Chapter 5: Assault

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Grace dug her fingernails into the leather cushions of the forest-green couch in the Slytherin common room, avoiding eye contact with him. She wanted to scream at Ryan for the lie he told his friends and for completely humiliating her.

With his arm draped over her shoulder, she felt weighed down. She was trapped in a miserable relationship with no easy way out.

Her insides were boiling. It was only a matter of time before she exploded. She glanced around the common room, which was deserted due to the fact that most of the students were at dinner. Grace wasn't hungry. She hardly ever was anymore.

"Why did you say that stuff earlier?" Grace asked, finally locking eyes with him. "You and I both know we didn't sleep together last night. In fact, I seem to recall you practically assaulting me. If I didn't run away-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Ryan interrupted. "Assaulted you? I'm your fucking boyfriend. I'm allowed to touch you if I want. Stop making a big deal out of everything."

Grace's mouth dropped open slightly, shocked that those words could ever pass through someone's lips.

"I'm not making a big deal out of it. I'm just saying that I don't want you telling people we had sex when we didn't!" Grace shook her head. Last night was terrible. She nearly didn't escape his grip. It made her sick to think about what might have happened if she didn't get away. That was what made his lies hurt so badly.

"Oh, now I understand!" said Ryan with a grin. "You're embarrassed because you got nervous last night and you don't want people to find out that we didn't actually do it." He stood up, staring down at her. "Don't worry, Grace. We'll fix that right now."

It all happened in an instant.

Ryan snatched Grace's hand, pulling her roughly off the couch. He led them into his dormitory and pushed her onto his bed, immediately climbing on top of her.

Grace's heart raced in her chest. She swore it was going to burst through her skin. Her mind became flooded with horror, yet somehow it felt empty, too.

Ryan's hands moved down her sides, tugging at the ends of her shirt before smoothly lifting it over her head.

"Ryan-" she began, but there was nothing to say. The Slytherin had his mind made up. There was no stopping him.

Before she knew it, her pants were down by her ankles, and Ryan was inside of her.

Silent tears streaked her cheeks, and she stopped fighting. What was the point? She was scared. She was heartbroken. She was tired. Simply exhausted.

After what felt like hours, Ryan was satisfied and he got off her, laying down next to her to catch his breath.

Though he no longer had his hands on her, Grace could still feel the ghost of his fingers lingering on her hips, knowing quite well that a trail of black and blue would be present on her skin soon enough.

"I-" she whispered, her voice hoarse. "I said I didn't want to."

Ryan turned to look at her, wiping a tear off her cheek.

"I know," he said gently. "But I knew that once I started, you'd realize that you actually wanted to do it."

Grace moved her body away from him, slowly grabbing her clothes and putting them back on. She had to get out of there. Ryan got what he wanted, so when she left the room, he didn't seem to care.

She walked down the corridor, her feet dragging slightly. It hurt to move.

Grace pushed open the door to the girls' lavatory, hurrying to a toilet. She knelt in front of it, getting sick on the spot. She was overwhelmed with everything that had just played out. Her sobs echoed around her, but she didn't try to hide them.

When she deemed herself finished, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before heading to the sink to wash up. She splashed cool water on her face, which was rather red and puffy.

Praying that everyone was still at dinner, she strolled through the corridor, ascended a few moving staircases, and crept past the Great Hall before exiting Hogwarts. She needed some fresh air.

The chilly, night air stung her face. The cold wind whisked through her, setting her lungs ablaze, but it was able to revive her all at once.

Gazing up at the sparkling stars that were gradually appearing for the evening, peace washed over Grace.

And just like that, it was gone.

Her gaze settled upon a boy in the distance, someone she really didn't want to see at a time like this.


Of course.

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