Chapter 37: Need

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"I know what you're thinking," Draco grumbled in his morning voice as he walked out of his dormitory and into the Slytherin common room. "How the hell am I alive?"

"I've never seen you so fucked up," Noah admitted after glancing over at his friend with tired eyes.

"It's the blood purity. I'm telling you. It makes us invincible," the blond boy explained, sitting down on the couch.

"I don't feel invincible," Noah mumbled, fiddling with the end of his sleeve.

"You look like shit, mate," Draco noted. "What happened to you?"

"I ended it with her."

Draco's eyes widened slightly. "Why? I mean, it's for the best, but I'm just shocked you did it. You actually seemed happy with her."

"I was being selfish by thinking I could be with her," Noah confessed, shaking his head. "She hates me now, but like you said, it's for the best."

Malfoy leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he twisted one of the rings around his finger. "She hates you now? Merlin, what did you do?"

"Someone tampered with her drink so I brought her back here and she passed out on the couch," started Noah. "I stared at this fucking mark all night while she was sleeping-" He pulled up his sleeve, making sure no one else was in the common room. "-and I knew." He sighed heavily. "I knew I couldn't be with her because of who I am now, so I picked a fight with her. It was the only way to break it off."

Draco watched his friend in silence.

"She can't be with a deatheater, Draco. Her life is messed up enough as it is. I can't fuck it up more for her. She doesn't deserve that," Noah finished, leaning back in his seat, his head feeling heavy.

"It wouldn't have worked anyway," Draco began. "She's a mudblood. That-"

"Watch your mouth."

"Get over her man. She's not yours. She never was. It's better this way. You can't be distracted by some stupid girl, alright?" Draco said insensitively. "We have bigger problems to worry about."

Noah clenched his jaw, pulling his sleeve back down roughly. "The cabinet won't be ready for awhile, mate. Have you gone recently? It's not working for me."

"I went a few nights ago," Draco explained. He lowered his voice, continuing, "Look I need this to work. It has to work. I won't stop until it does. I'm running out of time."

Noah's mind was jumbled with thoughts. He could hardly focus on what the Slytherin was saying.

"Get her out of your head and focus," Draco demanded. "My father is in fucking Azkaban and all you can think about is this damn girl."

"Shut the fuck up, Malfoy." Noah stood up, starting to pace. "Is this really what you want? You want to have this mark on your arm? You want to do all these terrible things?"

"I'm doing it for my father. Look where he is right now. That's fucking Potter's fault, that is. I'm not just going to sit here while my father rots in some cell!" Draco ran a hand through his hair. "Your father's just like mine, mate. I wouldn't disappoint him, so you better figure your shit out and figure it out fast."

Noah balled up his fists, staring at the fireplace with his teeth gritted tightly.


"He just ended it, Gin," Grace sobbed into her friend's shoulder, getting strange looks from the few people that were awake in the Gryffindor common room. "We barely got started with whatever this was and somehow I managed to mess it up."

Ginny embraced her friend with a tight squeeze. "Grace, you didn't mess this up. You didn't do anything. Boys are stupid. It's not your fault."

Grace pulled away from Ginny, wiping her eyes. "Something bad happened last night, Gin. Someone messed with my drink and apparently I blamed Noah and I can't remember half the night and he's just so-"

"Someone messed with your drink?" Ginny asked, infuriated. "Who the fuck did it? They'll be sorry after I send a Bat-Bogey hex their way."

"I don't know who it was. He didn't say," Grace explained with a shake of her head. "I don't think he knew either." She took a deep breath, letting out a shaky sigh. "Were you there last night? I don't remember seeing you."

Ginny unclenched her fist and shook her head slightly, answering, "No. Dean and I were arguing." When Grace raised an eyebrow to question her further, Ginny added, "Like I said, boys are stupid."

Grace couldn't help but let out a chuckle, wiping away her tears. "Will you guys make it?"

Ginny shrugged. "I don't know, honestly. I don't know if I want us to. He's great, but he's-"

"He's not Harry," Grace finished for her, watching her friend's face flush.

"You don't need him, Grace," Ginny said, changing the subject and leaning back against the couch. "If he wants to leave, then let him. Show him what he's missing. I'm sure he already knows. I bet he's crying to fucking Malfoy right now or something."

"Do you think Draco Malfoy is a deatheater?" Grace asked abruptly.

"Ron seems to think so," Ginny admitted with a shrug. "I mean, look at his father. It's not too far-fetched to think Malfoy is one. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," Grace mumbled, her mind racing.

"Are you going to be okay?" Ginny asked, resting a hand on the brunette's shoulder.

Grace merely nodded. She didn't want to answer that question, but she would give her friend what she wanted.

"Good. You can focus on yourself now. You haven't been just you in so long. I know you thought he was good for you, but maybe this is for the best. You can be your own person, figure yourself out. You deserve that," Ginny assured her.

"You're right," Grace said with a sigh. "I don't need him." I don't need him. I don't need him. I don't need him. She ran her fingers along the scar on her forearm. He did this. I don't need him.

"I'm going to take a shower before breakfast. Meet you in the Great Hall?" Ginny asked, standing up from the couch, already halfway out of the common room.

Grace nodded again, watching her friend leave.

He did so much to me. I don't need him.

He did so much for me.

I need him.

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