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1. No fighting between users. Hate the character, like the roleplayer/user.

2. All male Selecting must be cis-male and heterosexual as my Selecting Princess is cis-female and heterosexual. All female Selecting must be cis-female and heterosexual as my Selecting Prince is cis-male and heterosexual.

3. If you submit an OC form, wait to play until I reply back and accept you.

4. Please DO NOT blow up my notifications (or each other's). Everyone gets busy. My personal rule is to wait at least twenty-four hours, or within an hour or two of that, and then tag the person. Password one is a random word in french. If he/she still doesn't respond, check their profile. Maybe they're taking a hiatus.

5. BE ACTIVE! If you're going to go on hiatus or need to take a break, please tag me and let me know, at the very least.

If you are inactive without having informed anyone involved in this roleplay, or, preferably, me:

I will tag you in the roleplay and ask what is going on.
If you don't respond within forty-eight hours, I will PM you and give you a warning.
If you still fail to respond within two weeks to my PM, you will be Eliminated.

6. Stay active, and write decent length responses. Decent, as in at least three full sentences. Additionally, please adhere to standard English grammar rules. There are issues with this in other stories, so password two is your favorite food. I will not be the grammar police, but it needs to be understandable. Use proper punctuation, put quotation marks, etc.

Good Example: The last thing Aria wanted to do was see the prince, and was the first thing too. She was afraid. What would he think of her? Would he blame her for his injuries? But she knew she had to face him at some point. Better now than later. Composing herself so that none of her doubt showed on her face, she tentatively approached his door and lightly knocked.

If you fail to adhere after receiving three warnings, you will be Eliminated.

7. Please, no, er, mature material. I realize that this a Selection roleplay, but I do not do smut. Modest kissing is okay, but if clothes start coming off, take it to PM, 'kay?

8. Roleplay in third person. For example:


Bri walked over to the prince. "Good afternoon, Your Highness. How are you?"


Bri: *walks over to prince* *says* Good afternoon, Your Highness. How are you?


I walked over to the prince. "Good afternoon, Your Highness. How are you?"

9. You must make a male and a female Selected. Extenuating circumstances should DM me for further consideration.

10. Add this story to your library; all updates and author's notes should be seen by all roleplayers.

11. Be polite and coexist with everyone in the roleplay; then we'll have no issues at all!

12. No overpowered or sob-story OCs. Your OC needs to have flaws; sob-story OCs make the roleplay fall apart really quickly because they have no depth. If I believe that your OC has a sob story (example: he is a poor orphan from a poor town and has been perpetually mistreated but still retains a heart of gold or password three is to recite a rule), then I reserve the right to respectfully deny your form and ask you to remake it. Thank you.

13. Every OC must have a secret. Do not share this secret with anyone else: ie, do not put it in the form. Instead, please DM me. If two people's secrets are similar, I will ask the person whose form was submitted second to revise the secret.

14. No god-modding. Do not control others' characters.

Luke hesitated, reaching out to brush Melody's cheek. He was unsure of how she might respond: would she hit him? Tell him to stay away from her? He did not know, all he knew was that he couldn't stay away any longer.

Luke hesitated, reaching out to brush Melody's cheek. He was unsure of how she might respond: would she hit him? Tell him to stay away from her? He did not know, all he knew was that he couldn't stay away any longer. There have been issues with this in other stories, so password four is to put a random emoji. As it turned out, he had no need to worry because she leaned into his touch immediately.

15. HAVE FUN!!!!!! This is a roleplay and is meant to be fun!

*Admin reserves the right to add, delete, edit, or otherwise modify these rules without prior notice to the roleplayers.*

*Updated 4/20/21*

*Updated 5/12/21*

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