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Kirby Carter

The Viking barely speaks two or more words to you the entire drive uptown to your offices, and you're not behaving any better..

You can't help but feel a little guilty for biting his head off earlier.. After all the guy is just trying to do his job - maybe a little more than that even - and you haven't exactly made an easy task of it for him..

You don't mean to teeter so finely on the edge of opening up to him and shutting him out, yet you are.. Something hard to ignore, like a little voice of doubt in your head or maybe it's simply common sense that won't let you forget..

That gnawing, niggling feeling just won't allow you to let go of the hurt, the lies and maybe even a little residual anger that still lingers between you..

As you approach the entry to the firm, Hunter takes your wrist gently to stop you.. You blink up at him expectantly.. "Just one moret hing, Duchess.. We don't know who Darby may have in his pocket.. It would be better if you introduced me to your colleagues as Axe Hunt.."

You bob in hesitant agreement as you both turn to continue along the path, trying to remember that you now have a new lie to track.. Adding it to the ever-growing pile of deceit you find yourself suffocating beneath, you do your best to put on a happy appearance.. "Right.. Okay.. And who exactly is he?"

He tenses.. You had more or less meant the question as a playful swipe at your strange relationship with the many faces of Hunter Paxton, but his expression quickly darkens.. "He's a criminal.."

You stumble a step.. "What?"

You glance over at him to see him almost grimace... "His record is very similar to mine.. It's a lot easier to keep a cover story straight if you base the character in truth.. So, Axe is a former marine - turned mercenary.. Replace my time spent in government contacts with some falsified prison time.. Nothing so unusual that it would cause any suspicion, but convincing enough to approach potential marks with.."

Your chest pangs painfully as you think back to the very first time you had met.. And the name he had given you.. His cover identity.. Because you were a mark.. Maybe you still are..

"The identity was created as part of a cover for a case I worked on years ago for the CIA.. I was never made, so I kept the name alive.. Just in case it was needed.."

You were already curious about Hunter's service history and his time at the CIA, now, that curiosity is officially piqued.. You also don't miss the way he glosses over the word 'mercenary'.. As though it means something completely innocent..

You're not stupid, you know exactly what that means.. He was a gun for hire.. Maybe he had been hired by the CIA for some off the books operation that perhaps then leveraged him into a position at the agency..

"Christ, so.. 'Axe' has time served?.. And I have to somehow explain to everyone at work that my new boyfriend is a convicted felon.. You know I'm a lawyer, right? The people in this office.. Well, let's just say a guilty verdict means something different to people like them.. You haven't actually been to prison... Have you?"

You eye the tattoos on his neck suspiciously.. You don't entirely know why you dislike the idea so much..

But you do..

Maybe because the threat of incarceration has tainted your entire life.. You had basically dedicated your existence to ensuring that bad people - one's far more abhorrent than you - received their justice..

But maybe that is all just a way to convince yourself that you aren't just as criminal as you feel.. Deep down, it still doesn't change the truth..

He shakes his head.. "No, thankfully not.."

You pause, just before pushing through the front doors.. Stepping ahead to block his path, you turn to him.. "Did he deserve it.. Whatever it was that earned Axe his so called sentence?.."

You want to know what his crime was.. After all, he said it himself, the easiest cover story to maintain is one laced in truth..

His lonely grey eyes don't quite meet yours... "Yeah.. I'd deserve it.."

You don't fail to notice the way he shift to first person and speaks in the present tense.. As though the character he plays is not so much a character, rather an extension of himself.. A part of himself that he hates... And hides away..

You sense his mood changing as he becomes thoughtful and brooding.. You sigh, deciding right now is not the time to push him.. After the rocky start to the morning, you're determined to make an effort to be nicer.. "Viking, I don't mean to alarm you.. But you'll need to prepare yourself.."

He arches a neat blonde brow curiously, relieved by your lightened tone.. "For?"

You give him a teasing smile.. "Bex.."

You push through the door and within seconds your bubbly assistant greets you as you stride through the lobby towards the offices.. She hands you a take-out cup of honey sweetened green tea along with a heart shaped cinnamon biscuit and the brightest smile you've seen in days.. "KC! Thank god you're here..."

You sip your tea, offering the sugary biscuit to the viking who grins like the cat that caught the canary as he takes it, devouring the tiny snack in one bite..

The Viking likes the sweet stuff.. You'll have to remember that..

"Mr Galloway is in your office, and he is in a real mmmm- myyyy god!" Bex glances up to take in the man standing beside you and her cheeks flush bright pink as her focus falters.. Who could blame her?..

Hunter is every woman's fantasy - - if that fantasy had been doused in kerosene and had a flamethrower taken to it..

He's hot as hell.. There's no ignoring it.

"Hi there!" Her voice comes out a high girlish squak.. The only other time you have seen Bex this speechless was the first time Patrick strolled through your office doors.. If you bring in any more man candy she might actually slip into a sugar coma..

You have to suppress a laugh at the look on her face, because honestly it's kind of hilarious.. Hunter Hey.. Hunter grins his causal sharky grin.. "Bex, this is, ah.. Axe Hunt.. He's my.. Um... The guy I've been seeing.."

Bex turns to you in shock.. "Wait, what?!"

The word boyfriend feels too bizzare and unbelievable you can't get it out .. Hunter steps forward and offers Bex his hand which she quickly takes.. "Nice to meet ya, Bex.."

She looks him up and down, shaking her head in disbelief.. "Wow.. Please tell me you have a brother, preferably a twin.." She smiles her winning smile, making no attempt to hide the fact that she is checking him out..

On any other woman, you would probably feel jealous of the flirtatious tone.. But you trust Bex.. So instead you chuckle to yourself at her provocative antics.. Enjoying seeing the viking in his element.. Completely unphased, cool and in control..

Hunter chuckles and shrugs a shoulder in consolidation.. "No brother, no.. Maybe an old marine buddy would do?"

Bex laughs.. "Yes definitely! You sir, are approved!" She turns back to you.. "I like this one.. He may be even cuter than--"

You frown at her knowing she is about to mention the man she can't seem to get enough of.. O'connor.. A slight point of tension for you and the viking that you would rather avoid adding to today's drama.. "God, please don't say it.."

She makes a zipping motion across her lips with a sky smirk.. "I will let Mr Galloway know you have arrived, boss.. When you're ready Mr Hunt, come find me and I'll fix you some coffee while you wait.."

She walks off towards her desk, picking up the phone as you turn back to Hunter.. "Sorry.. This won't take long.."

You can feel Bex's eyes on you both.. Suddenly you feel nervous, like your acting in a scene and you've got a terrible case of stage fright..

Sure you have lived your life lying to everyone you meet, but for the most part, your lies have usually been by omission.. Straight out lying has never come naturally to you.. You hear the tremble in your own voice and he smiles tightly.. Reaching up to tuck your hair back behind your ear, he leans down to press a soft kiss against your cheek, the soft scratch of his stubble and sweet scent of his skin..

You could melt into the moment, let him wrap you in those strong arms, capable of making you feel safe and secure.. Let him kiss you until your mind blanks.. Let him take care of you.. In all the ways he says he wants.. But you promised yourself you wouldn't.. Not again..

"You're shaking.. Relax, Duchess.." He coos..

You breathe deeply, realising that your body is rigid with tension and breathing much too shallow.. Taking his words to heart, you look into his steely grey eyes and make an attempt to steady yourself.. "I don't know if I can.."

His warm hands slide up and down your arms, a comforting and soothing gesture that grounds you and brings you back to the present and away from the cycling swirl of whispered anxieties that have become a constant ringing in your ears..

"Tell me what you need, baby.. What can I do?" His voice is low and for your ears only, the buttery smooth tone softening you even further.. You almost forget your surroundings, leaning into his chest with both palms pressed against his firm muscle, just for a moment.. Just while you collect yourself..

"You're already doing it.." Suddenly you are all too aware of your newfound dependence on The Viking and his ability to calm your frayed nerves..

The realisation sends a new surging wave of anxiety and fear rippling through your system..

What are you thinking?!..

Allowing this entanglement to continue can only end in disaster and you just can't afford the costs..

You try to casually break away from him, but instead your motion comes across stilted and startled.. His brow dips in confusion, but he recomposes himself quickly.. "I better.. Um.."

You motion towards your office door, outside which Bex sits at her desk, pretending to look over something on her computer screen while she actually watches the two of you.. He nods, though you can see the analysis running through his mind, racing behind his eyes.. As he works on trying to figure out what exactly had just happened..

He follows you over to Bex at her desk where she glances up at you and mouths the word 'yum' in an overtly obvious manner.. You give her a scalding look as you pass by.. Honestly, is supposed to be a professional environment..

Even through you smirk to yourself, because her playful sense of humour is exactly why you hired her..

You pause in your office doorway, turning back to see Hunter, now casually leaning against the side of Bex's desk, charming her with his dazzling smile and confident ease, eyeing her rainbow coloured jar of jellybeans.. "Oh here, take some.." She pops the delicate glass lid from the jar with a giggle.. "You have a sweet tooth, Mr Hunt?"

He chuckles, taking a small handful of the candies and tossing a couple into his mouth, turning to catch you still watching them, he winks with a grin.. "You have no idea, love.."

You get the distinct feeling he is talking about you, and you have to tamp down the flutter of butterfly wings in your stomach as you make your way into your office to meet with your frustratingly fussy client..

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