Chapter 5

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As soon as we got home I made a beeline for my room. I know made Emris angry at the Gala but I was surprised by what happened in the carriage. Emris is usually the more peaceful one of us. She must have been very irritated with the way I handled the Merletta problem. Either way, she was angry and I usually have no problem arguing with people, to be completely honest I enjoy it, but I am already on the edge with Mother and there is no doubt that she would take Emris's side. The perfect daughter couldn't possibly start an argument, could she?

I'm lying in bed but I am restless. I decide against laying here trying to sleep for the next however many endless hours and get up. I pull on a pair of black jeans and a leather jacket. I slip into combat boots and go out. I head up to the third floor. The first one is for our guests, the second one is ours, and the third is for other things. Right now I'm going to the shooting range.

I pull my jacket tighter, It's cold tonight. I walk quickly and with my head down. I don't need any maids or staff recognizing me and telling Mother that I was walking around the castle this late and wearing what I am. I can just imagine her "Okay let me get this straight. She was up at two a.m. going to the shooting range when we had guests over. She was wearing pants?! You didn't tell me that part!" I roll my eyes at the thought.

I reach the end of the hallway and push open the metal door. I walk over to the counter and pick out a gun. I choose a pistol and grab some headphones then walk over to a booth. Even with the headphones on I still hear a loud bang. The room is soundproof and I've done this so many times that the noise doesn't bother me, Instead, I find comfort in it. This noise disguises me, hides me. Warn others of what I have in my hands. I slide my fingers along the cool metal of the gun down to the trigger, I aim and fire again. I lower my arm and see a bullet hole a mere centimeter from the bullseye. I sighed disappointed and continued to fire a few more rounds before deciding It was time to try sleeping again. For tomorrow's welcome dinner, I had to look my very best which is sadly not on less than two hours of sleep.

I make my way back to my room and dress for bed again then walk over to the window directly across from the door and ease it open. I slip back into bed and let the sound of the soft breeze lull me to sleep.


I wake to the sound of chirping birds. I turn to look at my clock which reads six am. I groan in frustration and rub my eyes. I do not need to be up yet.

Stupid birds.

I won't be able to fall back asleep so I ring my maids. After a minute my door cracks open.

"Good morning you're Highness," Ester crusties "Would you like me to start a bath for you?"

"Yes, and show me my gown. I'd like to start thinking about what to pair it with."

"Of course you're Highness." She crusties once more then hurries off to start her tasks. I hate being called "You're Highness" and I have asked them countless times to call me Azia but they have always gone back to "You're Highness"

She returns a few minutes later informing me that my bath is ready. After my bath, I twist my hair up in a towel and pull on a robe and some slippers. I walk back out and find my maids and my dress waiting for me.

"Here's your gown you're Highness." Penny picks it up from the edge of my bed and walks with me over to my large mirror. She holds it out in front of me and I am immediately displeased.

"We are aware the design is a bit bland but those were the queen's instructions. Her majesty's color pallet was mostly Beigh with some gold and a little yellow." Anna comes to stand next to Penny.

The dress itself isn't terrible but it definitely wouldn't be my first choice if I got to choose. It is a silky beige dress with some gold lace around the neckline and waistline but is otherwise plain. I can assume that the design is meant to make the dress seem elegant in a simple way but really it's just bland.

"That's enough you can put the dress back down now." I walk over to my closet already knowing what to get. I pick a simple gold tiara and some gold shoes then choose a gold chained necklace with a single square emerald in the center to add some color.

I go sit at my vanity and my maids rush behind me.

"What would you like to do with your hair, you're Highness?" Anna asks. Each of my maids has their own job. Anna does hair while Penny designs the dresses. Easter mostly just helps me.

"I'm thinking a low bun with a few stray curly hairs in the front."

She smiles liking the idea "As you wish you're Highness," And plugs the curling iron in.


About an hour and a half later I stand in front of my mirror once again but now fully dressed for tonight's welcome dinner. As predicted the necklace does bring more color to the dress and my hair looks good. This color theme doesn't complement me but I've done what I can with it.

It's about ten o'clock now. I skipped today's breakfast even though Easter offered to bring it up for me and people must be starting to wonder where I am.

I ease open my door and make my way to the castle's main living room. The living room is on the third floor but to get there I still have to go down the smaller stairway from my room to the hallway by the main stairs. I could go up them but on that hallway tey is another staircase te just goes up to the third floor. It will be less busy and take me right to the living room.

I lay my hand on the doorknob and hear laughter. I remind myself to smile before entering. Immediately everyones eyes go to me. Mother and Emris are seated around a small table with four chairs, the rest of which are taken up by guests. Farther back in the room, some guests are seated in a space with two couches by some bookshelves. I go sit on the couch with an older woman and a guy who looks to be around my age, maybe older.

The woman turns to me and smiles "Hello, You must be Azia."

"Yes, And you are?"

"Mrs. Loughty, Queen of "

"Welcome to Clarastin I hope you're liking it here."

"Thank you, dear, I am enjoying my time so far. The weather is beautiful here."

"Yes, temperatures are pretty warm around this time of year."

She looks out the window at the ocean "And the view is just gorgeous."

I smile again

"This is my son, Emanuel," She gestures to the boy beside her. "He is to be twenty-one in the spring." Emanuel has white blond hair and eyes so pale they look see-through but I would describe his skin as creamy, not pale. He has a nice build but I can't tell how tall he is. He is pretty attractive.

"Hello Miss Azia," He takes my hand and kisses it

"Hello Emanuel, How are you finding Clarastin?"

"As my mother said, It's quite lovely, the weather is nice and the people are friendly."

"I'm glad you're comfortable." I sigh and smile "Well, I guess it's time to go introduce myself to others now, I'm glad I got to meet you and I hope you continue to enjoy your stay," I get up and turn to go to a couple of chairs by a TV to the right of the door when I spot light brown wavy hair. He turns his head and his blazing blue eyes land on me. They swept me up and down and I felt a blush growing on my face. He grins. My heart flutters.

Hayden is a part of the Fall Greeting. 

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