Act 6: Senshi To The Rescue

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???'s P.O.V.

"Luna, how bad is the monster this time?"

"I haven't seen much of anything from it yet, but Sailor Neol is already fighting."

"This is our chance to analyze her and figure out her power!"


Claire's P.O.V.

I have no clue where the other Sailor Guardians are, but I guess I'm on my own this time!

X knocked me into a wall and laughed evilly.

"You made a mistake coming here, Sailor Neol," he said as he charged up a blast. "You are surrounded by your weakness... The walls will be your downfall."

I looked around the area, searching for something. I listened for sounds.

"And your downfall will be...  that girl over there."

Right on cue, the mysterious Sailor Guardian that I'm not acquainted with shot an attack at X.

"Who shot that?!"

And then, she did an awesome intro.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Order and for Justification! I am Sailor Eris! You think you know it all but there's just too much for you to learn, so sit back and study on track!"


"That's right!"

Sailor Eris fought both X and the monster while I struggled to get out of my crater in the wall.

"Would you like some assistance?" I then saw that the boy from the other day was there... and talking to me.

"Yes please." This situation is a bit embarrassing to me... Neolians aren't friends with walls, but I'm the only one of them who can't help it when in this situation... because I am powerless.

He helped me out of the wall right on time, because I was about to be needed in the battle.

"ERIS METEOR SHOWER!!!" She got rid of the monster. "Sailor Neol!"

"Right!" I prepared for my attack. "NEOL TIARA SEVER!!!"

Again, X disappeared before I could hit him.

I saw the boy in white leaving. Not again.

"Wait!" I ran after him. "Please stop!" He stopped outside, when he finally heard me.

I needed to catch my breath when I finally caught up to him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked me.

"Could you please... give us a name to call you by... before you go?" He thought about it, then nodded.

"You can call me Tuxedo Lotus." And with that he left.

Finally having a name for that guy, I ran back inside to Sailor Eris.

"There you are, Sailor Neol. I'd like you to meet someone." Out from behind her stepped a blue cat.

"My name is Cordelia. I am Sailor Eris' partner."

"You're a cat..."

"Yes. She gave me my powers. How'd you get yours?"

"I don't really know... but I wouldn't call them powers... I'd just call it 'transformation abilities'. I actually found my brooch in my apartment when I moved in." I then detransformed.

"Claire?!" She then transformed back as well.



After catching up and stuff, we went our own ways.

"Today ended well," I said to no one in particular. "I wonder if tomorrow will be better.


Sailor Eris is here!

And Tuxedo Lotus has made himself known!

Now I can finally make that act that I've been wanting to do... I like this.

What's gonna happen next?

Find out next time!


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