Betraying the family

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I couldn't believe this was happening my little girl taken, she was helpless against these kinds of people, Polly should of seen this coming, why hadn't she told us earlier about these so called vision, maybe she is working with them, I thought to myself.

"Alpha this just arrived" Pete my beta came in to my office carrying a package

" Who brought it?" I spoke using my full alpha tone

" it was thrown from the road sir nobody was seen" I gave a small growl

I took the package and opened it, there was a letter and a tape

" leave" I told Pete

I didn't want anybody to hear this before me, in case there was information in there that I didn't want others knowing.

I listened to the tape, my wolf was mad and it took everything to hold him down, how dare they lay a finger on my girl I was going to kill them.

The letter

Dear Frank

This has been along time coming and the games have only just begun, I have to say your daughter is a looker, of course being her uncle I wouldn't personally touch her, but I can't say the same for some of my men especially after they have had a few.

Now I know you didnt know I exsisted, but I do and I will get what is rightfully mine, but first you need to feel some of the pain I have had to feel, now I want you son's mate in return for your daughter, you are going to have to choose which child you are going to betray, and Frank nobody will know about this or else I will keep both girls. I will make contact again soon giving you details of what I want to happen

See you soon Frank.

I couldn't believe it, I had heard rumours about my father, but I never believed he would cheat on my mum. Maybe that why I can't resist cheating on kara, maybe its in my genes.

I always knew kara wasn't my true mate but never told anyone as the pack was stronger thinking they had true mates as alpha and luna, there has always been something there with us, but never a full mate bond kara knew it too, but she always wanted to be a luna so accepted me anyway.

" Alpha the pack is awaiting instructions" Pete came in saying bringing me out of my thoughts

" of course, I'll need to speak to yourself and my next three in command alone once I have addressed everybody else" I said now in alpha mode

I was going to have to send people out looking to make it look like I didn't have a clue what was going to happen, and then just give minimum information to my top four men, this waiting is going to kill me.

I headed into the kitchen where most of the pack were waiting,

" listen up I can confirm they have Jenny, I want hourly patrols in groups of four, no going out alone and a curfew of eleven, now I need to see my top four alone in my office" I said,

every body else start arranging the checks. I went back to my office with Pete, Gary, Mark and Graham my top four men.

" ok this information stays between us, this guy is after me, and he has made some demands, I will ask you to do things over the next week which you can't question, he will contact me soon until then we will keep looking" I made sure to use my alpha tone so even if they wanted to disobey me they couldn't.

" what do you want Stuart?" I could smell my son standing the other side of the door

" dad I want to help" he said

" no son, you can help by looking after you mate" I said feeling bad knowing I would betray him for his sister.

This was going to be a hard couple of weeks and I had a feeling it wasn't going to be the end of my troubles.

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