Chapter Four

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Ryan cleared his head while he made his way towards the night club. Flame was currently filled with life - night life - as the music drummed loud in the background and the people around danced with the least care. The place was already starting to make his head spin. He wouldn't be staying long, not until he found what he has been looking for.

Padding towards the entrance, he rushed past the guards at the door and stood still when he was a few steps from the door. He was greeted warmly by Jason, though he could still find his eyes trailing past him to where a couple swayed to the thundering beats of the music, intimately close.

Ryan's eyes burned as his eyes took in the appearance of the two and instantly recognized one - the girl. He could have figured out her in the crowd no matter what, she was the reason he was going on insane to find her yet again. He had just met her once yet it pricked him to have someone else having their hands all over her. Rage filled him as he found the guy lowering his head into the crook of her neck and minimizing the little distance that prevailed between the two. Furiously moving towards the two, he shove his mysterious girl out of the claws of the prick that held her, before his eyes were to witness anything that he wanted only to himself.

"GET OUT." He barked angrily without having his eyes trail apart from the girl he held on his arms.

The guy left without a word, shrugging as though the words didn't have an impact on him.

Kristine smirked inwardly as she saw the whole fiasco going on in front of her eyes. Pretty much everything had happened as per what she had thought it would. She had sensed Ryan's heated gaze right from the time when he had entered and his eyes slid onto her.

She turned to face Ryan, with a furious look that she had mastered by then, "You scared the shit out of that guy. Poor soul. I feel for him."

His hold around her tightened and his eyes darkened as he gritted, "I never thought of him to be your type. The hell, he doesn't even seem to be anyone's type."

"You haven't even had a proper look at him yet." She retorted back.

"Oh trust me with what I had seen of him is enough to make me decide about it." Crushing her more into him, his hands slid across her spine.

"Jealous, are you Mister?" Her lips curled into a gorgeous smirk but she couldn't help the way his finger felt across her skin. She just couldn't shrug away the thought, how much ever she wanted to ignore it. She just couldn't.

"Dance with me." He didn't ask for her permission neither did he wait for her response. With his hands on her back, guiding her with every move of his, they swayed to the beat.

His hands made patterns on her bare skin, still enveloping her in his embrace. His touch was different from all the touch Kristine has witnessed ever since she was made aware of a man's touch.

His feather soft touch were as light as a mere brush yet had an effective impact on her skin to erase all the touch she had received as a result of lust that were nothing but foul.

She couldn't help but compare his touch with that of Jeff's. Jeff's touch were rough and demanding but nothing more. He was more concerned about satisfying his own need, his own lust-filled hunger to look at Kristine as anything but a commodity to satisfy his lust. While, she felt completely different with the guy who held her now. He wasn't just claiming his mark but making sure that every other touch was now replaced by his. Though she thought he might have done it to mark his possessive imprints on her and remove the pricks touch which he had witnessed a few minutes ago.

"Can I now have your name at least?" His voice whispered into her ears breaking her trance, sounding genuine enough.

She couldn't find the heart to turn him down for such a simple request. "Kristine." She whispered back, rolling her hips onto the music.

"Don't do that until you are ready to face the consequences." He groaned still feeling tingling sensation to have had her roll her his right into him.

"What consequences are we discussing about for having told you my name?" She looked utterly puzzled for his grumpy response that accompanied with an intense stare which had her belly churn.

"Don't grind your hips against mine until you mean to do it, all over again, the way I have planned." Heat crept across her cheeks and neck as his words sank into her head and she realized her unintentional act.

"Well, what have you planned, Mister?" Sounding all innocent, she was soon reminded she had to get his name though she knew him she had to get it from him.

"You will find out soon when we do." He winked victoriously, sending shivers down her spine as his words held a hidden promise.

"Please care to enlighten me with your plans and also the name for this handsome face here." Her fingers trailed down his temple and slid down his jaw.

"Ryan, that's the name for the face you find incredibly handsome." His lips curled into a wide grin that seemed to be the most beautiful one to her. "About the plan, trust me you will find out when the right time comes. I don't want to scare you so soon." Not even for a nanosecond did his ever-so-loving grin drop.

"Oh! You here have got nothing to scare me away." She mouthed a kiss making him desire to pull her lips into his. She was definitely the most irresistible tease he had ever come across. "Though this face here," she had finger trace his cheek as her eyes trailed intensely at her, "is something exceptional to what I have known so far but I never mentioned it to be incredibly handsome. Anyways, never mind, drop it already."

They continued to move at the rhythm of music beats and Ryan had long forgotten his friends and the host of the party. It wasn't until Jason tapped on Ryan's shoulder that he was reminded of the host for the evening - Jason.

"Enjoying your time?" He queried as politely as he could. He looked past Ryan's shoulder where Kristine hung into his arms "I see, you are." He chuckled as he passed an obvious comment.

"Wouldn't introduce me to the pretty lady?" That was meant to be a hint that Jason wasn't leaving them anytime soon and that they had to stop dancing. And so they did.

"Not like you would leave an option for me." Ryan pulled the disinterested look. "Well, aren't you suppose to know her already as you are the host?" Confusion overtook him.

Jason, on the other hand got a good look of Kristine and squealed joyously, "Hey Kris!" He pulled her into a warm and friendly hug, ignoring the awful stares that were thrown in their direction.

"Hello Mr. Cooper." She greeted him rather more professionally than expected. She pulled out of his embrace and asked looking around, "I hope the preparations are up to the mark and that you like it." Her eyes grew expectant.

Ryan jumped in between and placing his palm flatly on Kristine's back, he questioned, "May I please know what is going on here?" His eyes searched for any trace of hesitance in Kristine's eyes and shot a glare in Jason's direction.

"Oh! She is a manager here and this party is solely a result of her efforts." A hint pride ruled the tone of Jason, along with admiration for all the hard-work she had put.

"I was just here to make sure that things are under control," she trailed her eyes everywhere but at Ryan, "and of course, the regular check about the trends, likes and dislikes among the crowd." She rambled unnecessarily as she found Ryan staring at her as though trying to interrogate her with his  intimidating stare. He still has no idea what the girl could do to intimidate him, which surely would be unexpected for him.

"Now I will leave you guys to talk as I need to check whether there's sufficient stock at the bar." She made a quick excuse and Jason nodded positively. "I will see you guys around." Her words trailed and she made her way to the bar, simultaneously cursing Jason for his bad timing. 

Ryan thought of following Kristine to the bar but Jason being Jason was being too nosy today and unbearably intolerant jerk as Ryan addressed him most of the times.

"Hey Ryan, I hope you are enjoying." He didn't make a move to leave inspite of receiving one of Ryan's curt nod. 

Didn't he have girls to seduce or to be seduced from for the night? Why bother me? Ryan thought to himself.  

Instead he pulled the conversation into a direction that meant only bad news for him. "So how do you find Kris? Isn't she tempting hot?" Ryan couldn't help but pass a murderous glare into his direction. He need to get the hint that if he wouldn't shut his mouth soon he wouldn't be able to utter some for a long time. 

"I mean look at her, she seems to be good enough to bed." Jason's eyes travelled down on Kristine's tempting figure. The dress she had adorned was a backless one, dipped low enough at her back - till the curve of her back.  It was shimmery, glittering as the lights in the club complemented each diamond and stone woven into it. It was perfectly defining each and every curve of her frame, attracting all the attention and eyes - lustful and envious.

Ryan found Jason undressing her with his eyes, already. "Stop it." Snapping his head at Ryan, Jason looked confused.

"Don't tell me you don't like her. Or worse, you don't want her. It's crystal clear you want her - Kris - in every way, intimate enough. So admit it, dude." Slapping his hand on Ryan's arm as he continued eyeing Kristine.

"I said stop eyeing her as though you are undressing her." Though what was strange was he was doing the same. "And why do you have to address her as 'Kris'? You both know each other for business, then why being so personal and touchy?" Jason moved a step back and zeroed his eyes at Ryan.

"You are surely being over-possessive, already." He rolled his eyes and announced, "Anyways, I wasn't undressing her with my eyes, though if it was any other day - previously - I would have surely gone ahead to do so, personally. But right now, I think I have got to deal with one and not interested to mingle with anyone else. So you get back to her before someone else grabs her." With that Jason went back to other folks. 

Ryan made his way to the bar without a thought. She had been waiting for him to move his way through the crowd and reach her. Settling on the stool right besides her, yet not making a move at her, he bored his eyes at her. He couldn't get himself to stop staring at the beauty that stood right in front of his eyes. "Get me a drink." He ordered, a firm order that couldn't go disobeyed. Her horrified eyes met his and she stood there, baffled.

"Excuse me." She thought he was to make a move at her, sensuous move - and not bark orders at her. She couldn't help but clench her fist at that thought.

"Get me a drink." He shrugged stating the most obvious thing. 

She shook her head and nodded to the bartender to get his orders. "I asked you, not him." Ryan had his finger pointed at the two as he mentioned them, grimly. 

"The hell, I would." She stomped her feet and marched into the opposite direction wanting some air to clear her head. Her thoughts were messed up as she now reconsidered the pointers as to what made her think he would be easy to go around with. 

"Where do you think you are going?" She fueled as he had the nerve to question her. He was no one to ask, not her boss at work.

"Hell." She muttered, taking a few steps into the direction of 'exit' when his voice startled her yet again.

"Then let me accompany you." His loop-sided smirk returned on his face, replacing the irritation as he grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the damn place. And on his way, his mouth lowered to messy hair bun, finding it's way to the sensitive skin of her ear. He whispered, "I am going make things interesting for you, to have what I have been waiting for since long."

It wasn't a plea or an uncertain statement but a promise. A promise that made her shiver, unnaturally. This wasn't the situation she had ever imagined it to be like.


Hope this keeps you all entertained. This one, here is the longest chapter till date for this story and also the fastest update.

Don't expect too much though, I might not certainly update at this speed. I will try, though. Seriously and wholeheartedly. 

Keep reading to find more ^_^

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