Chapter 10: Uncomfortable Uncertainty

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"You're coming with me tonight. We're going home to visit father. I think it's time that you finally meet him," Ryan said, draping his arm over Grace's shoulder as they sat on the couch in the Slytherin common room.

"I can't tonight. I have a huge potions essay due tomorrow and I won't have enough time to-"

"I wasn't asking, Grace," he explained, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You're coming with me tonight."

A lump formed in Grace's throat. She tried her best not to focus on Ryan's rude demand. She was much too concerned with the fact that she would be meeting his father in just a few hours. Grace could only imagine what a terrible man he was. After all, Ryan's behavior had to come from somewhere.

"Go get your things ready for your next class and then meet me on the edge of the grounds at dusk." Ryan stood up, his strong gaze locking on Grace for a moment before he left to enter his dormitory.

Just as she heard the door click, Grace's leg began to bounce up and down. This whole night was full of uncertainty. Why did Ryan want her to meet his father so badly? How long would she have to stay there? Would Mr. Carrow approve of her? After all, she was a Muggleborn, born to non-magical parents. Ryan came from a long line of Purebloods. Surely Mr. Carrow, a man who most definitely valued blood status, would despise that his son was dating a girl like her.

Grace pushed the thoughts out of her mind. There was no way of getting out of this situation. She pushed herself off the couch and headed toward the door to exit.

"Grace," a voice whispered.

The girl quickly turned to scan the room, peering around to see who had called her name.

"Noah?" She spotted him at the staircase.

"Grace, you should know-"

The sound of footsteps filled the room. Noah quickly exited so as not to be seen by the person who was approaching.

"Grace? You're still here?" Ryan asked. "Do I have to walk you to the Gryffindor common room so you won't be late to your class?" An amused expression was etched on his face.

"That's not necessary, Ryan," replied Grace, rather flustered.

"It sure seems necessary." He grabbed her roughly by the hand, leading her out of the common room. "Let's go."

As they walked out of Slytherin house, Grace quickly glanced back over her shoulder, desperately hoping to see Noah, but he was nowhere in sight.

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