Chapter 12

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I finally make it to bed. The excitement of this whole thing has kept me going but after we all split up to go to our separate rooms I realize how tired I am. I'm practically a zombie as I drag past the guards. I just hope I don't encounter anyone I know. It is so late, and If I run into someone they're bound to tell Mother either tonight in a rush or tomorrow in a casual conversation, it'll just be a matter of time and she'll be so angry. Or disappointed but both are bad.

I must look like I'm crazy. My hair is all messed up from getting bored during Azia's explanation of this mission and lying on Alec's couch with Aideen. And I'm sure my makeup smeared because I may or may not have fallen asleep once or twice. Let's just say the couch was really comfy.

I cannot see the guard's eyes because of their armor but I wish I could. I feel as though they are all staring at me. I pass one and I could've sworn that his head moved to follow me down the hall.

I finally get to my room after what feels like an eternity of walking through marble, guard-filled, halls and immediately look into a mirror.

Yeah, it's bad.

My hair is falling out, one side drooping down past my ears with strands falling out and my makeup is very smeared. My lipstick is now nonextiant with my mascara seemed to have multiplied under my eyes. I call for my maids there is no way I'm dealing with this by myself right now.

They come rushing in and get to work. They don't ask any questions which I appreciate more than they'll ever know and sit me down in my vanity chair. Ester runs to start a bath while Jane takes the remainder of the pins out of my hair and clips it up on my head out of my face for my makeup. They spin me slightly to the right so I'm facing Holly and she works on my makeup. She asks me to turn my head to the left and I catch a glimpse of my dress. A few of the top buttons are undone causing my dress to loosen and slip off my shoulder. They spin me again before I can get a good look and ask me to get up.

They undo the rest of my dress and take off my heels before holding up a robe for me to slip into. They lead me to the bathroom where Ester is adding salts to a now full tube.

"Would you like a bathbomb too Miss?" She asks as the others leave behind me


"Your usual scents?"

"Yes please," I murmur as I slip into the tube. She takes the robe I'd left discarded on the floor and walks to the door but I call her before she leaves. "Ester?"

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Will you please tell the others not to return after my bath? It's very late, you all should get some sleep, I can handle myself."

"Yes, Miss. Thank you." She curtsies and leaves quickly almost as if she's trying to escape before I can change my mind. I laugh a short laugh and settle in the warm water.


I do not wake to my maids pulling my curtains apart. I do not wake to the smell of the warm breakfast they brought me. I do not wake to them nudging me or calling my name. But I awake when a very loud sister came barging in.

The doors slam open "Emris! Wake up!" she shoves me

"I'm awake, I'm awake, jeez." I sit up, rubbing my eyes, and look around. Breakfast sits on a tray in an open space in my large bed. Ester and Jane stand at the foot of my bed waiting for me to dismiss them. The curtains are open letting strips of gold paint my room. The only thing wrong with this picture is the loud person standing next to the food.

"What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, do you know what time it is?"

"No, I don't. If you've forgotten I was up pretty late last night and I just wanted to sleep."

"Oh, I haven't forgotten. I also haven't forgotten that it was entirely your choice."

"Fine. What is it that you don't need then?"

She sighs "Mother's looking for you. She's worried because you're always up on time."

"That's because I'm always asleep on time."

She shrugs, "Tell that to her."

"Why does she need me?" I am confused because Mother never asks for me. I'm just kind of always there.

Aideen bursts through the door before Azia can answer. "Hey Em. So I'm sure Azia already told you but your mom's like wondering where you are and right now Cerelias talking to her about some really boring stuff and she's not going to stale forever. So get dressed and get a good excuse."

"What are they talking about?"

"Decorations for a Ball or something."

"Sound fun." Azia says and makes a disgusted face, Aideen laughs

"I guess we're lucky it's her, not you Azz." She pats her shoulder and grabs a piece of bacon from the tray.

"Seriously though," she says through a full mouth as she makes her way to the door "Get up." she leaves and I can hear her footsteps striding down the hall.

I groan and throw back the covers then turn to Azia. "Are you going to leave?"

"Like I did last night when you said you were going to bed? Because we all saw how that turned out for you." She raises an eyebrow. Last night after leaving Alec's room Azia said that she had to go write a letter or something and the rest of us were going to go back to our rooms before we started talking. Some of the halls have little couches or chairs in them so we sat down and hung out for a little while. I got to know Hayden a little more which Is progress and we all talked about the mission, what we think will happen, what it'll be like, and if we going to have to fight people like in books and movies. Our conversation was a little childish but we were having fun. I wonder how Azia found out about it though, it's not like she was there but she seems to know what happened.

"Whatever." I get up and push her towards the door

"I'm not leaving until you promise you'll be out soon."

"I promise."

"You're lying."

"How can you tell?"

She smiles and shrugs "It's a secret. When will you be ready?"

I grin and push her out the door "It's a secret."

"Touche. You better be down soon though, Mother is looking for you." And she leaves me to get ready. 

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