The Mirror

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I stared at the mirror in awe. "So it's been here." I muttered and walked toward it I placed my hand on the glass and looked into the mirror. My reaction stared back at me "It looks pretty normal" I said and moved my hand I took the flask light and looked behind the mirror. "Hmm looks like it's leaning against the wall I looked back at the glass "What are you trying to tell me"I whispered. "AYE CUTIE WHERE YA AT" yelled Heather I walked back over to the stairs and climed up then waved to her. She walked over and stepped down into the room with me "Ok this is hella freaky" she said "Right and I found the mirror" I said as I walked over to it. "Ok two this one that mirror looks like some demon evil queen summoning shit and second how the hell did a find this" she asked while inspecting the mirror "First I know that and second I tripped again and found it" I said and leaned against the wall. "Well then what now " she asked "Should we leave it here?""Yeah Mama would ask way to many questions if we brought it into the house but I think we need to bring the chest here.""Let me guess another one of you feelings""Yep" I said and walked up the stairs then back to the house. Heather changed back into her clothes and hid the objects in her bag as she snuck downstairs with me.

We sat in front of the mirror as Heather pulled each of the objects from her bag. I instructed here where to place each one of them and we kneeled in front of the mirror and waited. "Is it supposed to do something" she asked "I honestly don't know" I sighed. "Watt the hell was wrong will the mirror has this been all just a wild goose chase? Have I been watching to much tv? Maybe none of this was real to began with just a convinced" I thought. "Ok cutie you seemed stressed maybe we should just forget about this and go back into the house" She suggested I stood up and nodded we walked out of the room leaving the stuff from the chest in there. I looked it and walked to my room I placed the empty chest back in the attic and walked back to Heather "I'm just gonna forget this ever happened" I sighed and flopped onto my bed "What about this key" she asked holding the gold chain in her hand."Just fling it out the window I guess" I muttered she nodded and flung it into the yard. For the next hour or so we talked about random things places es we have been places we want to go dream and aspirations till Mama called us down for dinner.

We all sat at the table "So you made a friend weirdo" asked Eric "Yes I did so class you asked idiot" I said with a smile but a very annoyed tone Heather laughed. "Ya'll remind me of my brother and I when we were kids" she said Dad chuckled "Yes they are rather rowdy anyway Heather was it?""Yep""Well nice to meet you Heather call me Alan""Nice to meet ya to" she said as she ate some of her food "So do you work in the area" Mama asked "Yep I work for one of the clothing stores in town""It it the one with the cute purple flowers on the title""Yep""Oh the such a nice store I love the clothes""Speaking of clothes have you kids gotten you clothes for school yet" asked Dad the three of us shook out heads"Well they come to my store I'm sure they can find something and cause you gave me food I'll give ya'll a fifteen percent discount" She smiled I laughed "Would you that would be amazing thank you dear"Mama smiled at here "No problem" she said. After dinner Heather left and I got ready from bed and fell asleep.

I sat in a room on a satin cushion like the ones they made for royalty. 
I look around the room the walls are made of clay and the floor is wooden there is a beautiful chandelier on the roof. I looked like a room fit for a queen "Nova" the voice called .
I sat up and walked toward to voice I suddenly stopped in front of me were the four objects.
 "Who will you chose?" asked the voices"Who will you save?" 
I turned around and tan to the window but all I could see was darkness "Or will you destroy everything" said another voice.
Hands submerged from the darkness I scream and fell.
No I was falling.
I reached my hand out as five others reached out towards me 

I woke up startled and on the floor. I sat up and climbed back onto my bed I was covered in sweat."Damn dreams" I muttered then my door slammed open and Erin and Eric were in the door way dresses and ready to go. "Come on midget get up we need to go" said Eric as he scrolled through his phone I rolled my eyes and covered my head."Fuck off" I hissed closing my eyes. The blankest were ripped off me "I don't care get the hell up so we can go Mom left us money so we can go to your friends shop" he said I groaned and sat up I walked over to my closet pulled out some clothes then walked to my bathroom. "I hate both of you""Love you to sis" said Eric as we walked out of the room. I locked the bathroom door and changed into a pair of jeans with a purple shirt I looked in the mirror."Ok this is not my shirt but it's cute so i'm gonna where it". I said as I grabbed my ankle boots and put them on I walked downstairs as I combed my hair out of its usual morning mess."Ready" asked Eric I nodded and set the comb on the counter we then walked out of the house and toward town.

After  a while we arrived in front of the store and walked in."Hey ya'll glad to see ya could make it" Heather smiled and walked around the counter "The men's clothes are over there and cutie I'll help ya with finding ya some now clothes." She said I nodded and followed her she picked out several clothes and handed them to me. I walked into the changing room and changed into the first outfit it was a red crop top with black high waisted jeans. I walked out of the room"Oml you look adorable" Heather grinned "Thanks I guess I like it" I said "No way to short""And to revealing" said the idiot twins I rolled my eyes "This is just to show Mama I bought stuff ok calm down" I sighed. I picked a few more outfits and bought them while my brothers looked at more clothes I decided to tell Heather about the dreams I pulled her over to the side and told her"Ya crazy cutie" she said "I know do you have anything to stop these dreams" I asked "Actually I do" she said then walked to the counter went through some stuff and brought back a small box "It's tea ma Nana makes the best tea once ya take it ya will pass out." she said with a grin I nodded and tanked her. We got home and told Mama about our day we then sat down had dinner and went to bed. I drank some of the tea and Heather's was right after that I had no more of those insane dreams. For the next few days it was just basically me on my phone or going to Heather's store till the fateful day came where I had to go to that place. a place called school.

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