Chapter 31: Special

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Grace walked out of Charms class, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Charms wasn't the most interesting class, but she would have rather stayed there all day instead of being on her way to Potions where she would have to face Noah for the first time since their argument. If that was what she could even call it.

Grace strolled down the hallway, passing by other students that had been let out of their own classes. She searched for Ginny, only to remember that her friend was coming all the way from the greenhouses. Grace would catch up with her later in the common room or in the Great Hall.

She thought this day might actually be okay until she heard someone whistle at her. She followed the Hufflepuff boy with her eyes, glaring at him and his group of friends as they passed by her. Grace tried to shake it off. Just get to Potions.

She continued walking, looking around for Ryan. She really wanted to talk to him. She had so much on her mind. After last night, she needed to get some things off her chest.

Grace heard laughter behind her, and almost instantly, felt a hand grab her ass. She whipped around to see the boy who had touched her, feeling the urge to strangle him with his Ravenclaw tie.

She knew what all of this was about. It was those stupid words Ryan had said. The second he announced that Grace was 'easy', he put a target on her back.

The Ravenclaw boy merely laughed again at Grace's bewildered expression, his friend clapping him on the back as they hurried away. Grace swallowed hard. Just get to Potions.

Once she reached the door, she was just about overflowing with anger and embarrassment, her cheeks tinted red. The color only darkened when she spotted Noah. She kept her head down until she reached her desk, sitting down next to her partner.

"Hello, Lavender," she greeted kindly.

Lavender gave her a smile back without even looking at her. She was far too busy drooling over Ron Weasley on the other side of the room, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere but there. Join the club, Ron.

It would have been a lot easier avoiding Noah if she couldn't smell his stupid cologne. Merlin, how much did that boy put on today? She glanced up at him across the table, watching as he stared into the cauldron in front of him, stirring it slowly with great care.

"Welcome, students!" Slughorn greeted excitedly. "Today is a very special day. Does anyone here know why?" He darted his eyes around the room, searching for an answer.

"It finally doesn't smell like goblin piss in here? I'd say that's pretty special," Draco mumbled to himself. Grace heard Noah try to stifle a laugh.

"No one? Not a even a guess?" Slughorn paced around the room, stopping once he was in the center, surrounded by the cauldrons that had colorful steam floating out of them. "Our lesson today is brewing Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in existence."

The class erupted in excited whispers. Grace noticed Noah finally look up from his cauldron, where he quickly stopped stirring.

"Miss Brown, would you mind telling me what you smell?"

"Sure, Professor." Lavender leaned in close to a cauldron, closing her eyes for a moment. "I smell...cinnamon, chocolate frogs, and a freshly polished broomstick." Her face had turned slightly red, her eyes flickering over to Ron Weasley with great desire.

"Wonderful!" Slughorn expressed. "Now, what about you Miss Parker? What do you smell coming from the Amortentia potion?"

Grace swallowed hard. Wasn't this some sort of violation of privacy? She really had to announce to the whole class what she was most attracted to? She let out a sigh before leaning close, allowing the steam to hover just below her nose.

"I smell..." Grace closed her eyes with hesitation. "New parchment, expensive cologne, and-" Her heart skipped a beat. She tried to stifle the blush that was slowly creeping up her neck. She opened her eyes, only to lock her gaze with Noah. "-tree bark."

"Very nice, Miss Parker, thank you!" Slughorn clapped. "Who's next?"

Noah and Grace stared at each other, neither of them moving a muscle. It seemed like a whole minute until she finally broke eye contact, shifting uncomfortably in her seat to stare down at her hands.

What did this mean?

What was this feeling in the pit of her stomach? This ache in her chest?

Why did that stupid potion just reveal that she was attracted to someone that wasn't her boyfriend?

Grace knew that Professor Slughorn, who was much too occupied with figuring out what other students smelled coming from the Amortentia potion, wouldn't even notice her hurrying out of the class. Grace stood from the stool, rushing away from everyone else, finally reaching the empty corridor. She started to walk down it briskly, her heart racing as she pushed her hair away from her face.

"Where are you going?"

Grace sighed, nearly melting at the boy's voice. She stopped walking and turned around to face him.

"Tell me what you smelled," she pushed, furrowing her brow slightly.

"I don't think I should," Noah answered, shaking his head as he slowly paced closer.

"I smelled that night at the Black Lake, Noah," Grace admitted, pointing to the door of the Potions classroom that was now far down the corridor. "I could smell the tree bark."

"You said that."

"I need to know what you smelled," Grace pressed, taking an eager step forward.

"It's not a good idea-"

"I walked into that room and smelled your cologne almost instantly, Noah."

"I can't-"

"Please," Grace begged just above a whisper, now standing before him. "This isn't right. I'm attracted to something that isn't even mine and it really shouldn't be that way, you know?" she rambled on. "It should have been something else, or someone else. I'm just so confused and I don't think-"

"I smelled you, Grace," Noah interrupted, staring down at her with softened eyes. Her heart dropped to her stomach. "I smelled a burning fireplace that I know you love sitting in front of every chance you get because it brings you the comfort you're lacking. I smelled the butterbeer that you only let yourself drink once and awhile because drinking something that special too often makes it lose its importance." He brought his hands up to her face, holding it gently in his hands, one on either cheek. "I smelled that fruity little perfume you wear that you think no one notices but, Merlin, I do everytime I get close to you."

Grace stared up at him, her eyes widened slightly. Her heart was racing in her chest, but she quite liked the feeling. It was exciting and it felt real.

"From the moment I first met you that day in the corridor I knew you would cause me all sorts of trouble." Noah looked back and forth between her eyes, pulling her closer. "It's a good thing I like trouble." He leaned down, pressing his lips against hers passionately, running his hands through her soft hair.

Grace returned the kiss with great desire. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to get as close to him as possible. She wanted more. She wanted all of him. It was all she ever wanted. Grace stood on her tiptoes, moving her hands to his hair. She felt him guide her to the wall, letting her back press against it gently. He lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. He kissed her like she had never been kissed before. She felt the sparks all over her body. It was the kind of kiss she read about in books.

Noah slowly pulled away from the kiss, letting Grace's feet touch the ground again. He leaned down slightly, touching his forehead to her own. "I've wanted to do that for so long."

Grace's face was flushed, but she didn't care. She trailed down his arm, interlocking her fingers with Noah's hand. "You have no idea."

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