Head Guard Lukas Deming Weber

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Name: Lukas Deming Weber

Nickname(s): Luke

Age: 23

Appearance: Peng Yuchang

Personality: Myers-Briggs type ESTJ — An Executive (ESTJ) is someone with the Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. They possess great fortitude, emphatically following their own sensible judgment. They often serve as a stabilizing force among others, able to offer solid direction amid adversity.
*You'll have to wait and see the rest!*

*You'll have to wait and see!*

•Birthmother, age unknown: Li Ying Yue (maiden name)
•Mom, age 35 (would be 44): Brandi Kaye Weber (deceased)
•Dad, age 45: David Elias Weber
•Stepmother, age 43: Lucia Isabel Weber
•Younger Stepsister, age 17: Neveah Marlene Weber

Luke was born Chang Fai Deming in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, to a single, peasant mother. When Fai turned nine, a childless Illéan couple who had tried every biological and scientific method possible to conceive — David and Brandi Weber — arrived at the orphanage with a promise to adopt.
They renamed him Lukas, though they kept his middle name Deming, understanding that identity is found in a name: he would forever be New Asian. When all was said and done, he chose to go by the nickname, Luke, because it was more Illéan than German.
He was seventeen when his father remarried, and he was eighteen when he decided to return to New Asia and search for his birthmother. Through a series of unique circumstances that only strengthened his belief in balance and the universe's concept of fate, he managed to track down a married woman named Wu Ying Yue: the woman whom, had he grown up with her, he would have called "Mā ma," a variant on what he had called Brandi, the Illéan South's "Mama."
The moment she saw him, she knew in the way only a mother can, but her husband — Chongkun Gan — and their son were at home. She feared that if Chongkun ever found out that she had not been a virgin when they married, he would disown her; it had not been the first occurrence. In response, she denied ever knowing Luke, but he had seen her brief flicker of recognition when the door was opened, and that was enough for him. He knew where he was unwanted. It had never been meant to be, though the rejection stung: it is better to never have had than to have had and lost.
Upon his return to Illéa, he began a small journal to work through things, to find the balance from before, and as he wrote, a novel began forming, a book that he would entitle "The Longest Road: A Lost Son's Path of Self-Discovery." Luke hesitated to publish it, since it was such a personal memoir, but his next-door neighbor and close friend, an adopted daughter from New Asia, encouraged him to. How many, she asked him, share the same journey as us? How many ask the same questions, take the same steps? Tentatively, he reached out to an agent, who spotted a bestseller, who sold to a publisher, who turned Luke into an overnight sensation.
Reluctantly, and with his sister, Neveah, egging him on, he applied to the Royal Training Academy. Surprisingly, they took him, and though he initially felt as if he had to fight for his place among them — he still looked New Asian, despite the way he had been raised in Illéa — he eventually earned his place among the best and the brightest. This secured his future job in one of the coveted positions at the Illéan Palace in Angeles.
Eventually, he decided to travel, and he fell in love with the country of France. He secured a transfer and quickly earned the respect of the French royal family, particularly the Crown Princess. As a result, he found himself appointed as her personal guard, and later rose through the ranks as the head of the royal guard.

Quote: Finding and understanding balance is the only way to heal.

Theme Song: Show Yourself ~ Idina Menzel, Evan Rachel Wood

*You'll have to wait and see!*

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