I didn't say goodbye [chapter 13]

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POV with stiles and Scott

Stiles, Scott, Allison, Erica, Matt, and Jackson are walking inside the library and Mr.Harris is waiting for them to take a seat. Stiles and Scott took a seat and Jackson were behind them with the rest.

"Oh, uh... we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Said Jackson to Mr.Harris and stiles put his head down annoyed.
"All these tools?" Said Mr.Harris to Jackson, he was about to answer when stiles cut him off.

"No, just our tools." Said stiles pointing to him and Scott and facing Mr.Harris. "Fine. You two, over there," said Mr.Harris, and stiles and Scott got up and walked up to the table across from them away from Jackson.

Scott looked at Jackson with an angry face and he turned to stiles. "I'm gonna kill him." Said Scott to stiles and he looked at Scott. "No, you're not. You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're and then your gonna help save him." Said stiles to Scott telling him not to do something stupid.
"No, You were right, let's kill him," Scott said.
"Oh." Said stiles looking at Jackson then turnouts his best friend.


I see both my daughters fall to the ground unconscious and I saw Roman's mother Greta. I used my vamp speed and went after her only to be pushed to the wall. And she use her vamp speed and open the window so I could not go after her because she knew I can't touch the sun without being burned alive.

"If you lay one finger on my daughters .."I said catching my breath. "I'd say you're not in a
good position to make threats," she told and I feel like ripping her heart out.
"Mom." Said Roman getting up and sitting up straight. Greta walked up to him and kneeled him.
"Roman, are you alright?" She told him to touch his face checking for injuries. "Yeah, everything is fine," he told her. "Hayley did the binding spell, and hope is going to. And then we can let them go," he told her and she hesitated for a little until she opened her mouth.

"Oh, darling, if only we could." She told him and I turned to look at him with an angry face. Roman shot up quickly away from his mother. "But you said if they just bound her werewolf side," he said.
"Klaus Mikaelson was bound but found a way to break it. There are always loopholes. And we cannot afford any more hybrids." she told him. And he nodded his head and he looked down.

"What the hell did you do to her?" He said kneeling to Katherine. And checking on hope too. "Hey, Katherine, hope?" He said. I put one finger into the sunlight and burned it I was surprised it worked.
"It's easier for her this way," she told him. "I don't understand what's happening," he said getting up from the ground.
"If we want peace, we cannot allow an apex predator to exist." said and started to walk away. I got up in pain and I stared at Roman and he looked at me.

I see Greta grabbing a wooden stake and she started to walk up to Roman. "You know in your heart this is the right thing to do." She told him and I just stood I couldn't do anything to save them.
"Show me you believe. Start with Katherine." She told him and he grabbed the wooden stake. I heard noises coming from outside and I took a breath in and looked at my two girls.
"Roman, you don't have to do this. She's not a werewolf or a hybrid, she's your friend. and you care about her. I know you do." I told him trying to keep him from killing them and he looked at Katherine.

"Please, Mom, please, don't make me do this. Please don't.." he said not wanting to do it and telling his mother he doesn't want to do it. "Give that to me!" She said and she snatched it from him and she raised it and I hesitated for a second until she was bringing the stake down I used my vamp speed. "Mother, no!" I hear Roman saying.

I hit her and she punched me and pushed me to the other side of the hallway. She put her forearm around my neck and I took this chance to hit her in the stomach. She hit me on the head and I groan and she grabbed my throat. I see Klaus barging in and he looked at me until they stabbed him with a wooden stick and he fell.

"Elijah?" I said and he looked at me strangely. And he grabbed the stick and shoved it more into Klaus I looked at him. He went straight to Roman.
"Are you okay?" He said to him. And I looked at him and I felt tears down my cheeks.

3rd person POV

Klaus was on the floor with a wooden stake right through the left side of his chest and blood started to come out of his mouth.
Greta drove her hand right through Hayley's chats and reach to her heart and Hayley turned to see Klaus struggling. She turned to hope and Katherine.
Katherine was in Roman's arms while Hope was next to her. Hayley had tears in her eyes just by looking at her two daughters lying on the floor.
Hayley closed her eyes and took a deep breath she grabbed Greta's hand and ripped one of her fingers where she has her daylight ring and grabbed her and used her vamp speed and broke through the door from outside and they both landed on the floor.

Klaus got up when he saw Hayley burning outside by the sun along with Greta's body.
"NO!" Klaus said with watery eyes and looked at Hayley's burning body. He closed his eyes and looked down tears running down his cheeks. He couldn't save his daughter's mother.


Freya was waiting till both hope and Katherine woke up. When hope and Katherine woke up at the same time wondering how they go there they turned around and looked at Freya and that question popped up into both of the twin's heads.

"Mom?" They both said at the same time looking at Freya. "Hope, Katherine." Said Freya lifting her head and facing them from the other side of the room.
"Mom?" Asked Hope looking at Freya. Freya gets up from the bed and start's walking to both of them.
"I'm here." She said to them. "What happened? Where is she?" Katherine asked worriedly about her mother being in danger. "Breathe your both safe now, okay," Freya told both of the twins. "Where's our mom." both twins asked and the lights flickered and turned off. Freya stopped and looked at what happened before continuing on walks towards them.

Freya looked at them as she try to come up with how to say what happened to Hayley but nothing came out. "What?" Asked Katherine trying to figure it out.
There was a moment of silence between the three of them until Freya spoke again.
"She's gone." She told the twins and they both shook their heads as if they didn't believe what she just said. "No, no, no, no," Hope said and Katherine didn't believe it. "No it's not true she promised she would be safe. It can't be true, please tell me it isn't true." Katherine said tears running down her cheeks.
"I'm so sorry girls," Freya told them and Katherine began to cry more and more. Freya brought both girls into her arms and let them cry.


It was the next morning hope and Katherine are looking for a funeral dress until math got a phone call she saw the ID name and it was stiles. She got up from where she was and started to walk to the door until she stopped and turned to Hope. "Hey hope I'm going to take this, will you be alright for a couple of minutes?" Katherine asked her and Hope smiled at her weakly. "Yeah I'll be fine you can go." She told Katherine and she nodded and started to walk outside.

The call with stiles

"Hey, stiles, what's up?" She told stiles.

"Hey kat, I just wanted to know how you are," Stiles asked her, she smiled a little bit at how he called her to make sure she was okay.

"Well, I'm, okay now that you called." She told him.

"Oh hey did you find your mother and sister by the way?" When stiles asked her that her smile dropped and she started to cry again.

"Hey kat what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Asked stiles getting worried about what he said wrong.

Katherine wiped her tears away and took a deep breath. "She's gone stiles. My mom, she's gone." Katherine said with more tears.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I can't believe it. I wish I was there for you I'm so sorry." Stiles told her trying to comfort her.

"Stiles, she died saving me and my sister my ex-boyfriend's mother." She told him. "And you know what's the crazy part I didn't get to say the last words she told me and hope, I didn't get to tell her how much I love her, stiles, and how I am happy she was my mother and how I am thankful for that she protected me and my sister," Katherine said trying to contain her emotions.

"Hey, she would be very proud of you on how strong and caring person you turned she wouldn't ask for anything in the world to have you and your sister she loved you guys and your mom is in a better place she found peace even if you don't know it," Stiles told her.

"I know she is but she is gone she's not here with me anymore." She said to him.
"She's not gone Katherine she is still with you even if you don't see her she is still with you no matter what," Stiles told her and that made her smile.

"Thank you stiles for this your the best, I don't know what I would do without you." She told stiles.
"That's what I'm here for and hey I'm not going anywhere okay I'll be here with you, okay." He told her. She started to feel butterflies in her stomach she didn't know how he can make her feel like that in bad moments but she loved it.

"Hey I have to go I need to prepare for my mother's funeral, and I know I will always have you, and thank you," I told him.
"Yeah, no worries and when you get back I'll give you the biggest hugs you ever had." He told her. She started to giggle a little at those words he said to her. "Yeah, well imma go bye stiles."
"Bye Katherine." And with that, she hung up the phone and started to walk inside her room.

End of the call

She walked inside the room and saw Hope ready for the funeral. "Hey I left your outfit in your bed I'll be waiting for you outside." She told Katherine. There was a moment of silence when Hope broke the silence. "I'm sorry." She said and Katherine turn around to face her. "Sorry for what?" Asked Katherine with a questioning look. "Sorry for kidnapping mom and for putting her in sangrando you returning so I just could see dad and it's my fault she is dead." She told Katherine with tears in her eyes. Math walked up to her and hugged her sister. "It's not your fault you wanted to see dad and Roman got inside your head just to find mom it's not yours he was messing with you just to get the location where mom was. He played us both." Katherine told her sister to comfort her.

"Yeah, but if I haven't done that mom would still be alive, she hates and I know it." Said Hope, Katherine looked at her sister with tears in her eyes. "Hey, hey look at me. Mom doesn't hate you she never will she is always loved you- she loved us equally so don't start blaming yourself okay." Katherine told her sister. "Promise that you won't leave me?" Said hope to her sister. "Hay I'm not going anywhere it's me and you together as always," Katherine told her sister with a smile on her face.
"Always and forever." Said hope, Katherine and hope lead their foreheads together. "Always and forever." Said Katherine to her sister. "I'll go so you can change." Said Hope letting go of her sister and starting to walk out of the room. Now Katherine was left alone.

Now she and her sister have each other and her family and now everything will change for the both of them without her mother.

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