The Arrival | Closed

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To Our Lords and Ladies,

On behalf of the royal family, welcome to the Palace of Versailles. We hope you all had safe travels here. Please feel free to explore the palace and make use of its amenities this week.

As a refresher, here are a list of ground rules that we suggest you adhere to during your stay. These were presented in full on the form that you signed and submitted to your local Services Offices. Please take careful note as violation of said rules may result in a dropped ranking or Elimination.

•Selected may not leave the palace of their own accord unless dismissed by the princess or prince.
•Selected may not arrange their times with the princess or prince. If in a large social setting, this rule does not apply. However, do keep in mind that the royal family's rooms are on the third floor and therefore are inaccessible to the public unless expressly invited by a member of the Durand family.
•Selected may not fight or sabotage other participants. If a Selected is found laying his or her hands on another, causing him or her stress, stealing from him or her, or doing anything that might diminish his or her personal relationship with the princess or prince, the princess or prince will decide whether to dismiss the Selected or not.
•The Selected may only have a romantic relationship with the princess or prince. If the Selected is caught in a relationship with someone else, it is considered treason and punishable by death.
•If the Selected is found breaking any of the Kingdom of France's written laws, his or her punishment will be tied to that offense.
•The Selected may not eat any food or wear any clothes that are not provided to him or her by the palace.
•The Selected must be courteous to reporters and photographers, and allow them to see his or her lifestyle with the princess or prince.
•If a Selected makes it to the top six, he or she is considered as an Elite, and will be required to learn about particular inner workings of the life and obligations he or she would have as a prince or princess. Until then, the Selected are not permitted to seek out such information.
•If a Selected wins, he or she and his or her family will become members of the royal family. The Selected will also marry the princess or prince and become the crowned prince or princess of the Kingdom of France, taking on all the rights and responsibilities of the title.
•If the princess or prince invites the contestant to do something with her or him, it is advised he or she should not refuse — regardless of the invitation.

We would also recommend that you take the relaxation time over the next few days to get to know your fellow Selected. They will become your only companions during this time as we do not allow any outside guests or interaction beyond vetted guests — ie: reporters, diplomats, etc — due to security reasons.

On the morning of 1 July, please present yourselves promptly at 8:00 AM in the Dining Hall for breakfast. You will have an opportunity to meet with the princess and prince at this time.

Again, we wish you a pleasant stay and welcome you to Versailles.

Oh, and good luck.

May the best Selected win.

In blessings and good health,
Lord Matias Rafael Moreno
Lady Susana Flor Moreno


Hey, y'all! Thank you for joining this Selection! As stated above, please take this time to interact with each other in both individual and group chains. I will be posting a main chain shortly.

My reporter, Lea Zhang, will be roaming around and stalking the Selected. So fair warning, anything that is said is completely fair game for any press releases, public standing, etc.

At this time, we only have 6 Selected. Please tag your friends who roleplay, or else we will not be able to officially start by 07/01/21 (July 1, 2021) as mentioned in the Proposed Timeline chapter. I really want this to go well, so please, please invite others you know to join!

If you haven't already, please add this book to your library so that you receive any notifications about updates/announcements/alerts.

Thanks again, and enjoy!

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