Memo from the Office of the Crown Princess

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To the Selected,

First of all, we would like to apologize for any terror or confusion that the recent breach of security may have caused for any of you. Your families have been notified and a detachment of the royal guard has been sent to each in order to escort them to safer living situations.

Please rest assured that we take your safety, and the safety of your families, seriously. Further precautions have been taken to ensure your continued protection during your stay here at Versailles.

Second, should any of you wish to leave, know that option is always available to you. While we would hate to see you go, we understand that not everyone is made to weather these types of events. Please see Lord and Lady Moreno for homebound traveling arrangements.

For those of you willing to stay, we thank you for your continued dedication to our family and look forward to acquainting ourselves with you further.

Should you have any questions concerning this memo, please feel free to address yourself to Lord and Lady Moreno at any moment.

My brother and I are also available should you require any other information.


Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Gabrielle Audra Durand
Heir to France and Its Holdings

Aaaand the first drama of our Selection concludes!

If you think your Selected would want to leave, please DM me.

Otherwise, comment your Selected reactions in the main chain.

As stated above, the princess and prince are also free for chains. Please tag me (booklover311921) for individual interactions.

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