Chapter 33: Fun

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Grace exited the castle feeling a bit shaken up, but she was mostly filled with confidence. She was finally free from Ryan and that awful relationship. Now she just needed to see Noah.

The Gryffindor shivered as a cold breeze rushed through her. She didn't bother going back to the common room to grab her cloak. There was no time. She wanted to see Noah right away and tell him how she finally stood up to Ryan. He would be so proud of her.

As she approached the lake, Grace found Noah already sitting on the branch, his head resting against the tree trunk. She smiled to herself, butterflies filling in her stomach. She hadn't experienced that feeling in a long time.

"Room for one more?" she called up to him with a grin. Noah's eyes lit up once he saw her.

"That depends..." Noah started, gazing down at her with great interest. "Do you still have a boyfriend named Ryan?"

"Who's that?" Grace asked, throwing a confused expression on her face. She laughed and started to climb the tree.

"That's what I like to hear," Noah answered, offering a hand to help her up. She grabbed onto it and settled down next to him on the branch.

"How did-" Noah started, but his eyes widened. "What the hell happened to your hand?" He reached over to gently take it in his own hand as his gaze scanned over her bruised knuckles with great concern. "Did he do this to you?"

"No," Grace explained with a shake of her head. "For once, he didn't do this to me."

"I'm going to need to more than that, Grace," he sighed.

"I might have punched Jake O'Connor in the face..." she admitted, trailing off as Noah shot her a bewildered expression. "I just completely snapped. He got under my skin". And tried to get under my clothes, she thought. She didn't dare say those words out loud. Noah didn't need to know. There was no reason to make him upset over something out of his control. "Then I pulled Ryan aside-" He pulled you, Grace. "-and I just did it. I stood up to him and ended it." There was much more to the story, but again, Noah didn't need to know.

The boy looked impressed, letting a small grin play on his lips. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're kind of a badass, Parker?"

"I think you're the first," Grace said with a smirk. She did feel kind of bad. She was already lying to Noah? Although, could she call it a lie? She was hiding the truth more than lying, right? Her smirk faded.

"Come here," Noah mumbled with a smile, putting a finger under her chin to guide her closer. He kissed her softly for a moment, his hand moving to the side of her face. She melted against his touch, filling up with warmth despite the cold, night air.

He pulled away gently, staring out over the lake. "I'm really glad you fixed your hair, by the way."

Grace scoffed, shoving him roughly with her arm. "You were the one that messed it up! That was so embarrassing! Lavender is probably connecting the dots right now, and Draco knew what happened the second we walked back into that classroom."

Noah chuckled as Grace put her head in her hands, her cheeks bright red. "Malfoy's harmless."

"Is he?" Grace looked up, returning her hands to her lap.

"What do you mean?"

"I've heard things," she replied with a shrug.

"He's going through some stuff, Grace. I'm sure you've heard a lot of things, but don't trust everything you hear, alright? This is much bigger than some Hogwarts gossip," Noah urged, tugging on the end of his sleeve.

Grace's brows furrowed. "How would you know?"

"He's my friend. He confides in me sometimes," Noah said quickly. "I told you, he's harmless, alright?"

"Alright," she mumbled, glancing at him carefully.

Noah sighed again quietly, biting his lip as he brought his attention back to the lake. There was just so much Grace didn't know. He wasn't sure there would ever be a good time to tell her, but it certainly wasn't now.

"Look, Grace, I don't know what this is, but whatever you and I are, just know I'll always protect you, okay? I'm not going to hurt you. If you just want to have fun, then that's fine but-"

"Have fun?" Grace raised an eyebrow, turning to him. She tried to keep her tone neutral, but she couldn't help her heart sinking a bit at his words. "I was kind of hoping what we have will be something more than that." After having so many people treat her like she was 'easy', she hoped this wasn't what that was. "Is that what this was going to be for you? Just having fun?" she asked gently.

"No, of course not," Noah responded, pinching his brows together. "Is that what you thought I meant?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "It's hard to tell what you're thinking sometimes..."

"I want it all with you, Grace. I don't want you to just be another girl for me to 'have fun with'," Noah expressed as he locked eyes with her. "But I don't want to label this as something it isn't, especially if you're not ready. I mean, you were in a toxic relationship for months. I can completely understand if this isn't something you want to rush into."

Grace relaxed her muscles, not realizing how tense she had gotten just by the conversation. Merlin, he was so unselfishly kind. She didn't deserve someone like him. "I like where we are, Noah, and I know I'm going to like where we're going."

Grace leaned in, bringing her lips closer to his. She felt him move toward her, but she stopped before their lips could touch. She narrowed her eyes, trying to stop the smile from appearing onto her face. "How many girls have you 'had fun with', Noah Dolohov?"

He rested his forehead against hers, letting out a defeated sigh. "You're really great at ruining the moment, you know that?"

"It's a lot, isn't it?" she asked with a grimace, sitting up straight again. Did it really matter to her? Not really, but it sure was fun seeing Noah get all flustered.

"What, do you want me to write you a list?"

"There's enough to write a list?" Grace asked, her mouth dropping open for dramatic effect.

"Malfoy was right when he said you'd be a handful," Noah muttered, chuckling quietly to himself.

"I should have known you've been with a lot of girls. That's what happens when you decide to date one of the most well-known boys at Hogwarts, I suppose."

Noah raised an eyebrow, leaning close to tease her. "Oh, so we're dating now?"

"Take me on one and find out," she dared, their faces only inches apart.

"Fine," Noah declared confidently with a triumphant smirk. "There's a party in the Room of Requirement this weekend. You'll be my date."

"Fine," Grace replied. "It's a date."

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