Known Victim

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Kim Jenie's POV

(You are Jennie)

Once again your sister pulled you into your dad's club making you play dare or dare. Why do I have to be the victim of this game all the time? you ask her, she answers with a simple. Your easy to play with and you almost never have anything to do, while shrugging. sigh. Ok Jennie, here's your next dare... You have to talk with one of the waiters for 5 minutes and try NOT to be seduced. Sigh natural hormones will make that very hard even though I'm a playgirl at school and when I'm drunk it's hard to resist someone experienced. You wait for one to come while your sister left probably getting a lap dance from a hot guy or something. A waiter walks up to you and says, Miss may I get you something? You turn towards him. You look at him in the eyes and gasp a little. Jimin! You whisper-yell. He looks shocked you know him, he then realizes who you are. Jennie what are you doing here, why aren't you at home?!?! He asks. I was dragged here by Jisoo, this is my dad's club by the way, but that's not important right now, since when do you work here! I replied. Let's go outside so I can explain. Jimin said. Ok, I said. We walked outside, he looks a little ashamed of himself. Ok, so I'm not the richest guy ok. I work here because it has good pay and I mean like 1-2 k per night. I just started last week, please don't tell anyone. He says quickly. Fine, this is dangerous though. Why not ask Jungkook, Jin, Suga, RM, V, or Hoseok for some money. They're all really rich. I say/ask. Because It wouldn't feel right doing that, he replies. Ok well you need something tell me, I say while adding my phone number to his phone and his to mine. Ok, he says smiling. I got to go, see you tomorrow! I say while walking to my car. I say. Ok, bye! He replies.

Time skip, when you get home...

Eomma, I'm home! I say loudly. Then I go to Jungkook's room and knock, Jennie Noona is that you? He asks. (BTW-Oppa means a girls older brother or older boy that a younger girl loves, Unnie means a girls older sister, Hyung means a boys older brother. You call your older and younger brothers oppa cause you love them) Yes, oppa it's me. He opens his door and I hug him. Where's Jinhee unnie? I ask. Oh, she went out with some friends but Jin Hyung, Taehyung hyung, and J-Hope Hyung are in your room for some reason. oh no. Sigh. Ok, thanks I say while hugging him and then I go to my room where I walk in to find the boys asleep on my bed. My Dear Lord! They are so lazy! Oppas wake up! you say jumping on your bed landing on top all of them. Uhhh, whyyyyy! The sleepy oppa's say at the same time. Because it's my room now sleep on my floor or in your room you say, Jungkook just came in and laid down on your floor with a blanket and a pillow. He was already alsleep. Ok the sleepy oppa's say and get on the floor with Jungkook using their blankets and pillows. (You're older then Jungkook( 2
Years) and Taehyung(1 year) but younger than Jennie(2 months), Hoseok(4 months) and Jin(1 1/2 years.) Goodnight oppas you say and your dogs Bailey and Biscuit jump on your bed to sleep when you find your 3 sisters asleep on your couch. You fall asleep wondering if Jimin is safe at his job...

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