The House By The Lake

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Wind. Wind is all I could feel but where is it coming from. I look around nothing darkness is all that is there. A bright flash of light. A person screams "RUN". I run as fast as my feet could carry me I suddenly stop. I can not move. A giant mirror blocks my path the screaming gets louder I hear people chanting my name is called out "Nova" it says. I try to run, to free my self but it's no use "NOVA" the voice yells again and everything goes black once more.

"NOVA" A familiar voice yelled at me. I shot up "I'M UP" I yelled while also accidentally hitting my hear on the roof of the car "Owww" i mutter as I fall back into my seat. My two older brothers snicker at me "Are you alright" asked my Mama I nodded "You seemed like you were having a nightmare so I decided to wake you up ""Yeah thanks but I would feel better if the two behind me would stop laughing" I hissed and turned around to face my step brothers, Eric and Erin. They both stopped laughing and turned away I turned around then face the front.

Well by now you are probably wondering who I am. I am Victoria Nova Archer but I go by my middle name Nova I am on my way to our new house. A few months ago my Mama go remarried to Alan or Dad now he's an ok person but I absolutely hate my two new step brothers. They lived in a house of all guys so they pretty much have no idea of what living with women is like. After our parents married they decided it would be a good idea to move but I was totally against it leaving all my old friends behind really hurt. A lot. But here I am moving half way across the country with my new family.

After another few hours of driving we arrive at the house. Mama told me the house was around a hundred years old but from the way it look I would say about 14 at most. "Nova you can go in first and pick your room" my dad smiled at me "HEY!""NO FAIR!" yelled Eric and Erin I stuck my tongue out at them than ran into the house. The house was a lot bigger on the inside than on the outside I walked up the stairs and look around at each room I chose the second biggest room plus it had a great view of the lake outside .

After a few hours of unpacking I decide I was going to go explore the area and my first stop was the lake. I switched out of my old clothes that smell like tires and sweat then into a new set a simple shirt with jeans. I walk downstairs and head to the door "Where you going sweetie?" asked Mama "To explore" I said then grabbed my sneakers putting them on "Ok but be back in at least three hours" she said I nodded then walked out the door.

I walked behind the house and onto the dock I stopped right at the edge and looked into that lake. The water was crystal clear and reflected its surroundings "Like a mirror" I muttered to myself. I was tempted to jump in but I remembered that I couldn't swim. I lived in a city all my life so I never really got to go swimming or to the beach. After forcing myself to look away I left the dock and decided to walk to town. The town was a then minute walk a least I plugged in my headphones and walked while humming. I arrived into town and looked around they were a bit of people. They were a couple of clothing stores, a grocery store, and a few others. I decided to head to the clothing shops to look around.

I walked in and was greeted by the woman on the other side of the counter "Welcome" she said with her thick country accent smiling at me I smiled back. She looked in her early twenty's long curly blonde hair a pair of emerald-green eyes smile as bright as the sun. "Need any help with anything just ask Hun" she said "I'm just looking around" I replied "Your new here right just moved into that house by the lake?" she asked I responded by nodding "Well that's a mighty fine house" she said and reached under the counter then pulled something out "Since your new and I'm guessing you're in high school here" she said then handed me a notebook. "How to survive in Ceadermane" I read the title out loud "It's got a list of things you should and should never do as well as people to talk to places to go and even where to get some interesting stuff" she said "Wow thanks" I said "No problem Hun I love helping newbies after all oh my names Heather by the way" she smiled "Nova""Nice to meet ya Nova""Same here" I said.

After two hours of talking and looking at clothes I headed home I arrived walked in then took off my shoes. "Welcome home Nova""Thanks Dad" I said and kissed his cheek "Dinner will be ready in half an hour""Ok who's cookin?" I asked "Me" he said with a proud grin I laughed "Alright have fun with that" I ran up the stairs and to my room then jumped on my bed. I pulled out the notebook and began to read it I skipped right to the names of high schoolers.

High school

Ace Dwern- Stay away from this boy at all costs he's a total heart breaker, a rich bitch, and is cold as fuck.

Lila Marn- This girl is the definition of a back stabbing bitch she lures you in promising friendship and popularity then stabs you into the back steals your boyfriends then ruins your rep.

Allia Newton- This girl is a liar a filthy liar everything she says is bull so don't believe a word she says.

Serrana Casanova- This girl has been arrested seven times and she is only 18 be careful about this one she can beat the living hell out of you.

James Kinthworth-This boy....... he a straight up f-boy don't even with him he pretty much took every girl on campus even some of the teachers.

"NOVA DINNER!" yelled Mama I set the book down on my bed and ran downstairs almost falling. I sit at the table as Dad sets out the food I await early he place mashed potatoes, lemon pepper chicken, a spinach casserole, and a plate of chocolate muffins for dessert. "Wow you out did yourself dear" Mama praised then kissed him "Ewww were eating" Erin whined "It won't be so gross when you have to do it" I said he rolled his eyes at me then served himself. After severing and digging in Dad began to talk "So did you kids go to town?" he asked we all nodded "Well tell us was it nice?" Mama asked "Very in fact we met this girl"said Eric "Yeah her names Lila" added Erin "Was she nice" asked Mama but before they could reply I cut in "I would stay away from her if I were you" "Why?" asked Eric "That girls bad news""How do you know"asked Erin "I um meet this girl who worked at the clothing store her names Heather she told me who to avoid she is one of them" I replied not wanting to tell them about the notebook if I did I am sure they would take it from me. "Well we will be the judge of that" Erin said I shrugged and went back to eating.

After dinner I took a chocolate muffin and kissed my parents goodnight before heading to my room. I sat on the bed and took out my phone text my old friends telling them everything about my day I finished eating the muffin then hears a sound in the attic "Must be rats I'll ask Dad to set up some traps tomorrow" I muttered. I changed into my pajamas then crawled into bed I drew in my sketch book how I was gonna decorate my room after an hour or so I began to fall asleep. Little did I know I was going to discover something interesting the next day.

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