Chapter ELEVEN

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Kirby Carter

By the time you step out of the cab, you're over half an hour late to meet your sister.. You had completely lost the day to exhaustion and now you rush toward the door of the bar, fixing the delicate straps of your tight black dress and smoothing the slinky fabric down your sides, the click of your silver heels echoing down the sidewalk..

Ignoring the memories from the last time you were outside this bar, with The Viking, the excitement you felt then.. Not this time..

This time all you feel is anxious as you push through the door and scan the room until you see her..

Your sister is sitting at a table in the back corner with a dark haired man in a black leather jacket, who sits, casually, with his back to you..

Her eyes light up as you approach and she jumps to her feet, rushing to greet you.. "Kirby! I was beginning to think you were going to bail on me!" She wraps her arms around you with a squeal..

You hug her back, tightly, trying to hold on to this fleeting moment, seeing her happy just a little longer.. "Of course not.. I just lost track of time, I'm sorry sweetie.."

She waves a dismissive hand.. "It's no biggie, you're here now and I can introduce you to my boyfriend.. Kirby.. This is Damien.."

Completely stunned by her use of the word 'boyfriend', you turn to the man sitting at the table beside you and your mouth falls open as your stomach roils at the sight of him..

The face of a man you haven't seen in seven years.. Not since leaving the Emerald Isle..

Declan Darby smirks up at you..

Your head spins, mind racing to catch up..

Declan is Damien?

And somehow he is your sister's boyfriend?..

How did you not know about this and how the hell is happening?..

What does he want?

"It's nice to meet ya, Kirby.. Lucky's told me so much about ya, I feel like we already know each other.." He stares you down confidently, with dark eyes, almost daring you to say something, to expose him..

"Uh.. Yeah.. Nice.. To.." You can't even finish that sentence, looking over at Lucky, who fidgets nervously, twisting the ends of her long blonde hair between her fingers.. "Lucky?.."

She gives you her pleading eyes as she grips your arm and pulls you to the side.. "Please don't be mad at me.. I really like this guy.. And we've been in the city a while, I just thought.. Well, you said this time was going to be different.."

You have no idea what to do with this information..


Do you tell her?

Or would you be putting her in more danger by telling her?..

You don't know what to do and you don't have nearly enough time to make a decision.. "Lucky! How long has this been going on? Why did you tell me?"

Her gaze drops to the floor.. "Six months.."

This is bad, very bad.. That's almost as long as you've been in the city! You feel sick.. You have failed to do the one thing that mattered.. Protect your sister.. How did you mess this up so badly.. And now, not only does Darby have access to your sister.. She had actual fucking feelings for the bastard!

"I know.. Were not supposed to get involved.. I tried.. .. I'm sorry Kirby.. But I'm not like you.. I know you don't care about things like finding love, getting married.. Having a family.. But I want those things.. ... Kirby, please say something.. You're mad at me?"

You want to cry..

Or scream..

Or both..

But you're not mad at her.. No..

You're mad that she can't have those things because of you.. Your mad that Declan fucking Darby would sink so low.. But mostly, you're just mad at yourself..

It also kind of hurts to hear her say that she thinks you don't care about things like love.. And family.. Of course you do.. Of course you want those things too.. For her. And for yourself..

"Mad? Shhh, No.. No.. I'm not mad, sweetheart.. This is just a lot for me to.. Uh.. Take in.." You pat her arm and she relaxes, just a little..

You can fix this.. You have to be able to fix this..

Darby must want something, and of you can give it to him in order to get him the hell away from your sister, you will..

"So you'll at least have one drink with us? I really want you to like him.." She pleads..

Oh god..

Well that's never going to happen..

But you can't very well say that.. "O-okay.."

She beams a brilliant smile, pulling you to sit down opposite Darby, while she slides in beside him.. Through gritted teeth you order a soda water from the waiter as you sit in an awkward silence, feeling like some bizzare third wheel in a black mirror episode, while the two of them fawn over each other..

Seeing them together, how familiar he is with her, it's nauseating.. "So.. Damien.." You try to keep your tone neutral, but it still comes out as a little aggressive.. "What do you do?"

He gives you a sly grin as Lucky immediately jumps to his defence.. She's obviously not going to let you give him the third degree.. It wouldn't matter.. You already know his secrets.. "Damien is a tech consultant.. He's super smart.." She giggles as she leans into him..

"Oh?.." You hum doubtfully Thankful when your phone chimes and you pull it out to see a missed call from Patrick..

Desperate to take a breath and get away from Darby, you push up from the table.. "Sorry, this is a work call I have to take it.."

Lucky doesn't even look up at you, she so enamoured with 'Damien'.."Sure thing, sis. Go, go.."

You grab your bag and quickly make your way outside.. You suck in a few deep breaths, steadying your jitters as you slip into the alley beside the club you hit redial on Patrick's number..

"Kirby? Where are you?" His voice is low and urgent..

You lean back against the cool bricks, closing your eyes.. "A shitty downtown bar.. Why?"

His voice is barely above a whisper.. "Are you with anyone?"

You frown..

Who would you be with?

Does he know about Darby being in the city?

How could he?

"Just Lucky.. Patrick, you're freaking me out.. Should I be freaked out?"

There is a pause before he whispers a warning.. "Just.. Watch your back Kirby.. I'm hearing talk.."

You suspect the talk he is hearing has something to do with the wanted criminal currently snuggled up to your sister..

A little late on the heads up.. But at least he is on your side.. "Got it.. Good looking out.." You thank him and hang up just as Declan rounds the corner, striding into the alley with a confident strut..

Despite every screaming warning in your head, you steel your nerve and take a step towards him.. "I've got nothing for you Darby.. What the fuck are you doing here?.. Malcom and I had a deal.. You leave Lucky out of it.. I made the devices he wanted.. I gave you my schematics.. So why are you doing this?"

He rocks back on his heels, his dark eyes gleaming with the hatred he always had for you.. He always hated that his father preferred you to him.. That his father praised your abilities, while dismissing Declan's..

And while the praise of mass murderer, Malcom Darby, didn't ever mean all that much to you.. It sure did to his son..

When he speaks, his voice is low and menacing.. "That deal was off the table the day Malcom got himself killed.. But, you already knew that. Isn't that why you've been running from me all this time? Got himself killed?"

Is he having a laugh?...

You both know that Malcom didn't "get himself killed"...


Declan had arranged it all himself..

He prowls toward you, backing you up against the brickwork.. Putting a hand on the wall either side of you, caging you in.. Your pulse pounding in your throat, and your trembling breath give you away as you try not to let the fear that rises inside, show..

"What do you want?"

He grins.. "I want you to make something special for me, baby.." He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a folded slip of paper that he tucks into the space between your breasts with sly smirk..

You watch him with disgust as his eyes raking over you hungrily.. He leans down and kisses your cheek, the sickly strong scent of his musky cologne making you want to gag.. "You do this for me.. And no harm will come to little Lucky.."

Your heart pounds.. You don't know what the hell he wants you to make.. But you have one or two guesses.. "I do this.. And then we're done. Forever. I never see you again.. You stay away from Lucky.."

He chuckles darkly.. "You're not really in a position to negotiate, baby.. But sure.. You do this and we'll call it even.."

You nod reluctantly.. There is no choice.. "Fine."

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