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They both skipped school for the first time and now they're hanging out together after making up to each other. Riki decided to tell her the truth about how his father forced him to cut ties with her. Minjae was so upset at his father. She couldn't even finish the ice cream in her mouth because she was so mad.

Minjae told him about how she got into an argument with her mother and now it's been awhile since she left the house. She also told him about what happened today at school and the reason she skipped classes. Riki didn't tell the reason why he's not at school but Minjae didn't feel like asking him about it.

"I feel guilty now.. if I knew you were going through such a hard time, I would just go against my father. You needed me but I pushed you away.." He looked down, feeling bad again.

"Are you going to cry again?"

"What? Can't I? You cried a lot too!" Riki pouted. He didn't know Minjae was screaming inside to see him doing that again.

"You said you're a cool kid. Cool kid didn't cry."

"I'm not a kid. I'm a teenager. Cool teenager." He crossed his arms over his chest, looking at her.

"That's not the same thing??"


She laughed, seeing him sulking.

"Riki, can I ask?"

"Hm?" He glanced at her while they waited for the light to turn green so that they could cross the road.

"Why do those gangsters beat you? How dare they lay fingers on you—!"

He chuckled. He thought she didn't want to know because she would hate violences. "They beat me up because they're scared of me."

Minjae looked at him in disbelief. Is he being for real right now? She knows he wants to be cool and strong in front of her but this is.. "If they're scared of you, they wouldn't dare to do that to you."

"No, you got it wrong. They're scared of me and that's why they did that to me. They knew I was alone so they came at me with a large number of people. Hmph! I'm going to teach them soon."

"Riki.. are you perhaps a part of the gangsters too? I mean— how could you be in that situation unless you got something to do with them. I know they're bad people but from what I know, they don't bother people that had nothing to do with them." Minjae already distanced herself from him. Who knows this might be another secret of Riki.. being in that kind of organisation. If he gets mad, she can just run away. That's the plan.

Riki looks like he was thinking of answering her. He didn't say anything but he was grinning which made Minjae nervous.

"I'm not but a person from my school. I think it's been awhile, right? Since we told each other secrets. Let me tell you my secret this time~" He whispered into her ear as she giggled from the tickleness.

"What is it?"

"When I say I'm strong, I'm not lying, you know. I was a champion in the taekwondo championship. And.. remember when you asked me why people at my school seemed to be scared of me? You didn't think I was bullying them, right?" There's a reason why he didn't tell her but Minjae always overthinks something that never happened.

"I never thought of you like that. Riki is kind.."

He softly smiled. How innocent she is. Does she believe the others are kind too just because they showed kindness for once?

"They're scared of me because they're the bully. Actually, I'm a part of the school council. Not a gangster.. I'm in charge of punishing bad students. I'm not the Riki you know when I was in school. I don't give a damn about people."


"Yeah. My kindness, my attention and my care.. I only showed it to you." He said, which made her heart flutter as she could feel butterflies in her stomach.

Minjae placed her hands on her cheeks, feeling herself getting hot. What does he mean when he said he only showed it to her? Is she that special?

"I don't understand it."

"Huh? What things you don't understand, Minjae?"

"Why am I the exception? Is it because I'm a friend who needs a little care or else I will get hurt? You said you're not like this at school. You only showed this side of you to me. Why?"

She wanted to know the reasons. She wanted to know it to make sure if it involves his feelings or not. She doesn't want to get the mix signals. She doesn't want to misunderstand his good intentions and put a false hope. If she didn't ask now, when will she get the chance to bring up this topic? Minjae waited for him to say something.

"Just because. I just feel like doing it. Is that answering your question?" He avoided looking into her eyes as he knew he might end up telling the truth.

"That's it? Okay.. I get it." She put a smile to cover her sadness after hearing his answer. Maybe she shouldn't be hoping for him to feel the same way as her.

Before they went back to each other's home, Riki said something.

"Next week.. My school is having a festival next week. Do you think you can come, Minjae?" He rubbed his nape, looking down as he felt a little embarrassed because he asked her to come after hurting her.

"Omg? I will! Even if I can't, I will make sure I make it to go to the festival!" Minjae clapped her hands in excitement and thought of how exciting it would be to go to the festival in Riki's school.

"Really?! Then, I will do my best at the festival!"

The day that they've been waiting for is here. But there's a little problem for Minjae. How could Riki not tell her the festival is on Wednesday?!? She thought it's on Saturday so of course she's confirmed that she could go but they're doing it on school day. She's in her class now, thinking of a plan on how to go to Riki's school. Should she ask permission from the teacher?

"No. Don't you dare leave the school." Her homeroom teacher said as soon as she asked for permission.

"Miss! Please, let me go just for once..!" Minjae held the woman's arm, pleading with her eyes but her teacher didn't give in even a bit.

"I can't let you do that. You skipped school once."

Minjae had the thought of rolling on the floor, acting like a kid throwing a tantrum but maybe she should have forgotten about that part. Looking at her teacher's reaction, she doesn't seem like giving her permission at all. This won't do. She needs to come up with another plan!!

She can sneak out from the back gate—

"Don't ever think about sneaking out." Her teacher suddenly said, causing her to gasp. Did she read her mind?!

Minjae lowered her head, leaving the office in disappointment. She texted Riki, saying she might not make it to the festival and he told her that's okay.

"That's okay?? How could he give up so easily.. no, just because Plan A and Plan B failed. Doesn't mean I can't come up with Plan C!" Minjae went back to her classroom, sitting on the chair while she stared outside the window.

She saw her homeroom teacher walking towards the security guard and they seemed to be talking about something. She saw the security guard nodding before looking in her direction.

"What the hell? Don't tell me.. she told him to keep an eye on me to make sure I don't sneak out?" Minjae messed with her hair, feeling stressed with her teacher. She really wants to go to the festival! She told him she will make sure to make it to his school even if she can't.

"You want to sneak out?" Jimin appeared, standing in front of her desk while the girl looked at her homeroom teacher too. She glanced at Minjae, seeing her face. She let out a sigh, thinking of something. "I will help you."

"What? Ah.. that's fine. I don't need your help," Minjae didn't look at her.

Jimin gripped the skirt, feeling upset when her best friend declined her offer. Until when are they going to be this way? It's been almost three months since they've talked to each other as friends. Jimin realised she made a big mistake by pushing Minjae away instead of pulling her in for a hug. That's why when she heard Minjae wanted to sneak out of school, she offered to help. She wants to start everything again. She wants to apologise but she feels like she has no right to do that. After what she did to Minjae, she didn't deserve to be called a best friend.

The class starts as usual. Minjae was focused on the lesson as she tried to forget about the festival because she had no plan coming up. Maybe luck wasn't on her side today. She glanced at her side, wondering where Jimin is. It's been awhile since she left the restroom.

The door to the classroom was opened from the outside, an unfamiliar girl standing in front of the door while breathing heavily. Everyone in the classroom has their eyes on her.

"How can I help you?" The teacher stopped the lesson, putting down the book.

"Can I meet with Ha Minjae?"

Everyone turned to look at Minjae. She stood up, walking to the front.

"Yes? What businesses do you have with me?" Minjae asked while she's still confused with the situation. She doesn't know who this girl is in front of her. Everyone is looking at her.

"Your friend.. Jimin. She fainted. I brought her to the nurse but she said she wanted to meet you."

Minjae's eyes widened. The reason Jimin had gone for so long was because she fainted? Minjae looked at her teacher, before even asking for permission, the teacher let her go to meet Jimin. Minjae ran to the nurse's office. When she opened the door, she saw Jimin sitting on the bed doing nothing. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Jimin smiled and looked up just to see her best friend. She knows Minjae can't ignore her if she heard her fainting. After all, Minjae is kind hearted.

"What happened? Why did you faint? Are you sick?" Minjae threw a question with another question because she was so worried about her best friend. She was confused when Jimin was giggling because Minjae didn't find this funny at all.

"I didn't faint."

"What? Did you just lie? Seriously.. I was so worried for nothing."

"I told you I will help you. At the end of the old school building, there's a hole that connects to the outside of the school. I'm sure you can fit in there because I could. Did you bring your phone, at least? You should go now. It's a lunch break for the security guard so he wouldn't notice you." Jimin said straight to the point.

"Why are you doing this?"

"For now, I can't say that I helped you because you're my friend because I still haven't apologised to you. But.. just think of it as another way of mine to ask for forgiveness. Go and meet him. I will handle things here."

Minjae couldn't believe what she just heard. She looked at the clock. She still has time to go to the festival. Minjae went to hug Jimin.

"Thank you." After that she left, heading to the old building. She looked around to find the hole when she saw a small hole at the wall.

When she puts her head first, she immediately sees the outside. Minjae grinned and she left the school to go and meet Riki. She took the train, heading to his school. As soon as she reached there after running, Minjae finally stood at the gate. There's a banner that welcomed everyone who came to the festival. Minjae dialled his number, waiting for him to pick up the call.


"Riki, where are you? I'm standing at the school gate now."

"You really came!!" Riki couldn't hide the happiness in his voice. "Wait for me, I will go to you."

"Okay," she listened to him and waited there.

From afar, Minjae saw a tall figure running towards her. Her vision of Riki became clear when he came closer. Her lips curled into a big smile, waving her hand to the tall boy.


Minjae was surprised when he hugged her as soon as he reached for her hand. Her heartbeat became faster, and she could hear the sound of the heartbeat.

"Um.. when are you going to let me go..?" She asked when Riki forgot to release her from the hug. She did feel a little sad when he let her go but she remembered they're still standing in front of the school. What if someone sees them?

"Sorry! Alright, let me show you the way."

They walked through the crowds. Riki didn't want to make her uncomfortable by holding her hand so he held the hem of the sleeve, pulling her with him. Their school always holds a festival once a year and it's the biggest event they celebrate with everyone. Not only parents but also people from other schools also here. Minjae didn't know where Riki was going to bring her until they finally stopped in front of one of the stalls. She looked up, seeing a board. 'Riki's Dessert'.

"Is this your stall?" She asked. Isn't it obvious?


"Our stall." Another voice said.

Minjae looked around to find who said that when a boy standing at the stall, crossing his arms appeared as he stared at both of them. He glared at Riki and then glanced back at Minjae who's clueless of the situation.

"Just because his name is written on the board, doesn't mean it's HIS stall. This idiot doesn't know what name to come up for the stall and we really thought he did a great job by sending the application to the teacher just to find out he used his name for the stall. Is he dumb? Right?" The boy who's shorter than Riki but still taller than Minjae then walked out of the tent.

Minjae assumed it's Riki's friend. He wore the same uniform as Riki with an apron. A pink one at that. How cute! But he doesn't seem to be welcoming her. Does he hate her being here?

"You guys can't come up with a great name either. What's wrong with using my name? It's unique! See? If it's not because of the unique name, these girls wouldn't visit the stall!" Riki pointed at the two girls checking the dessert as they were startled by his voice. They quickly put down the dessert before walking away from the stall.

"Why are you scaring our customers away?! Seriously, stop causing trouble for once!" He almost tries to choke Riki there if not for Minjae pulling him closer to her.

She coldly stared at him, making him gulp down his saliva before continuing doing his work.

"Please have a look around at our stall~ haha.." He awkwardly smiled.

Minjae returned the smile with a sweet one. She took a seat inside, looking around. The same boy came, placing a cup of hot chocolate in front of her.

"I didn't order this..?"

"It's my treat. Don't worry." He sat down in front of her. He leaned back on the chair, scanning her with his eyes.

"Where's Riki?" Minjae asked when she realised after he sent her inside, he's nowhere to be seen.

"Probably busy helping the teachers. That kid was always busy but still wanted to open a stall and ask me to help. Look at the duck theme. He must be out of his mind. Since when has he liked duck? That's really not his style." He shook his head.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. 12th grader, Kim Sunoo. Nice to meet you." He smiled. A genuine one unlike a while ago.

So pretty.. She almost let out her thoughts when she saw his smile. He seems cold when he doesn't smile so she thought he'd be a scary person but maybe she's wrong.

"Ha Minjae! As you can see.. I'm not from here." She pointed at her school uniform.

"I can tell that. Sorry for my behaviour earlier. I'm not usually like that but when it comes to that boy, yeah. There should be another boy helping me here but same as Riki, they're busy with the student council stuff and let this senior work alone. Since it's still early, there's almost no customers but I doubt it will be this peaceful once lunchtime comes." Sunoo looked around, seeing only a few people passing by the stall. He glanced at her as she's only looking down while drinking from the cup. She seemed scary back then but now she looks like a lost puppy.

"That's totally fine! I want to go and look around but I think I might lose my way so I'm going to wait for Riki here."

"Do as you wish," Sunoo got up from the chair to greet the students stopping by the stall.

He put on a sweet smile, talking to them while they looked around to see if there's any desserts that they would like to buy. The stall suddenly crowded with girls trying to talk to Sunoo and asked for selfies with him. Minjae noticed he needed help so she stepped forward, interfering in whatever they're trying to do to Sunoo.

"If there's something you would like to buy, you can tell me and I will pack it for you." She smiled, looking at them.

"That's right! If you buy something, I will let you have a selfie with me. Of course, it depends on how many desserts you bought~" Sunoo grabbed the chance to sell the dessert because if he didn't do this, they would only come for selfies.

The girls rushed to the table where they placed the dessert. Each one of them at least grabbed a dessert such as cupcake, tart and chocolate. As promised, Sunoo let them take pictures with him. It's a little hectic when their stall gets attention from people. Thanks to the girls, other people also came by.

Sunoo wiped the sweat on his forehead, sighing with relief. He passed the water to Minjae as she thanked him for it. He told her that he needs to use the restroom and Minjae reassured him he could leave the stall to her care. After Sunoo left, she looked at the mess they made in the stall. Minjae shook her head before grabbing the plastic bin.

She glanced, seeing a man in a suit standing in front of the counter. That must be a customer! She threw the plastic bin at the back before rushing to the customer.

"Hi, welcome! How can I help you? We have cupcakes, cakes, chocolates and more. Do you want to try it before buying it?" Minjae greeted with a sweet smile.

But the man didn't respond to her. He just stared at her which made Minjae face the ground. What's wrong with this man?

"Aren't you that girl?"

Minjae heard him saying something. She looked at him in confusion. "Yes..?"

"Tch, that brat." After saying that, he left.

Minjae scratched her head, confused with what just happened. Just who is he? Few minutes after the man left, Sunoo came back. He thanked Minjae for the help and said she should go and enjoy the festival since Riki wouldn't be coming back in the next hour.

Minjae bid a goodbye before walking away, taking a look at another stall since she didn't get the chance because of helping Sunoo. She was amazed with the capacity. She couldn't count how many stalls they had. She kept walking, until she reached the end and saw nothing but a big tree in front of her. It's quite far from the stall area, as she walked a bit further to take a break from the crowds.

There's not many people here. Some people came to eat before leaving trash anywhere on the ground. She sighed, picking up the rubbish before throwing it inside the bin. "Is it that hard to throw it into the bin?"

As she was about to walk away, she heard a voice coming from another side of the wall. It's a little hidden from the crowds and quieter. Minjae stepped closer, to have a look since she's worried if there's someone who needs help. Her eyes grew wider when she saw Riki with someone. 

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