Complete at last.

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I was awoken by the heat of the sun beaming though the window, I couldn't help but smile, turning to share my happiness I found a pillow instead of my mate.
It had been like this for the past twelve days and I was starting to worry something may be wrong, maybe he had threats from another pack, after all tonights party puts us at risk.
I'd started to question myself the last few days, maybe a party wasn't such a good idea, but Kara insisted it would be fine and I was worring too much.
I had a feeling she wasn't telling me something to, but I pushed it to the back of my mine.
I grabbed some jeans and a t shirt, put them on and headed down stairs to find Stuart. Walking into the kitchen I was shocked to discover it was empty, I looked up at the clock on the wall, nine  o'clock where was everyone, Kara is always in here cooking away, something was definitely wrong. My wolf Lilly started pacing, I was just about to head out the back door when I heard Kate's voice

"Hey Polly, I need your help with dresses for tonight"

"Kate, do you know where everyone is? Is Rick with Stuart?"

"Polly they are fine, Kara had them up early preparing tents for the party tonight, now come on, Libby will be here in a mintue"

I knew she was holding something back, but I also knew she wasn't lying, so I started to relax and we went upstairs to check out dresses.

"Hey girls, look what I've brought with me"

Libby walked in waving some packages.

" I thought I would see if this still fits now I've gained afew pounds, here Kate I brought yours too"

I froze when I noticed the two blue dresses, they were the bridesmaid dresses for mine and Stuart's wedding, I hadn't set eyes on them since that night . Suddenly images of Stuart's father came to my mind, I shock my head

"Hey Polly you ok?" Kate said running over to me

"Yeah it's just they bring memories back of that night" I sighed

"Well maybe we need to make happier memories of these, the party will be a great start".

I watched as Kate and Libby fitted the dresses on, it was amazing they both fitted perfect, these two definitely had their figures back after having kids.
I smiled thinking about my dress.

"You could try yours on too" Libby smirked obviously knowing what I was thinking.

"Well I suppose I could seems a wedding is back on the horizon"

"What Stuart asked you to marry him again?" They both said in unison, I sensed they didn't seemed to shocked maybe Stuart had told Rick and Alex.

I took the dress out, it still looked as gorgeous as the first time I laid eyes on it, the dimonds caught the light and created rainbow patterned on the walls.

"Go on Polly try it on" Kate said encouraging me

It couldn't hurt I thought to myself nobody is in the house to see, I slipped off my clothes and into the dress, it felt amazing on my skin, Lilly started dancing around.

"Let's get a picture of the three of us, but lets go to the garden it's a beautiful day" Kate said starting to pull me towards the bedroom door

"Wait, what if Stuart see us? it's bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding day" I didn't need anymore bad luck in my life

"it's fine I've just mind linked Rick they are doing a border check so we have time" Kate said now already out the door

I followed a very keen Kate and Libby down stairs and out to the back yard. I stopped dead, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I could feel the tears running down my face, Stuart was standing there in his suit and Rick was next to him, he took my hand

"Polly will you marry me today here on our land?"

I didn't know what to say, how had everyone managed to keep this a secret from me, realising Stuart was staring at me I nodded my head. Turning I gave Kate and Libby a look of how could you not tell me, they gave me a shrug and smiled.
Stuart walked me into the woods, a red carpet had been laid all the way for us and then we entered the clearing where I first saw my wolf, the sound of the waterfall was echoing around us it was beautiful.
Walking forward the smile on my face just keep growing there was our pack and my brother's pack sitting either side of a small walk way which ended with a red rose archway by the edge of the stream.
This was the best day of my life it's exactly how I told kara I would like my wedding day  to be, I was so lucky to have such a kind, caring mate.
I stood under the arch gazing up into stuart's beautiful eyes

"Polly ever since my parents told me that I was a werewolf and I had a mate out there, I wanted it to be you, I watched you for six months before you finally noticed me and I just wanted to make you happy, I wanted to make you feel the love you deserved, the love you didn't get from the people who brought you up, and I know we have been through alot, but it has just made my love for you grow even stronger.  I know I would never survive without you, you make me the person I am today, I love you with all my heart and I promised to give you my all until my last dying breath, so Polly May will you Marry me?"

I swung my arms around him

"Yes yes of course I'll marry you"

The vicar went through the normal speech although I was completely oblivious to the words, I was mesmerised with my mate, a war could of broke out at this moment and I wouldn't of noticed, I was completely in love.
Next thing I know everybody is cheering and Stuart leans down to kiss me, his kiss electrified my body and I felt I was in heaven.
The party lasted long into the night everyone enjoyed themself and I was pleased to hear some of my brother's pack had found mates with ours, this day just couldn't get any better. Our first dance made me chuckle, Stuart choose who let the dogs out, this brought back memories of his pool party, it seemed a life time ago.
By the early hours I could bearly continue so I informed Stuart I was going to call it a night, before I know what was happening I was being carried up to our room and well lets just say the night did get better, I fell asleep after feeling on top of the world I couldn't of asked for a better wedding day.
My life was now complete.

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