School Time= Lots of Gossip

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Walking through the school doors on a sunny Monday was anything but peaceful.

Ever since the shocking news about Danny, everyone has been out trying to figure out who's the town hero.

Newspapers, magazines, News channels, parents, teens, and even young children who doesn't know much about the world, are all looking for the mysterious hero's identity. And it's not just Amity Park, it's the whole world! News, do travel fast!

The halls were packed with students of all ages from 14 to 17, all talking about the same topic.

"Who do you think he is?"

"Do you think he's in my homeroom?"

"I bet you that he's an A- Lister!"

That last one stopped Danny and his friends in their place. There was no way they would be part of the A- Listers!

They started walking back to their lockers which they were lucky enough to be side-by-side!

"How much do you want to bet that when they find out, they'll die from shock?" Tucker asked while stuffing his head into his locker to grab a book.

"Tucker!" Sam said, but at the same time, Danny answered, "20 bucks."

A glare from Sam made them both shut up. "This is serious and you're both playing games!" Sam whispered shouted.

"Well, according to my PDA, we're already down 100 bucks in bets and dare since Saturday. Danny has won the bet, 'Everyone finds out Sunday night' bet by guessing no. Won five bucks too!" Tucker said while reading off his PDA, a hand- held computer.

"You two are so immature!" Sam huffed, slamming her locker shut.

"Oh, come on! Cut me some slack." complained Danny while filling his book bag up with books for the next two periods. "I'm nervous and stressed; I need fun in my life right now!"

Before Sam could say something, Dash, the school's number 1 bully, pushed through her and shouted, "Fentina! I made an F on my English test last Friday! You know what that reminds me of? You!" as he said that, he grabbed Danny by the shirt collar and heaved him upwards towards the top part of the lockers.

Unable to keep his mouth shut, Danny replied, " Yeah, and I make D's and B's but I don't whale on you every time I do so!"

The hall went quiet at that moment for a second as everyone let that process in their minds. Danny Fenton has stood up to Dash Baxter?!

The quiet of the hall was broken when Dash let out a roar of anger and threw Danny to the floor, five feet away.

"How dare you back talk me. Me!" Dash screeched while picking Danny back up and threw him into a nearby locker. "I hope an hour in a locker would sort out your manners!" and with that, he slammed the door on Danny.

Without a second to spare, the bell rang for class to start. The students in the hall way walked to their scheduled class, talking about Phantom and the fight.

When everyone was gone through classroom doors, only Sam and Tucker remained in the halls, at the same place they started at, the locker containing Danny.

"Okay, dude, you can come out now." Tucker said as he knocked on the door three times.

Danny then passed through the door of the locker intangibly and became solid beside Sam. Finally free!

"You alright?" asked Sam as they walked to first period.

"Yeah," answered Danny, "Nothing I can't handle. Should have kept my big mouth shut." He said coming to a stop a door with the words, 'English, Mr. Lancer' was written in black sticker cut-outs.

"You think?" Sam said folding her arms.

"Well, I thought it was funny!" Tucker said as he opened the door to reveal a class of twenty students sitting in rows of five and a bald, over weight teacher at the front, trying to calm everyone down.

Everyone was still talking about the big secret that everyone wants to find out. They were all huddled in little groups; laughing and gossiping together.

The nerds were together talking about who Phantom might be and what they would do if they were friends with him. And what they would like to do if they had cool, super powers. All of them agreed to beat Dash to a pulp, but quietly, since there were A- Listers in the room!

The A- LIsters were trying to find out who Phantom was by crossing out names and comparing pictures with the one of Phantom. Only Paulina was crossing out the boys that were unpopular and ugly. She wanted the perfect the boys to be her future husband.

The rest of the class were either taking advantage of the distraction and taking a nap dearing the whole fiasco or they are drawing pictures.

Mr. Lancer was shouting for everyone to get in their seats to start the lesson, but to no conclusion.

"Lord of the Rings, people! Shut up and sit down, Now!" he shouted the loudest his voice could go.

Only half the class heard and sat down but continues to talk.

Giving up, Mr. Lancer sits down with a sigh and murmured, "I give up!"

The rest of the day was the same, loud classrooms, no lessons, even some of the teachers tried to bribe the student who was Phantom to show who they are with no homework for life and no more tests for the whole high school years. Everyone thought it would work, but it didn't. Danny never even consider the offer, he just wanted a normal life.

Finally, the bell rang for the time to go home. Everyone took off without a second thought.

Danny thought it was a pretty good day, other than the nerves and the topic of the day, it was a great day. No ghost attack had happened that day and Danny has high hope for a night of full sleep and finished homework, until Tucker said the words.

"I can't believe no ghost has attacked!" he said in disbelief.

"And you jinxed it, Tuck!" Danny cried with a face-palm.

With a gasp, Tucker placed a hand over his mouth and whispered, "Sorry, bro!"

"It's fine!" Danny sighed; it was going to happen anyways!

"We still need to find out this Stranger man." Sam said out of nowhere. Taking Danny and Tucker by surprise.

"Wh...What?" Danny stuttered. He was kind of hoping that such of topic wouldn't come up. He just wanted to forget it.

"That guy knew about you being half ghost, we need to find out how and why he would tell the world such secret." Sam explained. She has been feeling funny about this whole thing. While Danny is trying to hide his stress from everyone, Sam has been trying to forget that bad feeling out her mind, but couldn't. Now she is making Danny worry about something else.

"Oh man! How did I forget?" he started freaking out, "Does he know who I really am?"

Sam didn't really have the answer. It was quiet between them for a time when finally Tucker answered, "I don't know, man. But what I do know is that we will find him and force the answers to all our questions out of him. Promise!" he said as he clapped Danny on the back, trying to comfort him in a manly- way.

"Yeah, yeah, we will!" Danny said, brightening up. "I could ask him how he knew all this stuff!" he started skipping with joy at the thought, but then stopped. "You'll help, right?"

There was pause at the question, which made Danny think they would say no until they answered, "YES, of course!" at the same time.

"Great! We start the search tomorrow after school, deal?" Danny said instantly happy that his friends would help him.

"Deal man, wouldn't miss it!" Tucker said. Sam answered, "Sure, no problem." with a sly smile on smile.

"Cool," but before he could ask who's house they will go to watch a movie, a wispy blue air- like smoke came out of his mouth and disappeared in front of his eyes. "Uhg, see Tuck. You jinxed it!" and he took off for a hiding place to change into Phantom before Tucker could shout, "I didn't mean to!"

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