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002,  the fight

          TAĖLIA HAD spent most of the day with Neteyam, teaching him how to ride ilu's and breath under water. The pair had formed a friendship. Taėlia and Neteyam were riding around of their ilu's until they heard commotion, the duo immediately heading in the direction of it. Taėlia rolled her eyes as she spotted her brother, Rotxo and their other friends pestering Kiri and Lo'ak. "Stop!" Kiri shouted, nobody yet noticing the duo.

          "You heard what she said. You leave them alone," Neteyam shouted at the group, gaining there attention. Neteyam pulled Aonung to face him as Kax'tan stepped toward,"Ahh big brother—" He began but he quickly shut up as Aonung put his arm infront of him, stopping his friend from going any further.

          "Back off now." Neteyam darkly spoke as Aonung backed away his hands held up with a smirk present on his face. "And from now on, I need you to respect my sisters." Neteyam order, but Kax'tan didn't like the boys tone, hissing at him.

          Neteyam stayed unfazed, not even sparing the boy another look. Kiri stuck her tongue out at the boys before Neteyam pushed Lo'ak's head in the opposite direction indicating for him to walk away as Kiri followed closely behind.

          "Bye!" Rotxo spoke in a mocking voice as Taėlia smacked the taller boy round the head. "Why can't you all just be nice to them." Taėlia grumbled out, noticing Lo'ak had stopped walking.

          "Walk." Neteyam demanded towards his little brother, noticing the boy had stopped. "I've got this bro." He responded, walking back over to Aonung as Taėlia sighed, she knew this wasn't going to be good.

          Lo'ak walked up to the group, holding out his hand for them all to look at. Taėlia stared closely, waiting to see what he was going to do. "I know this hand is funny, look i'm a freak. Alien. But I can do something really cool, watch. First I ball it up real tight like this and then—" Within a second, Aonung was on the floor in shock.

          Taėlia stepped back so she didn't get hit, the girl's eyes widening. "It's called a punch, bitch. Don't ever touch my sisters again." Lo'ak grinned slightly as Aonung pounced for him. For a millisecond, Aonung was on top, but one sloppy punch from Lo'ak and he was loosing again.

          Kax'tan and We'qu joined in the fight, dragging Lo'ak's tail as Rotxo walked in front of him, slapping his tail in the younger boys face. Taėlia's eyes widened as Aonung began repeatedly punching Lo'ak in the face as Kax'tan dragged him around.

          Taėlia looked over her shoulder at Neteyam who sighed, before running over to the fight and joining in. Kiri joined Taėlia's side, the pair sharing a look before both bursting out laughing.

          They all looked stupid. Taėlia quickly became bored of the fight, realising how pathetic it was. She made her way over to the fight, dragging Rotxo off of Neteyam.

          Kax'tan went to hit the girl, but soon stopped his actions as he looked at her with wide eyes. "I am so sorry—" Kax'tan began spilling out apologies until Taėlia cut him off. "Leave him alone." She calmly spoke before walking over to her brother, We'qu and Rotxo.

          She grabbed Aonung and We'qu by the ear as they both hissed in pain. "Stop being pathetic all of you!" She shouted as We'qu dropped Lo'ak, hissing at the boy before walking away.

          Taėlia dropped the boys ears, speaking to them, "Your going to all go home, and tell your mother and father what you have done. You included Aonung." Aonung went to argue, but knew when it came to his baby sister, he would never win. Taėlia looked over at where Lo'ak and Neteyam were stood, noticing the girls stare as they also left with Kiri trailing behind.

          Taėlia walked over to Rotxo, who was wiping his mouth clean of blood. "You are an idiot!" She hissed, her accent shining through. "Stupid idiot! You are like a baby sometimes!" She stressed as the boy simply stood there smiling at her.

          Her eyes softened for a split second, her body loosing all its anger as her eyes scanned over his face. His lip was bleeding, a cut was present on his left cheek as a bruise had began forming around it and a few other cuts were scattered over his face.

          "How are you feeling?" Taėlia mumbled as her hand skimmed over the cut of his left cheek, trying to check if it was still bleeding. "I'm okay, Taė. Promise." He responded, butterflies swarming the girls stomach.

          "How about now?" She smirked, putting more pressure on the cut as he hissed. "I'm going to kill you, Taėlia!" He shouted as Taėlia ran into the water with him following close behind.

          He quickly caught up to her, grabbing her waist from behind to stop her from swimming away. Rotxo began tickling the girl, who bursted our laughing, fighting to get out his grip. A smile formed on his face at the sound of her laugh. He could listen to it for his whole life and never get bored of it.

          "Stop! Rotxo!" Her laughter died down as he stopped tickling her, turning her round to face him. Taėlia took in his beauty, her pupils dilating. He was the most perfect boy she had ever seen. Sure, she acted as if she didn't like him in that way and only saw him as a friend. Most people believed that act, everyone but Tsireya.

          "Your beautiful, Taėlia." Rotxo breathed out, not being able to stop the words flowing from his mouth. "Stop being a flirt." Taėlia dismissed the comment, pushing him slightly in attempt to make sure he couldn't see her bright red cheeks.

          But he did, a smile appearing on his face, happy to know that his compliment had had an effect on her even if she played it down.

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