Chapter 28: A Distraction

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"Thank you so much, Neville. You actually made this Herbology homework fairly painless."

"Anytime, Grace! You know I love this class," he replied with a grin, standing up from the table. "I'll see you around the common room later."

Grace waved him goodbye, closing her textbook. She glanced around the library, spotting a few students with their brows pinched together as they focused on homework. She was relieved she finished her assignment for the day. Packing up her things, she decided to reward herself with a relaxing walk outside. Autumn at Hogwarts was absolutely beautiful.

Opening the large oak doors to the exit the castle, she pulled her cloak tightly around her as a cold breeze whisked through her. Her eyes caught Noah just a few yards ahead of her.

"Noah! Wait up!" Grace jogged to meet up with him, the contents of her bag jumping around as it hung on her shoulder.

The Slytherin boy turned around at the sound of the voice, a small smile on his face when he saw who had called for him.

"What are you up to?" asked Noah, looking down at Grace once she had reached his side.

"I thought I could use a bit of fresh air. I've been cooped up in the library all afternoon. Herbology homework," Grace explained with a grimace.

"Ah, I see." Noah nodded. She watched as the wind rushed through his hair. "Not exactly the most interesting class."

"It could be better," admitted Grace. Noah looked eager to get somewhere, but she wasn't going to let him get that far until she found out the answer to what had been bugging her for ages now. "Noah, can I ask you something?"

Noah's heart twitched. "Of course. Anything." Well, maybe not anything. Some things were better off being left as secrets.

"Why do you always come out here?"

"Been keeping tabs on me, have you, Parker?" Noah asked with an amused expression.

Grace face flushed, and she quickly responded, "No, no, of course not. It was just something I picked up on."

"I'm only joking," Noah chuckled. He looked far ahead of them, as if thinking for a moment before adding, "Come on." He took her gently by the hand.

Grace smiled to herself, allowing Noah to lead her across the grounds. His warm grip made her hand tingle, sending goosebumps along her arm. They kept walking until they were on the edge of the Black Lake, underneath a large tree that had low-hanging branches.

Grace let her bag slip off her shoulder, resting it against the bottom of the tree trunk.

"Just a little farther," Noah explained, beginning to climb a few branches until he was several yards from the ground. A smile tugged on Grace's lips as she stared up at him, starting to climb the tree herself. He reached out for her hand and she gratefully grabbed it. Noah helped her up to sit safely next to him on a sturdy branch that overlooked the lake.

"Wow," Grace gasped at the view. "It's beautiful."

Noah stared at her. "It really is," he replied softly. He turned his head to look out across the lake with Grace. His fingers ran over a spot on the tree bark gently.

"So this is where you come all the time. Why?" Grace asked, looking at Noah with interest. He locked eyes with her.

"My mum," he said simply. "I come here to talk to her."

"Your mum?" she asked curiously. "Does she visit often?"

Noah bit his lip before a hint of a sad smile made its way onto his face. His hand ran gently over the bark, staring at the lake. "I'd like to think so."

"Noah..." Grace pushed, wanting more information from him.

The boy sighed. He flickered his eyes back over to Grace, his gaze lingering on her warm eyes. "She died just before our first year at Hogwarts," he started. "This was her favorite spot when she was at school." He moved his hand to show Grace the spot of tree bark where the initials "MD" were carved into it. She stared down at it, her heart sinking.

"I'm sorry, Noah."

"Me, too." Noah leaned his head against the trunk. "It was my fault."

"I'm sure that's not true," said Grace, inching closer to him to rest her hand on his.

"It is. I said something stupid to my father. I don't even remember what it was." He shook his head, staring down at Grace's hand touching his own. "He was so angry and he was going to take it out on me, but my mother stepped in, and he didn't like that. He taught both me and her a lesson." Noah shot his eyes up to Grace. She saw them all glossed over. "He killed her just like that. For standing up for me. Without even a hint of regret in his eyes. He killed her." Noah took his hand out from underneath Grace's, anger on his face. "I killed her."

Grace didn't know what to say. Her heart ached for the boy next to her. "You didn't kill her, Noah. You aren't responsible for your father's actions." She shook her head. "This wasn't your fault."

Noah didn't say anything. He simply stared at the lake, wishing he could sink into it. It was a few minutes before he spoke again, but Grace let him have all the time he needed.

"Do you know why I get so angry that you stay with Ryan?" he asked, twisting towards her.

Grace parted her lips to speak, but Noah continued.

"I see so much of my mother in you. She was stuck in a relationship that started out perfectly, but turned into a whole bloody mess. From that day on I swore I would never let a woman be in that kind of situation with a man like my father."

Grace sighed, closing her eyes. "Your father was cruel, Noah. I get that, but please don't compare him to Ryan." She wasn't sure if she could take that. Because he was completely right.

Noah scoffed, shaking his head. He bit his lip to stop himself from saying something stupid. "Fine," he answered instead.

Grace felt sick. She didn't mean to upset him. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you to be reminded of that day every time you see me."

"Trust me. Seeing you is a distraction, not a reminder." His eyes spotted Grace's wrist poking out under the sleeve of her cloak. He could see the end of the scar he had given her many weeks ago. You're not like him. You're nothing like your father. You'll never be like him.

"I bet she visits often, Noah," Grace assured him, grabbing his hand again. "I know she's proud of you."

Grace stared down at the initials carved into the tree, feeling Noah pull her into a hug. She felt so safe.

"Thank you," Noah whispered, kissing the top of her head. They stayed in an embrace for so long, Grace wasn't sure how much time had passed.

They sat in silence until the sun began to set, their heartbeats syncing.

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