xvi. politics

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...Chandler and Yuna have their suspicions as well. They know about Harris's secret meetings and discreet orders. They've seen what I have, so I guess I'm not crazy. If I have other Elite with me, maybe this won't end the way that I think it will. And if it does, then just know that I died trying to stop it. We all did...

"Zara," Silas's voice filled my ears, while my mother's voice faded from my thoughts. "Do you think we can make a quick stop and see the Colosseum?" Humor danced in his eyes, but his smile was melancholic as he stared at a brochure on the table. We were outside a small cafe, away from the other patrons, waiting for Lucy and Thomas to buy their drinks and return to the table.

My fingers were tapping away impatiently on the wooden surface as I watched the two conversing near the counter, occasionally glancing at us.

Though I still wasn't sure about trusting Lucy and Thomas, regardless of my mother's words, it was obvious that they had information that I desired. Oliver and Maya were still in the United States on their own hunt for answers, and without these two, we were at a dead-end.

"Sure. After we kill Harris."

I'd meant for my words to come off as a joke, but the smile on Silas's face fell and he shuffled uncomfortably, much to my amusement. Our conversation was interrupted when the pair returned to the table.

Lucy set down her coffee, sliding into her seat across from me. "Are you sure you two don't want anything?" She studied our faces, mine expressionless, and Silas's grateful. She offered a small smile, but I remained indifferent.

Thomas was leaned back in his chair across from Silas, his arms crossed behind his head as he teetered on the back two legs of his seat. He watched me often, a ghost of a smirk never leaving his lips, his eyes full of dark mischief and a type of hunger I didn't want to place. His sly comments towards Silas and his lingering looks at me didn't cease. Poor boy.

He didn't realize exactly who he was messing with.

I ignored Lucy's question. She seemed sweet. I didn't care. "I need you two to stop wasting time." I leaned closer to them, narrowing my eyes. "If this really is a war, then you need to give me a reason to have you on our side."

Lucy pressed her lips into a thin line and looked to her brother, who sighed and folded his hands on the table. He'd been twirling a straw wrapper in his hands, one that he threw at Silas before he spoke. I felt the curly-headed boy tense next to me, but he remained quiet.

"Your mother, as you probably already know, was a Luna agent. Even after leaving, she still had ties. One of them is our father, Lucas." He flashed a perfect smile, rubbing his beard with his right hand as he spoke. "When she found out that Harris was up to something, she reached out to us. And after she failed--sorry, after she died, our father sent us to find you."

Silas huffed next to me. "Asshole."

Fire. In my blood, coursing through my veins, scorching my throat. Thomas was playing with me, for reasons I didn't know. His smug smile grew when his sister nudged him his ribs. I clenched my fist. Breathed. And smiled.

"And what does your father want from me?"

Lucy licked her lips, brushing aside her red bangs. "We know why G.O.L.D. is looking for you, and we think we may know what they're endgame is. We didn't know if Mist had anything to—"

"Mist?" I froze.

Lucy shook her head in astonishment. "You... don't know about Mist?"

Mist was on The Alliance documents, and it was constantly lingering in the back of my mind since I'd read about it.

I shook my head slowly, sharing a look with Silas. More and more people began to crowd the cafe, and since we were found before, we could've been found again."We can't talk here."

Lucy sprung to her feet unexpectedly. "I was going to say the same thing. Come with us and we'll explain everything." Her eyebrows were raised in anticipation, dark eyes eager. Thomas looked indifferent as he kicked something at his feet.

I nodded, and we followed them out of the building, my eyes lingering on the Colosseum pamphlet.


Lucas Noll looked a lot like his son Thomas, save for brighter eyes, peppered hair, and a softer smile. But when he saw me, his grin grew out of admiration.

"You are so much like your mother. It's an honor to meet you, Zara," he'd said, his eyes lingering on the pendant between my collar bones.

Lucy and Thomas brought us to this apartment where they'd been staying with their father. I was reluctant mainly because I didn't know what to expect, and I hated feeling that way. But I needed to know more about Mist, and they obviously had more information.

Lucas's gaze fell on Silas, who extended a hand to shake. He took it, curiosity in his eyes. "And this is...?"

Silas's lips parted, but I spoke before he could. "A friend." My voice was stern, almost daring him to ask any further questions. Lucas sensed my hostility and nodded, motioning for us to sit.

"How did you know my mother?" I found myself playing with my fingers, avoiding his gaze as he watched me speak.

There's a certain look in the eyes of people when they speak of someone who's died, and I couldn't handle that look when someone spoke about my mother.

Lucas leaned back into the couch, crossing his right leg over his left. "We worked on several operations together. And we were a good team."

I nodded, something about the way that Silas was absentmindedly humming a tune beside me strangely comforting.

"What do you know about Mist?" I played with my necklace, watching Lucy and Thomas whisper to each other from the other couch across from us.

Lucas sighed an leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. He rubbed his hands together in thought before speaking.

"In the 1950s, Mist was an espionage agency that had grown impeccably strong. They had gradually been accumulating resources, deals, and weapons from governments. They became powerful simply because they let go of their morality," Lucas licked his lips before continuing.

"When Luna found out that Mist had access to nuclear codes and chemical weapons and planned to use them to blackmail the governments of countries, we formed an alliance with G.O.L.D. and Vector. The codes and formulas were distributed among the three agencies so that even if one of the three in The Alliance began to fall into Mist's footsteps, the other two could keep the codes safe. Each agency passed down the job of the protector from agent to agent, until it landed in your mother's hands.

"Now, I'm afraid, Vector, G.O.L.D. and who knows who else are trying to rebirth Mist. I'm not sure who they're cooperating with, but they have two pieces of the puzzle. And they only need one more."

I froze. The box.

Lucas wove his hands into his hair. "They want control. Absolute control over the other espionage agencies, governments, and organizations that may stand in their way, and blackmail is not beyond them. If they have the nuclear codes, they will be unstoppable."

Goosebumps found homes on my arms as I tried to digest his words.

The box. The box with the strange key.

"They're looking for me because they think my mother left me with the codes to protect."

Lucas raised his eyebrows. "Well, did she?"

Biting my tongue, I shook my head. "No. Why didn't they just destroy them?"

This time, Thomas huffed and leaned forward, joining the conversation. "Because that would be stupid. Mist was wicked, but smart. The other two probably figured that this type of weaponry would could be useful. You don't destroy art."

Silas snorted. "First intelligent thing to come out of your mouth."

I shifted in my seat. "So there isn't any other way for them to get this information? Where are these nuclear resources? Do you think governments are involved?"

Lucas laughed. "There aren't any electronic copies, mainly because anything electronic can be accessed. I'm afraid I cannot answer your other questions. This is about as much as we know."

I absentmindedly tied my hair so that it was no longer splayed over my shoulders, something I usually did when I was ready to fight, and for some reason, I felt like it wasn't long before I'd have to. "Are there any other Luna agents here?"

The three family members shared a solemn look before Lucy broke her silence. "We don't know. A lot of people... died after G.O.L.D. attacked. Many joined them. And others went into hiding. We don't know of any others who are resisting."

"Why are you resisting?" Silas perked up.

A dark shadow fell over Lucas's expression when he met my eyes, his own swirling with fear. He was a strong man; it was obvious in the way he took care of his family, but at that moment, he was crumbling.

"They have my wife," he said, his voice shaky.

In that moment, I no longer saw Lucy as annoying and Thomas as that arrogant. I felt for them in a way that I never thought I would. My hostility towards the family diminished the slightest bit at the sight of the sadness swimming in their identical eyes.

I nodded. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask. How do you know she's still alive?"

The corners of Lucy's lips curved in a soft smile. "We have an agent on the inside. He's been communicating with us, relaying information."

Finally, some hope. That's how they got all of their intel.

Lucas saw my lips part to speak and answered my unasked question. "He doesn't know much, besides the fact that they're planning a large operation in a week's time. It's going to be a political ball of sorts, honoring the inauguration of the new Military Commissioner of Germany, who just so happens to be a secretive board member of Vector."

My breathing hitched in my throat. "Mist. They were based in Germany, weren't they?"

"That would mean that he would have control over the weapons and influence over the army," Silas pitched in.

Lucy nodded. She looked to Silas. "Yes." Then me. "And yes."

The room fell silent as each one of us was lost deep within our thoughts, sharing an unmistakable sense of fear.

"They can't do anything with just the two components though, right? Not unless they have the third one, the one my mother protected?"

Lucas shook his head. "Once Schneider, the German candidate, is sworn in, he'll have access to more than just Mist's resources, even though those are highly valuable. But you're right. They'll keep searching for those last missing pieces because they're what stand in the way of them and absolute power."

"What are these codes and formulas capable of?"

"Mist didn't just plant weapons in Germany. They're all around the world, and sitting dormant, awaiting activation."

"Why are they doing this?" Silas's voice was quiet, naive.

"Power. Control. They don't want the government standing in their way."

I cocked my head to the side, trying to make sense of all of the information. "Why are they keeping your wife alive?"

Lucas sighed. "She's extremely skilled in technology and weaponry. She's an asset."

"Do you think she'll help them?"

"For the right price, maybe."

I wished I could rewind; go back to a time where life was simpler. No diabolical agencies and no innocent lives resting in my hands.

"We need to crash the ball, then," I stated, anxiety coursing through my veins.

Thomas grunted. "And do what? It's four against an army of assholes."

"Five," Silas whispered, but Thomas ignored him.

"We'd be attending our own funeral." He rolled his eyes and sat back, amused at his own stupid humor.

"I have more people on our side. And we don't need an army. We just need a solid plan," I explained slowly.

Lucy cleared her throat, her expression becoming serious. "Don't you think you're being a little optimistic? What will we do once we get there?"

I shrugged. "First we need to stop Schneider from getting sworn in. Maybe even kill him. That'll slow things down."

"Then we need to get ahold of the codes," Lucas added.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Thomas spat, growing annoyed.

Lucas shot him a stern look. "I think your mother may know. If they have her working on the weaponry, she most likely has the codes and is being forced to crack the third missing one."

It made sense. All of it did. So much so that it was sickening. Thoughts raced mercilessly through my mind as I tried to convince myself that this wasn't real. That I was just dreaming.

"You said you have more people," Lucy started, raising her eyebrows, "how many?"

I bit my lip in thought. "Two. But one of them can get us more."


"How do you know we can trust them?" Oliver's tired voice rang clearly in my ear as he processed everything I'd just told him. I'd been hesitant to contact him and share information over the phone, but Lucas had a secure line, and Silas encrypted it even more just to be safe.

"We don't, but they have motive to take G.O.L.D. and Vector down, and they have an insider. We'll use them until we see fit, but we can't let our guards down."

Oliver sighed. "Okay. I'll talk to my father." I could tell that his words were spoken through gritted teeth. Oliver and his father never got along, which is the reason he fled Arc in the first place. "I know that they're staying out of this mess... but I'll see if I can get us more hands."

I closed my eyes. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, kiddo," he joked, even though he was only two years older, "I haven't heard from Maya in days. She had a lead and went to check it out, said it was better to stay off the radar. So it was nice hearing your voice."

A smile conquered my lips, invisible in the darkness. "Likewise. I should go now; I think we all need rest."

"Sleep tight. Take care of my bud Simon for me."

I rolled my eyes as Oliver hung up, leaving a feeling of sadness in the pit of my stomach. Ignoring it, I looked to Silas, who seemed to be engrossed in a comic book in the corner of the room. He had two chairs next to each other and was laying on those, a blanket over his body.

"You know you can share this bed with me. I don't bite," I mumbled, rolling my eyes as I arranged the pillow so that it was perfect in the crook of my neck.

We were crashing at the Nolls' apartment for the night, seeing as Lucas had three bedrooms and offered one to Silas and me as he slept in the living room, the other two being occupied by Lucy and Thomas.

The apartment lacked any decoration and frivolous furniture. Just the bare necessities scattered the rooms; it was not a home. It was temporary.

A blush crept to Silas's cheeks as he sat up, extending his hand. "I'm comfortable here. Before you close that program, can I have the phone?"

Nodding slowly, I handed the device to him. He took a deep breath and dialed a number he seemed to know by heart, pressing the phone to his ear.

After two bells, someone picked up. I sank back into my pillow, trying not to eavesdrop, but at the same time I couldn't help it.

"Hi, mom." His voice was quiet, almost as if it would break if it were any louder. I watched him squeeze his eyes shut and take a deep breath as the woman on the other end gushed, her words loud but indistinguishable.

"Yes..." he paused, a smile slipping into his lips as she continued to ramble, "I'm good. I'm fine. Seriously, mom, I'm totally fine. I just lost my phone, so..."

I wondered why he hadn't stepped out; I felt like invasive listening in on their private conversation.

"I miss you, too. And Charlotte."

My heart dropped.

"Yeah, Uncle Leo was really happy." He rolled his eyes, switching the phone into his other hand. The woman continued to speak and he glanced at me. "Yes, she's here."

"No, I think she's asleep," Silas said slowly, still looking at me. I'm not sure what drove me to do it, but I threw my blanket aside and walked over to where he lay.

I extended my hand.

His eyes widened, but he nodded. "Actually she's here if you want to speak to her." He hesitantly handed the phone to me. Taking a deep breath, I pressed it to my ear.


"Oh my love! How are you? So you're the girl who's stolen my son from me."

Her sweet voice was loud and clear, dripping with excitement as the joke slipped between her lips. Because of my profession, I was a great liar and skilled and feigning emotions and conversations, but for some reason, I found myself not having to lie.

"Yes, he's quite a handful."

Her musical laughter chimed through the phone. "I hope he's treating you right. I raised that boy to be a gentleman."

Silas's cheeks were red due to embarrassment as he watched me speak to his mother. Something about the whole situation was kind of humorous.

"He's the perfect gentleman, Mrs.Bridges—"

"Oh sweetheart, just call me mom."

Feeling uncomfortable, I pursed my lips, turning away from Silas as his mother continued to speak.

"I want to see lots of pictures of you two in Rome, and please come back soon. We miss that boy and we can't wait to meet you! We can't believe he kept you a secret from us, Zara. Well, with how embarrassing his father is, it's not really that surprising..."

She rambled on and on, and the invasive grin on my lips refused to fade.

"Of course..." I paused. "We'll be back before you know it."

"Wonderful! Now I'll leave you two be. Be careful sweetheart."

"I will, thank you."

The excitement in her voice died and returned as something in the likes of sorrow. She sniffled, and I assumed she was crying. "Oh and Zara? Thank you."

I didn't need to ask her what she meant. A part of me knew why she was thanking me.

I watched Silas shake his curls and stare out of the window, no longer listening to our conversation.

"Please don't thank me... your son is amazing. I'm lucky to have him in my life."

The ember strands in Silas's emerald eyes shined bright as they met mine, filled with gratitude as well as what seemed to be tears. He missed his family; it was evident through the pain in his eyes.

My words had been so genuine; so raw, that they'd even scared me.

We said our goodbyes and I ended the call, feeling numb as I placed the phone back by the computer.

Silas wiped the moisture on his cheeks with his sleeves before turning to me. He reached his hand up and turned off the lamp, ridding the room of any light.

At many times, the darkness was my friend. And that night, I was glad we were in its presence. It hid our emotions from one another, but our eyes gave away the secrets we tried foolishly to keep.

"You didn't have to do that," Silas said quietly.

I sank back into the bed, my chest aching with what could've been heartbreak. "Yes, I did."

Because of one stupid mistake, one slip-up, a rare case of carelessness, I'd let an innocent person save my life, without knowing that he was sacrificing his in return.

I'd killed many times, but for some reason this weighed the heaviest on my conscience.

I didn't know how long it'd been since either of us had said a word, but I thought Silas was long asleep when he spoke, startling me out of my dire thoughts.

"I can't sleep," he'd said.

I rolled over onto my side to look at him, to find that he had done the same.

"Me neither."

A pause; his green eyes one mine; my heart trying to break out of the confines of my chest.

"Do you want to sneak out?"

Why he chose to stay by my side when he had so much to lose was beyond me.



So sorry for the delay! I had to make sure this chapter made sense since there's so much information. 

Please VOTE if you enjoyed! and comment your thoughts below!

What do you think of Thomas? Lucy? Lucas? 

Thank you for reading :)

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