decide to continue with the party planning.

"Who's going to decorate the trees this year? Scarlett did it last year, and Roxanne did it the year before," April asks, prompting Tina to raise her hand.

"I'll do it! My brother has some left over tinsel in his garage, and I really want to use it somehow."

Pippa writes down Tina's name under 'Tree Decorator.'

"Who's going to provide the food? I did it last year," April asks. The ladies look around.

Mary raises her hand.

"I'll do it. There's a new bakery down the road from my apartment, and they sell the best gingerbread cookies." Mary smiles as she says this. Scarlett frowns.

"That's Pagan-ish! Who wants to eat cookies shaped like humans? Pagans!" Scarlett complains.

Roxanne and April roll their eyes. Pippa shakes her head, and Mary glares daggers at the cynical woman.

"Scarlett, it's just a cookie. Get over it."

Scarlett scoffs, but says nothing else.

"Okay then. Now, who is going to make the banners and fliers?" April asks. Pippa raises her hand, writing her name down with the other.

"Guys, can I say something really quick?" Tina asks, a small smile on her face. The other ladies nod, turning their attention to her. "I don't know about you ladies, but I think Jasper is just...a hottie. He could get it anytime."

The declaration shocks Pippa to the core.

"Tina, you're married! Simply looking at another man and thinking about him in that way is whorish!" Scarlett chides, gripping the edge of the table firmly.

Tina rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Says the whore who slept with Ewan and Rhys last year."

Silence fills the room.

"I think Jasper's hot too, but I wouldn't say that to him," Roxanne admits, clenching her hand into a fist on the table. Pippa sighs.

"What? Come on, Pip! I know you like him. You give him this weird lovey-dovey look when you think he's not looking. He looks at you like that too," Roxanne says, causing Pippa to freeze.

Roxanne eyes the girl.

"I sit across from you two every day. Don't think I haven't noticed."

Pippa shakes her head.

"I think you've got it all wrong, Roxie. We don't like each other like that," Pippa says, although the flush rising to her cheeks tells the other ladies all they need to know.

"Lust is a sin, Pippa. You of all people ought to know that," Scarlett chides, raising her head up as if she's won something. Mary faces Scarlett.

"Scarlett, shut up! You need to stop taking your guilt out on everyone else. If you hate sin that bad, then go live in a bunker! Geez!"

"Who needs to go live in a bunker?"

The room silences.

Mark's standing in the doorway hesitantly, peering at the group of women with a curious yet mischievous look in his eyes.

"Scarlett," Tina answers, sighing. Mark nods.

"Oh okay. How's the party planning coming along?"

The ladies glance at their notepads, at each other, then at Mark.

"Get out, Mark," April says, "Your presence is hindering our productivity."

"Damn, okay! Cock in the hen house, I get it."

Mark backs out of the room slowly, holding one hand up in surrender as he pulls the door closed with the other.

Sighs of relief fill the room.

"Now we have to finish planning before he comes back," April announces. The other ladies agree.

Slowly, they work out who will do what, until Tina pipes up again.

"You know, I think Jasper has a girlfriend."

The ladies pause their progress again.

"Is that really important right now?" Scarlett asks sarcastically, clenching her jaw in irritation. Pippa pretends to write something down, but she listens intently to Tina's words.

"Yes it is! I saw him with some blonde over the weekend. He didn't hold her hand or anything, but he did give her a cheek kiss when he opened the door for her to get in his car."

"Are you sure it's not his sister? She's a blonde," Mary asks boredly, clearly ready for the conversation to end. She props her head up on her left fist. Roxanne leans over and pinches her, causing Mary to yelp in pain.

"Mary, this is an interesting development! Shut it!"

Mary sighs.

"Well, Mary could be right," Pippa defends her friend, "His sister, Katy, is a blonde, and last weekend was her birthday."

The rest of the ladies give Pippa a curious look.

"If I didn't know any better," Roxanne began, "I'd say you more than like Jasper, Pippa." Roxanne grins mischievously at the girl, causing Pippa to reluctantly turn pink.

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