Chapter 19

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I hate him. From the moment he strolled into the meeting, I hated him. Actually, I sort of decided I hated him when Azia first told us about him but now I know for sure that I hate him. He came in, eyes sweeping the room in a single glance. Today we are meeting in a small room underneath the steps leading up to the library's loft. It has a gloomy feel to it due to the limited lighting provided from only one small light bulb hanging from the center of the ceiling above a small table Azia said she set up yesterday. The second we entered the room Aideen flopped down in one of the chairs and said that if this was going to be our new meeting place we'd need to get a bulletin board, like real mystery movies have. She's been in the same position sense but now she is asleep, head leaning back on the chair.

Azia claps her hands "And that's basically everything." She's been explaining everything about our mission to Coal and it has been excruciatingly boring like Alec all over again -except Alec didn't pretend like he somehow already knew everything and was ready to run the group.

"So where do we start?" I ask looking at Azia. She's sitting directly across from me, coal sitting on her left. It's a pretty big table having enough space for about eight or nine chairs around it but not leaving very much excess space for anything else in the small closet room. I'm sitting with my back facing the back wall, emris on my left and Alora on hers. Cerelia sitting next to me on my right then Aideen and finally Alec. He hasn't been to many meetings but apparently, we're including him now.

"After the recap Azia just gave me I can assume the best place to begin with would be to figure out a possible solution for our way out of here and an excuse to follow." Cole says like it's obvious

"Didn't she just tell you that we have the whole island thing going on?"

"Yes I did tell him that but that leaves other issues." Azia adds trying to keep things from getting too heated

"Like what?"

"Well we- like Emris," She corrects herself, "told our Mother that we would be able to explore the ancient isle. She'll be expecting updates and proof to show our citizens. This is what raises a problem."

"Could we get someone to manage the island for us?" Cerelia asks with a still sleeping Aideen sitting next to her

"Thats what I was thinking," Azia says "I know I few people we could ask. Emris? How do you think Joseph would feel about it?"

Emris gasps and squeals, waking Aideen "Oh my gosh I didn't think about that. He would love it!"

Alora smiles beside her "He really would. Whenever we visit he insists we do some kind of nature hike or animal watching."

"Yeah, he does, and guess what? It's not fun." Aideen grumbles whipping her eyes

"Is Joseph the Prince I saw with you guys the night of the museum gala?" I ask. I can faintly remember his dark eyes and bronzed summer skin.

"Yeah, he's one of our closer friends." Cerelia says

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Cole asks facing Azia in a way that informs us the questions were mainly for her

"We don't have to tell him everything, just enough to keep him satisfied." She answers

"Do we have to hide stuff from him though?" Alora asks "Joseph's the best, we can trust him."

Aideen raises an eyebrow at her with a sly smile "He really is just the best, isn't he Alora."

Alora looks uncomfortable "Yeah... I just said that." From anyone else, this would have sounded like a sarcastic remark but from Alora it sounds like she's explaining something that should have been obvious.

Aideen keeps smiling but Azia continues "We won't tell him everything because the more people we add to this cause the more we are risking ourselves."

Emris perks up looking a little serious "Azz, Joseph wouldn't tell anyone anything."

"Maybe not on purpose but it could slip out."

"It could slip out of anyone."

"Which is why we should keep as many people as possible discluded." I say and both the sisters look at me. Emris doesn't look happy And I thought Azia would but instead, she just looks bored.

"Bottom line is it's not your guy's choice who we are involving. I said that I would speak with you about things and make sure we agree but in the end, the final decision is mine. This is my mission, I started it and overall I am more organized and prepared than any of you."

"What does being prepared have to do with this?" Emris asks

"If you're prepared you most likely thought about future events and planned for them. If I've thought about what could happen or if I've thought about the consequences of our actions then I would know what we should probably avoid. Plus I have my ways of knowing things."

"Just because for some reason your dad left you in charge of the Ability holders doesn't make you any more powerful than Emris." Cerelia says

"Actually it does, he left me in charge for a reason. A very specific reason that I cannot share and you don't need to know. All you need to know is that you agreed to this mission -you forced yourself into this mission- on the knowledge that I would be in charge. In case you have signed a contract that clearly states so as well." Cerelia just glares

I check my watch and see that it's late. My father will be starting to get suspicious. "As fun as this was, I have to head out."

"Yes, we will continue this at our next meeting." Azia says, stands, and leaves

Emris rolls her eyes "Goodbye to you too."

"So," I say dragging the word out "Anyone know when our next meeting is?"

"I'm sure she will find a way to inform us." Cole says unhelpfully from his little corner.

"Well, maybe some people might have to know beforehand because they actually have a life and they need to make sure their schedule is clear?"

"And maybe other people are dedicated to the cause and are willing to put other events to the side." I almost let it go but he's sitting so annoyingly straight while letting a smug look fall onto his face. I almost scoff because he really thinks he's going to win this.

"Maybe some people aren't actually important and can do that while others were never graced with the possibility of a free day."

"Weren't you supposed to leave?" He asks the question with no curiosity in it.

I smile "Ahh, look at that, a perfect example of important people having important places to go." I stand, pushing my chair back with a loud scrap, and walk around the table to the door.

Cole just scoffs "'Important people'" He says holding u his hands to show bunny ears "Don't call themselves important."

"You're not wort my time. I'm to many 'important people'" I say like he did "Things to do." And slam the door. 

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