The Planning

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Have you ever felt so angry that you almost see red? Well, that's how Danny felt at that moment.

After overcoming his shock after solving the former mystery of Reklaw aka Walker, he called up Sam and Tucker and told them to meet up in his parent's lab and explained everything to them. It took a lot of convincing and explaining, but you can now finally see the trio flying through the ghost zone at top speed to Walker's Prison.

"Are you sure this is right Danny?" Tucker asked, "I mean, we made a list! We already decided that he couldn't be the one."

Tucker was on his PDA scrolling down the list they made weeks ago that felt a life time ago. He was so not ready for the fight he knows will happen once they get there.

"Yes, i'm sure its right Tuck, it fits. He's always after revenge from the last break out, what better way then exposing me to the world?" Danny replied while shifting his hold on his friends. "You have to admit that it seems pretty accurate."

"I think your right Danny," Sam says,"But do you really want to go at him now? We need more proof before we take off to fight a ghost that has you on his bad side." She too was not ready for this.

With a sigh Danny stops and hovers, looking around to spot a small floating land that was no bigger than the size of a house, and flew over to it and dropped his friends before landing himself.

He didn't think it was a good idea either, but he was just so upset, he had to do something. But his friends were right. "Sorry you guys, i didn't know. I'm just desperate you know?" he said, running a hand though his hair. Sam came up placing a hand on his shoulders, "It's alright Danny. We understand, but you need to take it a bit slower you know. We will get Walker, but we need to plan out something first, we can't go head first into a fight. That's suicide."

"Yeah dude, i'm with Sam on this one." Tucker agreed, putting away his PDA with a sigh of relief.

"I guess you guys are right, like always." Danny said, taking a big breath to calm down and looked at his friends, "Lets go back I guess." He reaches out to take them off and out of the ghost zone, but as he do so, a bluish wisp escapes his mouth and a snow ball narrowly misses is head.

Turning around, he spots a ghost hunched over slightly with blue skin and blonde hair wearing what looked to be Pajamas. As another snowball formed in the hand's ghost now identified as Klemper, he shouts, "Please be my friend!" after which he throws the snowball, hitting Sam in the face.

With his fast reflexes, Danny grabs Sam before she could attack the ghost and knock him out of existent and flew off before Klemper could make another snowball and with a final, "Be my friend!"


Later at the Fenten's and in Danny's bedroom, you can find the trio planning and discussing the next move. Tucker sat on the chair near the laptop listing all the exits and entrance they could remember from Walker's prison and how many goons they knew that were there. Sam was on the floor, still furious about the snowball attack, but writing down everything they know about Walker and the attack plans they could do. Danny was on the bed looking through all their information about his powers and naming off ideas to his friends as the go along in their search and re-watching the News coverage with 'Reklaw.'

After hours of intense research, they finally had there plan down, they just need to decide how and when to go about it.

"I say we go this weekend. Walker won't know what hit him!" Sam suggested while punching her hands together in excitement.

"hmm, not a bad idea," Tucker said looking to Danny, "You good with it? I can add it to my PDA for Saturday?"

For a few seconds of thinking it out, Danny agreed. "Today is Wednesday, so it will give us three days to prepare." They decided that Saturday would work perfectly.

As Tucker typed that down he asked, "Should we have Jazz and your parents help? Before you answer, hear me out," he said as Danny was about to decline, "Jazz has the brains, she could help with info and battle strategy and your parents should be willing to help you with anything, and they will have the fire power we need to beat a whole army of ghost. Know what i'm saying?"

A moment of thinking, "Maybe, but i don't know. I still have three days, let me think about the my parents part. But Jazz is the best idea so far." Danny said getting off the bed to pace.

"Alright man, but you have to decide before Friday." Tucker said. Sam agreeing silently as she wrote down a few things to look up later.

They were about to continue talking about the plan when the hear a knock on the door and a second later Danny's mom comes walking in saying, "Sam, Tucker, it's getting late, either you spend the night or do you want a ride home?" She was wearing her usual Hazmat suit, but with the hood down so you could she her puffy red hair.

Looking at the time to see that it read 8:37 pm, Sam looks at Tucker and sighs, "I have to get home or my parents will have a cow. But i can walk home, thanks for the offer." she says getting up saying 'see you tomorrow' and left.

"yeah I got to get going too. Dinner is in 30 minutes. See you tomorrow dude. You'll be at school right?" Tucker asked halfway out the door.

"He will be there most likely Tucker. Don't worry." Mrs. Fenten replies seeing the look on her son's face. "No complaining young man, I know it will be hard, but you already missed almost a week of school. Better to go sooner than later."

"Yeah i know mom, i still don't like it." Danny says waving goodbye to Tucker and waves his mom off his case.


The next morning, after being forced out of bed by his mother who threaten to tie him with ghost proof wire and drag him on her shoulders to school, Danny got up feeling terrified for the day ahead. He went down stairs glaring at the sun outside as he pass by windows and sat down to eat breakfast with his family.

"Why the long face Danny-o?" Jack Fenten asked as he tinkered with his latest invention. He felt pride in him at knowing about his son being Phantom, a true ghost hunter!

"School." was the simple answer Danny came up with as he drowned his sorrow and pity for himself in his cereal. He wanted to crawl back in bed and sleep his life away.

"Come on Honey, its not that bad." Maddie says with out looking from her cooking station. She was baking fudge of course. After hearing the loud groan come from her son she says, "Tell you what, if it gets too bad, give me a call and I will can get you, ok? But you have to promise not to call after the first person comes running up to you. Deal?"

With another groan that was muffled by a spoonful of cereal, Danny says,"Deal." but not with out spitting his half his mouthful out.

"And don't talk with your mouth open young man."


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