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Chapter 57: The Pain of Delivery

The anticipation in the air was palpable as YN’s due date approached. Seokjin and YN had been preparing for the arrival of their baby, attending prenatal classes, and setting up the nursery. The joy of expecting their first child was matched only by the anxiety and preparation for the big day.

One evening, YN felt a sharp pain that she recognized as the beginning of labour. She tried to stay calm, but the contractions quickly became more intense. Seokjin, who had been by her side throughout the pregnancy, immediately sensed something was wrong.

“YN, are you okay?” Seokjin’s voice was filled with concern as he rushed to her side. He could see the pain etched on her face, and his heart ached at the sight.

YN nodded, her breath coming in short gasps. “I think it’s time, Seokjin. The contractions are getting stronger.”

Without hesitation, Seokjin helped YN into the car and drove to the hospital, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. The journey was tense, filled with YN’s cries of pain and Seokjin’s reassuring words.

When they arrived at the hospital, Seokjin supported YN through the check-in process, his face etched with worry. The medical staff quickly took YN to the delivery room, and Seokjin was directed to wait outside while they prepared for the birth.

The waiting room was a whirlwind of emotions for Seokjin. He paced nervously, his mind racing with thoughts of YN and their baby. He could hear the distant sounds of medical equipment and YN’s cries, which only heightened his anxiety.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly until a nurse finally came to update him. “Mr. Kim, your wife is doing well. The delivery is progressing, but it’s a difficult process. Would you like to come in?”

Seokjin nodded eagerly, his heart pounding as he followed the nurse to the delivery room. He found YN lying on the bed, her face flushed with exhaustion and pain. Her grip on the bedrails was tight, and her breathing was heavy.

“YN, I’m here,” Seokjin said softly, taking her hand. His voice was barely above a whisper, but it was filled with love and reassurance.

YN looked at him with tears in her eyes. “Seokjin, it hurts so much... I’m so tired.”

Seokjin’s eyes filled with tears as he saw the suffering in YN’s face. “I know, love. I’m here with you. You’re doing amazing, and we’ll get through this together.”

The delivery was a gruelling process. YN’s cries of pain were heart-wrenching, and Seokjin’s emotions were on a rollercoaster. He watched helplessly as YN endured the physical toll of labour, his own tears mingling with hers.

After what felt like an eternity, the moment of triumph finally arrived. The baby’s cries filled the room, signalling the end of the delivery. YN collapsed back onto the bed, her face a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

Seokjin’s tears flowed freely as he looked at the tiny, wriggling bundle in the nurse’s arms. “It’s over,” he choked out, his voice cracking with emotion.

“We did it.”The nurse carefully placed the baby in YN’s arms, and Seokjin leaned in to see the newest member of their family. The sight of the baby, a perfect blend of both parents, brought a wave of overwhelming emotion.

YN looked up at Seokjin, her face pale but radiant with joy. “Look at our baby, Seokjin. She’s beautiful.”

Seokjin kissed YN’s forehead, his tears still flowing. “You were incredible, YN. I’m so proud of you.”

As they held their baby for the first time, the pain and exhaustion of labour were overshadowed by the profound joy and love they felt. The journey had been difficult, but the arrival of their child was a testament to their strength and their love for each other.

In that moment, all the pain and struggle faded away, replaced by the sheer wonder of becoming parents. Seokjin and YN held each other close, their hearts full of gratitude and awe as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives.

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